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Posts posted by Bodyman

  1. That is a life changing movie. For those of us that have never actually had to encounter a battle. It gave us a totally different perspective on things. Definitely made me have a different outlook on veterans, and how they are treated. Also, made me think about war effects innocent people. What would we all do if that happened here???

  2. I hear that she has Alzheimer disease. Which I know all too much about. Feel very sorry for the woman, but chances are she will probably not even remember the event. But, on the other hand, I think that the police officer went over the top! I know that they have to be able to control a situation, but damn!!! I am sure that there will be issues over this. Wonder how things will play out. I live in Whitehall, so I know that area well! I am sure that Wall Mart is not on the top 10 list, at all.

  3. Yeah. I have had that before. I think that they think they are better than others, just because they own a Harley. Well, it shows just how small of a mind they have! A motor and two wheels is all that matters. Besides, we ride, just the same, for less!!!

  4. Karma is a bit#h. But, no one deserves to be killed for something so insignificant. He may have been a huge piece of Sh*t, but thats besides the point. Every time we start to say something like that, we should take a long look at our selves first. Not one of us are perfect!! I do not go to church! But, in the bible it says that "Judge not less ye be judged". Not trying to preach, but it is what it is!!!

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