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Everything posted by Bodyman

  1. I don't think that there is such a thing as pipes that are too loud! They can and will help to save lives! I recently bought Cobra Splashdowns for my Boulevard. Because of that same issue, of people coming into my lane. And wanting to be heard, as well as seen. I was very pleased with that purchase. They were supposed to be louder, But instead they were OFFENSIVELY loud! Which is GREAT!!!! Very happy to have spent that money on that upgrade.
  2. Bodyman

    Kitties on Tank

    Very nice paint work. Who did it. I am interested in getting to know some people that do that type of stuff. Thinking about buying an airbrush myself, to start doing some work.
  3. Yeah. Just go to the DMV, and file for a lost plate. I believe that it only cost like $10 bucks, or something like that. Not the entire price. At least that is the way it is for cars. I run a body-shop, and have that situation come up occasionally, where people lose them at the accident scene.
  4. Its because of all of the snow plows tearing up the roads here while they are clearing the snow. It is a vicious cycle in this state. Don't like it much myself. But, have gotten used to it though!
  5. Wish that I would have saw this posting sooner. Would have liked to be a part of it.
  6. Bodyman

    No caption

    Very unique look!
  7. Bodyman


    Good looking bike. The color stands out on it.
  8. Sounds good. Will probably be doing a little riding later tonight. Will for sure tomorrow. I will be out at the meet and greet, so regardless, I will probably get to meet up with you soon. Take care, James

  9. Bodyman


    For me??? Oh how sweet of you to hold that there for me for sooo long. Those things must be tired by now!!! LOL
  10. Who gets to pic this new location.
  11. Sounds fun. Keep us informed on the progress of this game. Would like to play when I get the free time!
  12. Bodyman

    I fail...

    When was that event?
  13. Mine is not small, but it doe the job. Its a Ruger p34 9mm. Can't tell that it is on me with it in the shoulder holster. It is one of the most accurate guns that I have owned. Definitely does the job!!
  14. I personally like my Boulevard 1500cc. For the price, it is a wonderful bike! Very happy with my purchase. Will be happy to give u any other info that may help.
  15. If that were one of us, we would be locked up, or without a license. It sucks when he is getting away with that shit! It shows how they get favoritism, and how corrupt the system actually is!!!
  16. The posting had me confused also. Was trying to make plans to stop and check this out, after the Pig Iron meet and greet. The heading of Bikefest 09 was the catch. Oh well! Not complaining about another event to attend.
  17. Plan to ride later this evening. Don't get off until 2pm! BUMMER!! But, me and my girlfriend are wanting to get out and about later.
  18. I was always wondering why he was so upbeat!! Now he puts me in mind of Chris Farley, without the weight!
  19. I appreciate that heads up! But, it was just a little bit too much info!!! I am sure that it was a lesson well learned for you. Good luck growing it back out!!
  20. Where is the Thunder on the Strip going to be?
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