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Everything posted by tyler524

  1. Apple is just worried about the competition from HTC and other companies. If anything apple could license the patents out but why would they do that? Apple won't license a patent out unless they are absolutely forced to. The tech world is so full of stupid patent violations. It seems like every tech company if violating 20 patnets of another company and then it is all hashed out with expensive patent lawyers who sit back and laugh at this whole situation. I beleive there is a need for patents but the patent system is so flawed that it has become a circus.
  2. Those patents are so rediculously vague. Basically Apple has patents to any mobile operating system what so ever if you follow this. "Well we have shitty way over priced products that we have 110% control over and want to rule the world." - Steve Jobs
  3. Until you slip while throttling up the bike walking next to it and it ends up on the ground.....
  4. I got hit by the a fucking thief today too. I got a text message from my bank because a $914.75 Walmart.com transaction came out of my account and I get messages for anything over $500. Well it turns out someone has my card info again, this is the second time. I went through this about a year ago. It looks like I have it all taken care of now and am getting issued a new card but these worthless jackasses need a damn life. I wish they would start doing televised public punishments for criminals.
  5. tyler524

    New Toy

    Well a guy with enough money for that should have plenty of money for a camera to pictures of said car. I don't know about you but if I get something new like that, I take atleast a picture of it. That is unless of course I was just going to pull a picture off the interwebz of soemthing that I said I had when I didn't.
  6. tyler524

    New Toy

    Back to being a damn troll
  7. Sorry to hear man, hope you heal up fast and get back out there. You can see you in the reflection of your gauges messing with the shield after you take off.
  8. Lol I was getting funny looks from the hallway peoples
  9. I honestly do think jeans are that bad, I am in full leathers 90-95% of the time and that other 5-10% is jeans and I feel like I'm naked. I will put my leathers on over jeans if I want to wear jeans where I'm going.
  10. I don't think jeans constitute full gear. Go down at 70-80mph and see how those jeans do for ya
  11. You can build a pretty good cage for about $200-250. I built one for my race truck and managed a front flip in it and hit the ground hard upside down/on the driver's side and it held up just fine. The rules state that the $500 does not apply to the roll cage and other safety features.
  12. I believe that they got smart and started checking dates on the products
  13. Do I get to join the team for finding the car?
  14. 1993 Jetta that has a good motor and tranny but bad starter, brakes, and who knows what else. $300 http://toledo.craigslist.org/cto/2500543765.html I almost want it
  15. I may be in today after work to try one on. I have my two piece suit but I would like a nice one piece suit too.
  16. Even so, they had said multiple times that if you can't make the pass before getting close to the kink, waint until next time and let your group go. I had to do it during one of the sessions.
  17. At my cousins wedding, they left everything in the reception hall of the hotel that was supposed to be locked up. They came down the next morning to clean up and someone stole all of their cards with money. Only family and hotel staff had access and I wouldn't put it past a couple family members sadly enough.
  18. I heard from the instructors that he was trying to make a pass on the outside on the back straight and ran out of room, got close to the other bikes and sort of panicked and went off the edge of the track. I don't know how fast he was going but I know I glanced down at the speedometer on the back stretch before the kink in like turn 10 and was going about 125-130mph indicated.
  19. I had a great time out there and am ready to go back out again. I noticed a big change from my first track day to this one. I've got a feeling I will be doing many more now. I do need to get my ass to the gym or something though because the muscles through my thighs are pretty damn sore still this morning. I have got a lot of work to do yet but I noticed a big improvement (atleast confidence and focus wise) this time around. I did get some target fixation or something on the first session going into turn 12, not sure what happend except that I didn't look into through the turn at all and stood it up and rode through the grass and exited into the end of 13. Besides that hiccup, it seemed like I was progressively getting better. It did suck that we lost about 2 sessions worth of time due to the red flags and ambulance taking off but that part is what it is.
  20. I have done a couple novice days with motoseries but never with stt, does that make me intelligible?
  21. I wanted to get a roll call of who all is going this weekend. I have never been before but will definitely be there this weekend. I am hoping to pick up a bike at the swap meet to start a cafe build with. Are any of you guys planning on camping there this weekend?
  22. I check before I posted that thread and I knew by the time that it posted and I got back to the home page, that there would be something posted. Anyways good job getting us back up. My day is now complete
  23. It looks like we are live again.... Way to go Ben. How much did we lose?
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