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Posts posted by Bodyman

  1. If anyone is interested, I am heading to Loudenville later today. Going up there to visit with my sister that lives in Perrysville. It is a great ride, straight up RT 3. Very nice riding!!! Hit me up if you might be interested. Leaving around 3pm. Will be off line by 2pm, so let me know a.s.a.p. TTY Soon

  2. Unfortunately I see it too often. I get tired of seeing the same people, trying different excuses. I understand some situations, where we have all needed some help. But, damn it!! Some people take advantage of kindness. Which is B.S.!!! This has caused people that actually need help to be denied! I feel bad for some, but get pissed at most! I give when I can, but only once per person. What really gets me is when they act pissed that we are not able to give anything. That is just plain crazy. But, that is the way they roll!!! LOL

  3. I know what your going through. My mom has just been diagnosed with lung cancer. They cannot do a biopsy yet, due to her having pneumonia. They have to wait for that to clear up in her lungs first, to avoid complications. Which they will probably have regardless. She has too many lung issues. So, all we can do is wait it out. If you ever want / need to talk, you can feel free to give me a call (614) 327-0519. James Wish her the best. Keep your head up!!!

  4. If anyone might be interested. I have some red LED's, that would help to set off any bike, or car. They come with an adhesive backing that makes them easy to be installed. I have some installed on my bike. They look great, and are not too bright. But, will definitely make you stand out in the crowd!!! If anyone is interested, or has any questions, hit me up. Will definitely help to save you some $$$, which is always a good thing!

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