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Posts posted by Bodyman

  1. The thing about having a bike stolen, is that most of the time the Ins. Co. makes you wait to see if they recover it first. Which could take way too long. Not sure of the exact length of time. But, they hold it up for ever! Anything to make things more difficult! Most of the time they call it an investigation. During which they do not have to provide you with a rental vehicle, until the investigetion is resolved. Gotta love that. NOT!!!

  2. I have a C90, and I really am happy with it! Really do like the M109. It is a hell of a bike!! Know a couple that have them, and they say there a beast. Which I believe. Since its a 1800cc. Mine is just the next step down @ 1500cc. Regardless, it is a great bike. Wish that I would have spent the extra to get on myself. Was not so sure about the look of the front end at the time though. It grew on me now. Happy shopping! Let us know what you decide on. And, maybe we can get some Suzuki representing going on the open road!! Take care!

  3. I don't like them much either. Not allergic, like a lot of people. They just annoy the crap out of me! They would not leave us alone at the race track yesterday. My girl must have been smelling really good!!!

  4. The reason tho keep them a secret, is because that if someone knows it is on there, they can disconnect it. Then the whole concept is down the drain!!! The point is to not let them know that the police are closing in on their location!!! They are busted thinking how in the hell did they find me. Then in court, they find out that you had a LoJack system. Makes since now huh?

  5. Actually the OS Trooper was only relocated. That is what I had last read. But the other officer was fired. Not sure if something else had changed since. But, that was what I had read about it. Truly think that they both should have lost there jobs. With no excuses!! They knew better, and should suffer the consequences, just like any of us would have had to do!!!

  6. A bunch of those dealerships are not junking them like they are supposed to! They are reselling them. Eventually the government will catch up with them. I think that it is a bunch of "B.S." Because it is our tax dollars being used. So, why are they trying to double dip on this situation. We are the ones getting screwed in this deal. Without a kiss!!!

  7. There, eventually, is going to be a shit-storm in Iran. I am surprised that we have not invaded them yet. My reason in thinking that, is because of them harboring the Talaban. Every since we have been in Afganistan, and Iraq, we have been chasing them back and forth across the boarders. Of course, were not able to pursue them over the boarder. So, are we to just sit back and let them play that game, or do something in response? I prefer action! All of it has to come to an end eventually. Not that it will ever happen, especially in our life time. Usually things get worst, before they get better!! Lets hope for the best, but expect the worst!!

  8. Very nice color. I think they call it Burnt Orange. Very nice!! It is used on several of the newer Chevys. The color has a few layers, its called a Tri-Coat. Expensive paint process. Be careful with it, and enjoy!!!

  9. Me and my girl just might try to swing up for dinner. As long as we don't have to go back to the hospital. Her daughter is due to have her baby. So, as long as the baby holds out, we will be up there. Wanting to join the Knights of Cols also. Hopefully I will see you later on!

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