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Posts posted by scottb

  1. THank you everyone. I am glad that he is at home and that we do have this time to get some closure. When he was at the hospital, it felt like a burden to have to go drive there and be there till late at night. My mom has been at my dad's side for at least 16 hours a day in the hospital, and just going home to sleep for a bit and then go back.

    Now that he is at home, there is a new "normal" schedule and it is much easier on all of us.

    Speedy, THANK YOU for the phone message. I will call you on Saturday. Thank you.

    Scruit, thank you for sharing. That has to be tough but I am sure she understands. You did what you could do, so please don't beat yourself up.

    Chevy, thank you. I think you don't like cancer either.

    The bitch part about life is that you always think there will be time. My dad retired 6 years ago and has always talked about getting a 1955 chevy. He was also practical. When he got a new roof on the house, he said something like, well, there goes my 55 chevy, but at least i get to look at the new roof. The medical bed has a "pull up" bar, and dad said " well, i'll just pretend this the steering wheel of the 55 chevy".

    My goal is to build a ramp from the back of the house to the deck so dad can sit out side, for a little bit each day.

    If I can swear without getting banned.... FUCK FUCK FUCK.

  2. Thank you all already. This post is like 10 minutes old already comments. Thank you.

    A quick funny story. As dad was getting ready to leave the hospital, he mentioned that he wanted a beer since he has not had one since the beginning of the year. The hospital nurse said he should not mix alcohol with with meds since it is bad for your health.

    I was like WTF!! Will it really make a difference.........DUH!!

    So for breakfast this morning, dad had apple sauce and morphine pain pill.

    For dinner today, dad had mac and cheese and just few ounces of beer. ( I am saving that beer bottle)

  3. This is going to be a long post and I will proably hit the word to post limit.

    I haven't been out here much and have not been my bike all year. I left out all the emotions and some of the other details. If this can help anybody or you are going through the same thing with somebody you know, please send me a message and maybe we can help each other. I am ok talking about this so please allow me to share.

    The next part is going to get deep very quickly. A lot of tears and a lot beers involved in the last 3 months.

    Now for my dad, he is only 65 and he has lung cancer and mobility issues due to the tumor on his spine causing his hips and upper legs to not function. There was already a plan in place to have radiation for the spine tumor and then chemo.

    Friday May 18th he was released from the rehab place since he was not making any more progress with therapy for his legs / hips.

    He was home Friday. Saturday morning things went bad quick. Saturday morning, he was having labored breathing and gasping for air. We called 911 and took him to Hillcrest hospital. In the emergency room, the doctors were able to get his breathing back to normal. They took a lung X-ray and determined that the cancer has spread so much that there was nothing else they could do. Dad has a living will and DNR request.

    Now as a side note, the last 3 months while dad was in the hospital and in rehab, every 4 hours, they would administer medicine and take his vitals. This is not the best place to recover since you are not at home, all the back ground noise and the crappy food. So, I think these factors may have been part of why dad kinda back slide a bit.

    They set up a bereavement room in the hospital and told us he might not make it through the night. We called all the family to come to the hospital. We were there all day Saturday, Saturday night, all day Sunday, Sunday night and into Monday morning. During that time, we witnessed times where dad was awake and normal, just talking to everyone. Then there was the spells where dad would reach towards the ceiling and talk about seeing his mother who has passed away when he was 19. I encouraged him to go sit with her and his breathing got shallower. Then suddenly, he snapped back and was completely normal and talking.

    During this time, we got in touch with the in hospice team from Western Reserve hospice. They explained that there was the option for hospice at home. That was always the goal was to get dad back home. Western Reserve made all the arrangements to get the additional medical equipment that we did not have. They arranged transport to get dad back home and also provided all the medicine, supplies, and a COMPLETE team of nurses, caregivers, training and counselors.

    So far, dad is still at home, and has had a great 3 days of being completely normal and talking. Tuesday, to show he was still the dad, he wanted me to get out of his house and cut the grass and wash mom's car.

    We also had tears of joy and tears of sadness, forgiving each other talk and what dad wanted for his last wishes.

    I have been living hour by hour and day by day.

    I am ok so far. I am passed the anger and the why, but I take comfort in the fact that dad will enter into the presence of God.

  4. Interesting article. I didn't think about a plastic table cloth. That would be alot easier to store then a small blue tarp. Probably not as durable, but should serve a purpose.

  5. I looked at the GSG, but the only one Fin Feather FUr had at the time was the one with rail. I know the 1911 wasn't a .22LR by design, but I am able to over look that, but did not like the looks of the rail.

    So, I ended up getting a Buck mark Camper in stainless steel.

    Next on my list is either that Ruger SR 22 or the ISSC 22.

    I will eventualy get a Pheniox Arms, just for the weird factor, but heard alot about the 5 safeties. Might take some getting used to. ( I also plan on getting a Hi-point 9mm eventually, just because)

  6. Wow!! Not on a bike but while in the car, i had a my car VS riding mower. This was on a 4 lane road. I am going north and a guy on the southbound side was cutting the grass on the tree lawn also heading north. the mower kicked up a rock and hit my car. Nothing bad, just a slight divit in the door panel.

    When I cut the grass on my tree lawn, I tend to make the first cut on the treelawn in the direction facing traffic. If i see a vehicle coming, I will stop the blades, just so nothing kicks up into on coming traffic.

  7. I don't know all the math at that range regarding bullet drop and all the other gazillion things you need to know, but I would guess the point of aim would be like 30 feet above what you are shooting at to get out that far.

    The reference to the the third shot to disable the weapon, i would call BS if he sent his bullet into the barrel :) Or is the weapon "disabled" when you shoot the shooter?

  8. Part of it is the fact I am not a aviation nut, but do like to see cool designs and the historic planes ( which would be why those items are in a museum.

    Then, I'll revisit the AMA Motorcycle hall of Fame in Pickerington.

  9. I was told by my black friend that (and since my black friend said so, it makes this next part totally not racist) it is ok to be afraid of black people, and that with enough spit and tears, anyone can be "gooooood" friends with uncle punk.

    Reminder that OR is not E-Harmony :)

    Since I am not "hook on phonics" yet, and i suck at spelling, being able to edit the title of a thread I created might be a good thing.

  10. I know I visited the Air Force Museum as a kid for a class field trip. At the time, I think I was too young to know what I was looking at.

    Just seen a show that talked about Captian Joe Kittinger who was a pilot that tested high altitude fighter plane ejection parachutes from a height of 102,000 feet!! Freefall speed of 600 MPH.

    The Dayton museum has that harness and the suit on display. How cool is that back in the 60's, the engineers figured all that stuff to make that jump happen.

    I will have to take a trip to visit this place again.

    Any other stand out items to look at while i am there?

  11. One area of marketing is the clothing and other company logo items, seems Glock caught on early. This allows the customer to feel company pride and they are part of a "club". Like how Ducati and Harley have a huge clothing and other branded stuff. Suzuki doesn't have much for logo items, other than Joe Rocket jackets with Suzuki logo's.

  12. I just finished reading a book called "Glock, the Rise of America's Gun" By Paul Barrett. ( BTW Paul also posts on the Glock Talk forum) I am not for against Glock.

    It was an good book that provided insight on what was occurring in the US in the early 80's with the Maimi FBI shootout, Ruby RIdge, Waco and Brady Bill. This lead to the "need" for a pistol that could replace the common 6 round S and W revolver.

    I read the book as more of a case study on marketing and how a non-US company became the most popular firearm. The book does point out some area's that the the US firearm companies made some blunders and did not take the imported pistol as a threat to sales ( much like the auto industry and the imports).

    Marketing includes the police trade in allowance to switch to Glock, then Glock selling the traded in pistols and still make a profit. And the common occurance to take high volume customers to the Gold Club (strip club) to help make the sale.

    I would not place Gaston Glock in the same rank as John Browning, but Glock was at the right place, at the right time and a great design for a firearm.

    If anybody else read the book, your thoughts?

    If the mods think this post should be moved to the firearms section please move it. I posted it here since there could be more areas to discuss besides the firearm aspect of the company.

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