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Everything posted by tyler524

  1. Next time I just need to camp this 3hr drive sucks in the morning
  2. I am a little behind I am shooting for 8 815
  3. +1 ordering a pizza right now
  4. I am coming down in the morning but it looks like I am going to be on my own this time. It would be nice to pit next to one of you guys that way I could get a hand with unloading and loading or anything else.
  5. I really want this but I'm planning on picking up a bike at the vintage day. Decisions decisions
  6. Not necessarily directed at you, just the statement. There are rich people that didn't really have to do anything to get there and others who busted their asses to. Some charities are for the good and there are some poor people who work hard and try but there are a lot of lazy worthless people out there too. I just get tired of hearing how rich people need to give away their money for nothing except that its not fair they have so much. Oh BTW I grew up without money.
  7. If we all pitch in $76.54 for a year we will come up with $5mil
  8. That would only be $9,125,000 after 50 years not including leap years. That really is not a lot of money for the wealthy people of today.
  9. Ha I had to laugh when I was scrolling craigslist and found this one.
  10. tyler524


  11. I work in BG and live about 15 mins south
  12. tyler524

    Baby Ben

    I hope you can live on an hour and a half of sleep
  13. There are always meets in central OH, Columbus area. I have no problem with that and I make the trip as it is more of a centralized location for everyone. There are always rides planned by members and other meets in about every corner of OH besides NW. I am not complaing about traveling to other places, NW OH does have a couple decent roads but not like the rest of the state. It is pretty boring up here but we need some love too.
  14. I am free whenever in August and will make time for this. Was supposed to happen last year but we went to the poker run instead for max power. I have yet to eat at Tony Packo's and only live like a half an hour away.
  15. Has been happening for a long long time, it was much more of a local issue before. Now with the internet and 24 hour news networks, more information passes much faster than it has ever before. Before maybe people in the surrounding counties, or state(s) may have heard about it but now everyone in the world can follow it second by second from the internet, tv, or twitter.
  16. I am not sure about this, I have never ran into this situation before. I think it sounds pretty good for what it is, it is a lot more convenient than having to put in earbuds and everything. Plus, it is nice to be able to switch songs and change the volume while riding by just hitting the buttons on the chatterbox.
  17. I use my HTC Incredible and stream music through bluetooth to my chatter box. I am also able to use the GPS on the phone and it will cut the music out and give me the directions and then the music comes back in.
  18. Would be cool to check out the man cave
  19. Haha would I be the only one sleeping on said air mattress
  20. So I am considering taking off tomorrow and just riding towards the east coast or something. I don't really want to plan a destination but just take off and go and end up wherever. I have always wanted to do this and I am off work until Wednesday. I am not sure yet if I am going to go or not, guess I will just decide in the morning. I figure if I go I will just grab a room at night and ride during the day. Has anyone else ever done this or anything like it? It is something that I want to do and have always skipped out on before for one reason or another.
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