Well, almost any range time is better then no time. But I learned a few things. My Hi Power is still broke. Still does not extractor the spend round. Second thing, a .38 S&W bodyguard has some muzzle flip. The laser was an eye opener as you think you are holding the gun lined up on target, but you see the laser dance around. Third and fourth thing, after borrowing from a friend a Glock 17 and Springfield XDM, I was not shooting accurately. Not sure why. Probably not too acustom to the gun since they are not mine? Shots were all over the place. Some high, some low, some left and some right. I dont think I was flinching or preparing for the "bang" of the shot. Fifth thing, the Buckman Camper .22LR pistol rocks!! I was accurate with this one. So, my next 9mm might be a Taraus PT 92 or whatever the PT 809, a CZ something, or the Ruger SR9