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Everything posted by tyler524

  1. Just landed back on Detroit waiting for the plane to get back to the gate takes forever here
  2. Sitting at the airport too waiting to fly back to Detroit from harrisburg pa. Flew out this morning at like 7 and now flying back.
  3. I will be there for sure this year. Not sure about previous years since this will be my first time.
  4. Hey I had a Ford probe with 430,000 mileage before I ran through a puddle with a Cai and hudrostatically locked a cylinder and bent a rod. That eZ the original motor and tray too. I never had any issue with that thing.
  5. Sorry to hear that, I am sure it's pretty rough especially being so sudden like that. My one dog is about 12 years old and I'm dreading that day.
  6. I grew up in Lima and have never gone before. People say it is awesome to watch those guys.
  7. I ran the last track day at Nelson's and I would be fine out there. Bike got dropped for a couple of reasons combined. I probably won't go though because I don't have anyone to go with me and I don't feel like leave the house at 4 in the morning
  8. I figure it would be pretty hard to get a hold of Todd at this point. I am really wanting to come in the morning, 4 hours is just a long ass drive.
  9. Any one have any idea if there might be some Novice spots open still? Thought about heading that way in the morning
  10. She came home last night and slept here and is at work right now. Her stuff is still sitting in the foyer but she is going to look for an apartment with her friend. I'm not really going to be a dick about it and she can stay on the couch til then. I will be busy with work and what not so it's fine with me. Let her find a decent place where she can take her dog and cat with her.
  11. She didn't end up going to the movie and is just at her friends apartment now and saying how she shouldn't have left this and that but as much as it sucks I am sticking to it.
  12. ha Is it bad that I was just in the bathroom and realized that at least now I can go back to buying the small pack of tp instead of the big ass pack?
  13. Well I am feeling like complete shit right now while I am packing up all of her stuff in trash bags. She is out at the movies with her friend right now because she thought it was more important than this. Do any of you have any tips on breaking up and someone moving out. We have been living together for a little over two years but it's my house that I own so no drama there but there is just so much shit to pack up. Everything is pretty much mine besides her clothes and what not but this sucks. Probably really isn't the place to come vent or talk but I guess its where I came to.
  14. Troy in NW OH? Come on that is at best mid west ohio
  15. Supposed to be a poll or something??
  16. I had a sad when I got home and didn't know that there was maintenance going on. I thought my internets were all broke.
  17. I am 110% completely against these cameras in every way shape and form. For one, you have some private company that is in the business to make money so that speaks for itself. They can manipulate traffic light times or do just about whatever they want since they have control and they’re in the business to make money. What is stopping them from giving a ticket to ever other car that goes through the light regardless red or green? The city/town/village is also attempting to generate more revenue so why would they interfere with the private company tweaking the lights? These things have absolutely nothing to do with safety and everything to do with revenue. The other thing that I don't like about them is that they are just more cameras out there for the government or whoever to tie into.
  18. The integrated taillight blinks like 3 or 5 times, something like that when I hit the brakes. If I hit the brake and let off and get on them again, it probably looks like it is just blinking.
  19. Did you end up with any good video?
  20. tyler524


    +1 On another note, who the hell answers in binary?
  21. I don't disagree, just saying that the rumor is out there on twitter and facebook but they are just that. Now I am starting to see some pictures of the car pop up around the net.
  22. My mom has Hughes net for a while and it was so damn expensive and she would blow through the limit pretty easily and then wouldn't be able to do her online schooling. I beleive she ended up having to get a business account or something and it was something stupid like $200 a month and even then it wasn't any faster or much better.
  23. I am hearing rumors that he might not actually be dead and that this was a big prank for a new season of jackass or something.
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