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Everything posted by scottb

  1. scottb


    Found this article while searching for something else: http://ezine.m1911.org/showthread.php?t=55
  2. Almost ready to leave to grab a quick pre-game snack before the beverag-fest at Buddy's. Still will be there around 8, maybe a tick after
  3. BAD, i just noticed you are post whore.........holy 5,000 plus posts
  4. Holly, you will probably see this nametag again this year: I know, repost from earlier in this thread
  5. Look for the Snarky ones....... At the bar, look for the people gathered around the sheep..
  6. ^^ Dang you Fonzie, coffee on the monitor from laughing.... I am not sure how in depth they can get or what i really would like to see. Not really wanting a history lesson on firearms, but maybe "show and tell" on some unique rare firearms?
  7. scottb

    17 hmr

    I have not looked at anything in 17 hmr. Is ammo cost and availability about the same as .22LR?
  8. I just remembered the GSG had a suppressor, not that I really need/want one.
  9. I was kinda hoping for more technical stuff, .... I see the show turning into a drama between what the dad wants to do and the daughter nagging on him about staying focused
  10. Ok, case in point, the GSG 1911 .22LR has provisions for a suppressor. Do you need to do anything special to own it? Like whatever the Class 3 deal is about?
  11. And how does one get to own a suppressed firearm?
  12. Not being picky, but the first scene the 2 workers had safety glasses on their head and the other guy had them hanging on his shirt, NOT on their eyes The other scene they are using grinders and drill press without safety glasses.
  13. Next, they will round up Suzuki owners ^^
  14. about one minute before the show starts
  15. Premier of TV show Sons of Guns, Discovery channel 9 PM tonight 1/26. Set your DVR now.
  16. scottb

    "the Cape"

    Now I will start watching..
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