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Everything posted by tyler524

  1. haha one of the best sigs ever
  2. I'm here to fuck shit up
  3. Don't put fairings on until after you get the title. I think if you have a receipt from an aftermarket vendor then your good but someone who's been through it should verify that statement. I would check the r6 forums for a reputable dealer that sells aftermarket fairings and not the eBay ones that don't for right and melt from exhaust heat.
  4. I have heard very good things about cbrfairings.com. That's where I plan on ordering my new ones from pretty soon. People on the forums say the fit nicely and don't have any problems melting. They are US based although the failings come from China, they have good customer support. No I'm not affiliated with them just what I found out when I was doing researching for new fairings.
  5. While I don't necessarily like/agree with the ACLU.... you have got to be ducking kidding me to let him go to prison for video taping a cop in public. The public armed with video is one of the best ways to prevent/discourage misconduct and abuse of power.
  6. We love some slutty dressed girls.... especially the ones that show their bewbies Ok back on topic
  7. According to this article he was cited for 80 in a 65... Even if he was going faster I very highly doubt that he was going 195mph. Not saying that he was being the most responsible rider but come on now triple the speed limit?? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/06/15/AR2010061505556.html
  8. I used to have 3 12" Digital Audios in my old car and hit 145.7db at a comp with it. That was too damn loud it would vibrate the ground, flex the windshield, blew the seals on the back side windows, and set off car alarms along with nearly taking your breathe away. Now I rock two small 12s with my bass knob up front and usually have them up enough just to add a little bit of nice clean bass to the music and that's it.
  9. It would have been the same damn thing if the guy was in a car. To me this has nothing to do with the guy being on a bike. If someone cuts me off and pulls again for me as they exit their vehicle, I am gonna be throwing it in reverse or something. Five seconds is quite a while to have someone yelling at you to get off/out of your vehicle with a gun in their hand without identifying themselves as a cop. Hell even then anyone could tell you that they are an officer but that is really probably a whole different discussion.
  10. Depending what time we are planning to be there, I don't know if I could drag my ass out of bed early to make the 30 min ride down 75. Wouldn't mind riding 117 though, not that exciting of a road but there's a few curves on the way to 33.
  11. I would probably be meeting with you too or could meet up before marysville somewhere but that's probably the easiest.
  12. So I was downloading some radio apps for the Droid today and found one called "radio top 40." Ot is a German station with quote an interesting mix of music but they keep playing the sexy saxophone guy song during the station identification commercials. Every time I hear it that Damn guy dancing keeps popping in my head. Surprisingly this station plays a lot of american rock that's not necessarily mainstream but is pretty good plus they play blood hound gang.
  13. The cop had gun in hand as he exited the car. I'm sorry but regardless if I'm on my bike or in my car, if someone cuts me off and jumps out of their car with a gun telling me to get to get off my bike (or out of my car) I would probably back up too.
  14. Everyone involved in the raid and the prosecuter should all be fired. This ridiculous and if anything the nd state police should be used as an example to discourage other departments from doing the same. I hope this kid and his parents get a nice settlement after he is proven not guilty. We are soon to be living in a total police state. Things like this piss me off very much.
  15. He is getting older and probably won't heal up as fast as he used to.
  16. Apparently someone wast loved enough as a kid or maybe he made a shit lemonade stand that never sold..... either way the guys a prick
  17. I didn't see anything when I check the first post but thanks I will probably be able to make it out.
  18. So maybe this is a stupid question but whats the cost of this poker run? Just donate what you can or...?
  19. Waynesfield is also the sheep molesting capital of the world
  20. I seen another one that was a brain.
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