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Everything posted by scottb

  1. 1 hour 31 minutes for me, so I can watch 1.5 episodes of 60 minutes and wait a bit, then get zombie-fied
  2. ok, so after that E-harmony moment, back to the douchbaggery....
  3. I'll buy ya a beer at Buddy's if you are going. mmm'k?
  4. better then the "your mom" line from a bit ago..
  5. Hey Kawi, you might have a chance ( from her bio "Stephanie generally falls for "boys with tattoos and big-ass guns," oh wait, not sure about your tattoos but I know about you lack of, well, you know.......
  6. The daughter on Sons of Guns is kinda cute.
  7. Just as long as they keep to the topic at hand of the firearms, , and dont go off trying to make it a drama, like LA Ink or American Chopper.
  8. Cool, but I dont think I qualifiy for a few of those openings. I have it good where I am at.
  9. I seen JaysonL at QSL in Valleyview over the summer. He bought my Katana at the beginning of 2010.
  10. http://www.imfdb.org/index.php/Main_Page Database of firearms used in movies, TV,and video games. Not sure how accurate it is, but the few links i clicked on seem good.
  11. scottb


    The same "teams of engineers " covers some of my job too, Speedy. Awhile back, when i was wrenching on cars at BP Procare, customer walks in and says he needs his goalie fix. Um what kind of car? show me on the side of the build is parked a late 80's Pontaic 6000 LE, guy thought it was a G not a 6, and called it a G000LE http://carphotos.cardomain.com/ride_images/4/281/2941/38201470004_large.jpg
  12. Twisties in Toledo = freeway onramp.
  13. A good site for info: http://www.rimfirecentral.com
  14. I removed the hard drive and connected to an external USB drive reader. Ran checkdisk, no issues found on this hard drive. I think I will just reload Windows7.
  15. Cool on getting a 10/22. We should do a range trip soon. That way you can try out some different brands of ammo.
  16. scottb

    Indoor range

    Found this link from another website. It is in German, so dont really know what they are saying. The INDOOR skeet range looks cool. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyq90LEZe4k&feature=player_embedded
  17. i return from work and this thread still lives on
  18. probably the longest on topic thread prior to derailment
  19. wow, snark-tardy comment there.......
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