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Everything posted by tyler524

  1. Nerd Alert! Alright, I have decided to build myself a bad ass Tron costume for Halloween. I am a little late on the planning and building stage but my mind is set and I don't want to half ass it. I am thinking of running some electroluminescence wire for the lighting on the outside. I would like to run something over top of it though to help spread the light so I actually have the glowing patches instead of just the wire itself. I don't want to have just a black long sleeve shirt and pants but want to come up with some kind of cool suit to wear. I am kind of lost right now though as to how I am going to do the helmet. Any tips or advice that you have would be appreciated. I know I am not the only nerd here that would appreciate the complete awesome geekiness of this project. Does anyone know a good source for EL Ribbon?
  2. Awe come on... he had it brah why move someone with mad skillz like his unless it was up to advanced
  3. Yeah they said something to me and I asked if they ride here often and they told me they don't go to the track just rip it up on the streets. Then proceeded to say how hard they ride on the streets. Only if I could be as cool as them
  4. How would you build the machine or product that is sold if I do not design it? I take a machine and go start to finish on the design, choosing & ordering the components, creating the prints for you to build with. If you can build a fully automated robotic washer with a pile of steel and no direction then by all means you should be making much much more than me. You can also take care of any issues that would pop up during start-up, or installation at the customers site and have the responsibility of a million dollar machine working like it is supposed to. I get a long great with the guys in our shop that are the ones actually building the machines. I have spent a lot of time out in the garage myself working on race trucks and other projects where I am the one welding and turning the wrench. Sure I am not getting paid for it but I also know what goes in to building things. Our welders and assemblers are great guys and are great at what they do but there is a lot more that goes into something than a guy welding up steel. I have great respect of the guys out there and depend on them to make sure that my design is built to spec and functions as it should. I beleive that they should be compensated for what they do and our good welders make a decent wage.
  5. How is I supposed to know what or how to build?
  6. So your saying as an engineer, I should only be making at most 30k?
  7. The Grunge Brush for cleaning the chain. The thing makes it so much easier since it has bristles on three sides that you can slide over the chain.
  8. People in hell want ice water too.... just saying
  9. First thing that I thought of is that Jbot was gonna have to find a new product to sell
  10. I realize this is the case but also they only care about the number of subscribers. The first increase that I incurred was due to them making a cheaper streaming plan but raising a 4 year loyal customers price who already has one of their most expensive packages. I also understand their costs have increased dramatically but so has their number of subscribers. I have no issue paying an increase due to increasing costs but don't raise my price to create a cheaper plan to bring in more subscribers and then raise my price again 6 months later.
  11. The ignorance of the masses never ceases to amaze me. It seems like most are educated on this subject but some aren't.
  12. I would get rid of cable if I could get Discovery, History, Science Channel, and Speed. Those are basically the only channels that I watch but as far as I am aware of, the only way I can get them is through cable/satellite.
  13. Well after being a customer of Netflix for almost four years, I have now canceled my subscription. I had a two bluray at a time subscription and after taking two price increases and the selection of movies lacking, it was time. It was nice until I went from paying $16 a month to $19 a month and then now $24 a month. I know $8 a month is nothing but it is a 50% increase over the past year and the selection has not gotten any better, if anything worse. They are losing Starz at the beginning of the year which only solidifies my decision. Have any of you guys decided to cancel your accounts after all of this? Does anyone have a good solution or suggestion as a replacement? I don't watch a ton of movies and have been just stopping by Blockbuster Express or Redbox if there is something out. I also still go to Family Video on occasion to rent movies.
  14. I don't know what the hell I was looking at. It couldn't have been Jinu's ass since I'm looking the other way.
  15. I actually need a tank cover, I picked up a set of 05/06 body panels but no tank cover. I will pm you
  16. tyler524


    I don't think giving the correct answer is trolling
  17. Very sad and hopefully the kid on the bike will be able to live a somewhat normal life. I hate to hear of racing accidents but those that happen with kids are that much harder to hear about. I hope this doesn't turn into another kids shouldn't be out on a track situations but I've got a feeling it will. RIP little guy
  18. Look like I will be there about 8. About to get on the turnpike in fremont.
  19. No interest in riding road A?
  20. This is very true, I don't think I have ever been around Ben and there not been rain. Sometimes it may just be a quick light rain but never the less it always rains.
  21. I'd rather burn up a set of tires riding at the gap than slabbing it on the way to the gap
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