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Posts posted by drew95gt

  1. +1 Good message, but it is horrible that innocent people were harmed with his attack on the IRS. I agree with many of his views in that message, as do many others I am sure...it will be interesting to see how the media/government will twist this around..I just know it will happen. Hell, you can't even see his letter online anymore because of the FBI...how patriotic is that. 1st Amendment???

  2. I feel your pain, as an average middle class working man...I am getting the shaft. I made enough that I don't get squat back from the IRS, while those making way less than me are getting double back what they put in...my fiance is one of these people..lol. She is getting the EIC, MWP, Child credit, etc...etc...etc.. I get...um nothing while she is banking over $5,000 in her return. I told her that she better enjoy it now because when we get married...most of that extra cash is going to go away. It doesn't seem right...I work hard, pay all of my bills, carry good health insurance...then, get raped by "child extortion" from my ex, screwed by the gov't on taxes, and sometimes run out of money before I run out of week. Sometimes I think I should just say f*ck it and quit everything...collect my Obama money and free health care and enjoy spending more quality time at home with my family living my newly subsidized lifestyle. (I am kidding...I could never live with myself leaching off of society like that) This country is so screwed up for rewarding and encouraging underachievement and failure while making it harder and harder on those that actually contribute something to this society besides welfare babies. Makes me sick :(

  3. I get that all of the time from people because I have two young daughters and they say how "irresponsible" I am for doing such a risky activity that could kill me and make them grow up without a father. I ask them if they rather I just stay home and run "daddy day care" all day and go insane...lol..motorcycling is my escape...my time to be alone doing something that I enjoy very much. Wifey doesn't get it, but her dad rides as well so that helps.

  4. If we build prisons in Mexico it would just be another type of outsourcing..before long they would be laying off our Prison Guards/Corrections Officers and just ship ALL criminals to Mexico where we could pay workers less to look after our criminals. There would another segment of the US workforce out of a job and forced to work at McDonalds and Wal-Mart. Bad idea governator...just ship the illegals (not just the criminals...ALL of them) out by barge as in the previous post...problem solved.

  5. Got a $50 visa gift card here too, which hardly makes up for the nearly 8% pay cut I received this year...and to think that I went into the medical field to MAKE money...lol. I am making less now than when I started due to the loss of weekend pay differential and no more OT. Times are tough everywhere, and yeah I guess we should all be thankful we have jobs, and family, and bikes...etc. However, I am totally with you guys that say enough is enough with the taxes on the working class American to pay for those that are either too lazy to work, unwilling to work, or come to this country illegally and rape the system. It is not totally these peoples fault though, if our government didn't encourage and reward this behavior then they would have to get off of their ass or they would starve.

  6. I have a 2004 250R (same color as this one actually) and $1,800 is exactly what I paid for mine and it has 5,000 miles on it. With that low miles I definitely think its worth that much. That's the thing with the Ninja 250R's, they hold their value REAL well and it is very hard to find a new one for less than MSRP. That was one of the reasons I started on a 250R instead of a bigger bike, because I know when I go to sell it I am not going to lose much if any money on it. They are very fun little bikes too, great to learn on and very forgiving with rider mistakes.

  7. Screaming Kicking Chicken


    Wild Turkey

    Hot Sauce

    Garnish with a Jalapeno ring

    a manlier shot you will not find.

    +1 I was gonna suggest a "Kickin' Chicken" which is just 151 and Wild Turkey, never had one with the hot sauce + jalapeno..that has to be one crazy drink.

    My drink of choice though if I am having mixed drinks is a Black Russian...love those things.

    Try a "Nazi Taco" too, they will light ya up. Its Jager and Jose Cuervo.

  8. Yeah there have been quite a few I have been around (but I work in healthcare as well). We are pretty much treating anyone that comes in the ER with flu like symptoms like a "confirmed" H1N1 case until the tests show otherwise. I have already had my seasonal flu shot but last week I had what to me felt like the flu...may have been H1N1 but since I was off for several days I just stayed in bed and never got swabbed. I'm still only feeling about 80% well.

  9. Jose Cuervo Gold FTW. :trophy:

    Yep, that's my problem solver right there...love the stuff! Hope everything works itself out for ya man, lots of good jobs (and good girls) out there, just keep your head up.:smile:

  10. I like the new Kawi line-up, especially the Z1000...now that is a sick looking bike. I would still like to find a "new" '08 ZZR600 leftover for my next bike. For some reason I just really like the styling on those last ZZR's, and they don't seem as cramped as the newer ZX6R models.

  11. Plussss...... Where'd all these other guys on the run come from ?!? They only ever show about 8

    Pretty sorry lookin' gang 'til all the "extras" joined tonight :D

    I think those were members from the other charters they came in to help with the "charity ride" to throw cover so the guns could be delivered without it being so obvious of what was going on.

  12. OMG I just don't get it...they had the game wrapped up and fell apart the last quarter. Damn, now I have to listen to all the "Big-10 Sucks" rants AGAIN....at least Michigan played a hell of a game and beat ND. Eh, well...next time we will get 'em. Go Bucks!

  13. Hey everyone, newbie here checking in from Marysville!! I just started riding this year, purchased a 2004 Ninja 250 and took the MSF BRC last month. I look forward to meeting up with some of you guys and gals at the meet and greets and hopefully going on some group rides once I get my skills and comfort level up a little. This site seems like a great source of info with alot of cool folks contributing. Talk to ya guys later!



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