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mello dude

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Everything posted by mello dude

  1. If I had a 6th gen, I dunno if I would be looking at soft side bags, unless you setup some kind of fixed rack, the bags can get burnt by the exhaust and they do bounce around quite a bit. -- I wouldnt put a camera in them. On that bike, hard bags are about the only thing that would work out for the saddle bag style. I think its better to look at a top mount solution, maybe a rack and bag or if you gotta eke out cheap, JC Witney has top box with a lock. Its not super quality, but would work. - Theres a guy over on VFRD that sells racks that mount on the 6th gen that would do it. Also there are other rack options out there. A plus is your significant other can use it for a back rest.
  2. -Each pump untill you are done. Every master cylinder design can be a little different but the idea is that if the piston is over stroked, some brake fluid can get behind the piston and you are semi-hosed. Then the only way to fix if you did that is disassembly. - To remind myself to not screw up, I like to tape a small piece of wood on the end of the bar, usually like 3/4 inch thick so there's no way in BFE I can overstroke the thing. -- The same thing can happen on the rear. I've seen umpteen threads where guys have effed up this.... See the idea?
  3. Good luck to you dude!
  4. I had simular issues when I added new lines on my brake redo with RC51 M/C and calipers. I did a couple sessons of bleed it, let it set a day and a few days later dit it again. It wouldnt hurt to bleed yours again. Since you have speed bleeders, try pumping the levers to push fluid thru the system. (- Dont pull the levers all the way back! Leave about an inch between the grip and the lever, and then let the lever back out) - A good brake fluid to use is Valvoline synthetic. I have used in a lot of bikes with no problems.
  5. You might consider the Ventura pack system. http://www.ventura-mca.com/ I have used mine for years and it works great. Mounts on the bike in 5 minutes and the pack stays put. If you get a new bike just buy the rack and reuse the existing pack.
  6. VFR800 is consistantly around 40mpg. -- Valkyrie is a gas hog at 28 - 29 mpg. (Six carbs will do that to ya.) (Cool thread)
  7. i wouldnt freak over the valve check - viffers tend to stay in spec a long time. There are some guys who havent checked theres at all with some higher mileage. I'm gonna wait till I hit around 32k to decide to plan when to do mine. (I checked my 4th gen at 23k and everthing was in spec.) -- VTEC valve check? Yea, def farm that to Hoblick, its a major pain in the ass.
  8. ND - caught that your ride is feature photoed on VFRD. -- Its a great forum of viffer junkies and geeks. Lots of tech minded fooles too (myself included)
  9. Hey - sweet! Looks good! VFRs rock! Feel free to PM me on stuff on 5th gen questions. Also check VFRD.com -- a very good forum and info for VFRs - So whats up with the front turn signals?
  10. Ive had dirt bikes, motorcrossers, standards, sport tourers, sport, and cruisers. Sometimes slow and easy feels good, and others hard and fast fits the bill. If it has 2 wheels its cool. Lots of different flavors.
  11. If it runs good, $2500 is a fair price for it. It may have had a tip over with the mirror missing, ask about it. I wouldnt freak over the wheel refinish, but ask about it too. But with 11k miles, even with some minor fix up, should be a solid bike. The R/Rs in 5th gen viffers have a history of eating it early, ask if its been replaced. VFRD.com is a great VFR forum
  12. Before they built the Harley mega store up the road -- it was in 2 small buildings really close in that area on Dixie. Half Harley and half Yama/Suz/Kawi....some others too.
  13. ^^^ Is that a new shop? Or just part of the old Harley dealer?
  14. I'll give you 2 more to think about. One of the most dangerous situations is when people are turning left - either dont see you coming into the intersection or dont see you coming throught their blind spot. Here's my one major effe up -- I was turning left in a major intersection - 2 lanes each way plus turn lanes. I got thru my turn into the left lane and seeing a clear shot and no traffic ahead, I whacked the throttle wide open. Just at that moment a pickup truck in the right lane, abruptly turns into the left lane and I smacked the left front fender of the truck and did a somersault over the hood. I was ATGATT, so I ended up with just a few bruises, I was fine. --- So what happened? Well the truck driver was cited but in reality it was my dumbass fool for zipping passed his blindspot. If I was just a bit more aware and carefull, I could have avoided a totaled bike. -- Watch for slow pickup trucks and know what they are doing before you make a move. Story 2. -- My buddy and I were headed for the dragon and moving south on the Tenessee 129 side at about a 60ish clip. My buddy Dean is in the lead on his ZX6R and me on the viffer. We come up on a slow pick up truck maybe doing 20. Dean being the impatient fool decides he's gonna whack the throttle and pass the truck on the left. (Its a 2 lane state route) Well I've seen this video before. I remember yelling in my helmut, no Dean no!. Truck turns left, Dean smacks rear quarter panel. Dean goes to hospital, bike totaled. -- So what happened? Dean to this day still blames the truck driver, yeah there wasnt a signal. But if Dean had just taken a moment and asked "what is this guy doing?" - We would have been able to hit the dragon happiliy for a good day. Instead I got to check Dean in the hospital, babysit his wrecked bike to a dealer. And never did hit Dragon. Dean was saying "you should go.." - but I had this ever repeating slow motion video in my head of Dean smacking that truck. Like I'm gonna go burn twists with that bouncing around in my head. Trip hosed. -- Watch for slow pickup trucks and know what they are doing before you make a move.
  15. A while back, California gave Honda a lot of crap about some VOCs or something close in the Honda Polish that was being sold. CA threatened a ban if Honda didnt change the formula. Being a super popular product, Honda didnt want that, so they came up with a new formula and then sourced it to a new manufacturer, and pull the plug on the people in Marietta Georgia who make the original formula Honda polish stuff. So what doe the Marietta group do? Stick thier own label on it of course. "Original" Spray Cleaner and Polish. I tryed the "new" Honda stuff when it came out and didnt like it as much. The "Original"? Same as the 1st formula Honda Polish, because the same people have been making it since the beginning. Same cleaning power, same shine, same smell, because it is the same. Current Honda Polish, NO! ---- Original Polish, YES!
  16. ^^^^^^ Honda Polish is now Original bike polish - any bike shop has it. http://www.originalbikespirits.com/SprayCleaner_Polish/
  17. ^^^^ Go to a big parking lot or empty backroad and practice your "oh shit" braking moments.
  18. I've watched around a thousand I would guess. Yes, loud, loud. Its essentially rocket fuel powered and set off in a controlled explosion. We would video the deployments set up in a test stand with ultra high speed cameras. A lot of focus is on how the bag comes out and "presents" itself to the poor occupant, who is about to get the crap knocked outta them. -- Its better than dying though. It was a great job.
  19. I developed airbags for a living a while back. Hand, wrist, and finger injuries are super common on deployment. -- You dont want to be honking the horn in the event of a crash...... that would be very nasty.
  20. Oil? Mobil 1 or Amsoil Filter? Pic from chart link http://www.calsci.com/motorcycleinfo/FilterXRef.html
  21. I learned to ride on dirt bikes and some motocross. By the time I decided to go to a street bike, I already had some skillz. 3 hot items of advise. 1. Ride like you are invisible to all other people on the road. (They dont see you, but you see them. 2. Always -- look where you want to go. (If you see trouble, dont look at it, look to the way out, you will instinctively steer that way. 3. Practice, Practice, Practice. - Youve heard of atheletes doing reps. Why do they do this? So, when situations come up, the correct action is automatic. The more you practice, more you wont have to think what to do, you will react correctly, safely. Good luck, grasshopper.
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