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Posts posted by Bodyman

  1. What does this charity benefit go to? I am wanting to do some type of benefit for Autism, also. Like a poker-run or something fun. I have heard that there is some type of Autism Ride already. So, maybe we can all just get together for it too. Thats another one for everyone to think about. Since you seem to be trying to organize, do you think that you can help try to get that going? I would really appreciate it. Have a niece that has sever Autism. Anyways, Looking forward to meeting you sometime this season!

  2. I agree that at one point unions served a major purpose. They created equality in the work place (so to speak). But, on the other hand, I agree that they are over-rated now. Some of them are just using the unions to take advantage. Regardless of how we look at it, it has caused issues in the U.S. There are too many people that do not take pride in there work these days, and just expect a paycheck. That sucks! I think that everyone should be paid based on experience, performance, and attendance. Things that really matter. I do agree that there needs to be some type of guidelines set for employers as well. But, all that being said, I can somewhat see both sides of this issue.

    P.S. I hate the fact that the casinos were approved! Here comes the "B.S" to our state!!

  3. Things are definitely getting crazy. I do think that Gemma knows that Clay took out her old man. There was something said awhile back that makes me think that. Basically her talking about how her ex was turning Jax against the club from beyond the grave. So, who knows. I am sure that we will be finding something out soon!!!

  4. If this actually does come to past, they will cause a major issue! They started getting rid of the bars on Campus, because there was too much trouble. Well, now it seems as if they are just looking for another excuse to down scale the partying!! We have not heard about a bunch of trouble, no trash fires, or any of the major "B.S."! I think that they need to just let a sleeping dog lye. If the people do not have an output for their energy, I am sure that they will go back to the old negative ways!

  5. I know that you can get on the web-site and get the map downloads for your bike. I had to get on put on mine, when I changed my pipes. So, I did a little bit of home work first. Was thinking about installing the pipes myself. Until I realized the level of difficulty. Too much stuff had to be taken off, for me to want to deal with.

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