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Everything posted by jayjie15

  1. I have it... I lost my socket set over the summer. I originally thought someone stole it out of my shed. I was wandering around the back yard about a month ago and found them frozen in the ground. I was cutting tree's and limbs down and needed to change the blade on the saw. The sockets are in a black case and it got dark. Obviosuly, I never brought them in. Idk what is worse the fact that I thought they were stolen or the fact they were in my backyard the entire time and I never noticed. I feel like a pretty big tard.
  2. jayjie15

    ZZZ Trade

    And for the record the Cavs kicked Orlandos a$$ on February 11th at home, but I am sure you still think Orlando is a better team.
  3. jayjie15

    ZZZ Trade

    From what I read of your posts on here you seem to enjoy stirring up an arguement. I am sure you still watch every Cavs game but posting on here that they aren't going anywhere entertains you. Whatever floats your boat. There is still a lot of season we will just see how it plays out...
  4. I am just that amazing and girls are scandolous...
  5. I am trying to cut masturbating down to 3 times a day and have sex with the girlfriend more... wait what? No in all seriousness, I like to think I live a pretty good life. I pretty much have everything I ever wanted and didn't go into debt to get it. I guess I would like to pass my nursing boards and get a "real" job. I have been used to making the same amount money, I really don't know what I would do with more. My dad always says the more money you make, the more you spend so I guess I would find something to do with it. Lol.
  6. Most of the time it is dreams where I leave her for another chick, hence the name calling then the crying.
  7. jayjie15

    ZZZ Trade

    Ah a compliment. A back handed compliment, but a compliment none the less. I am just as skeptical as you are, but from your prior posts you make it sound like you aren't even a fan anymore? You are just one of those glass half empty guys ahe? You have to keep the faith...
  8. Like I said for that price I could get a Honda 50 and have hours of enjoyment. Hopefully you ride a sh*t ton to justify that.
  9. jayjie15

    ZZZ Trade

    I was being sarcastic man. I know they make shit tons of money. You are just trying to argue with me for the sake of arguing. You are right though, they look out of sync with him but hopefully it will come around. I would much rather see the Z and Shaq combo. That is something that no other team in NBA has. You have to admitt though, they are still the best team in the NBA?
  10. Just curious how much coin everything cost you?
  11. My girl is a talker in her sleep as well. Pretty sure the other night she called me an a$$hole. She also tends to cry a lot in her sleep. Don't know if the 2 occurences are related though. I try not to take it personally...
  12. jayjie15

    ZZZ Trade

    So you are agreeing with me, good. . You made it sound like team ownership isn't a business and they don't make any money from the fan base and tv contracts, and now you are. This wasn't a debate about the team from the beginning or being a fan, it was supposed to be people's feelings on the trade. So do you think this trade will make the Cavs a better team or should they have kept Z? I never posed the question will they win a championship or are they a better team than last year because we could argue for years about that. We will see when the playoffs start.
  13. jayjie15

    ZZZ Trade

    I thought the arguement was of being a fan not where the team got it's revenue from? If you want to argue revenue, I am sure the Cavs don't get any money for being on ESPN or TNT twice a week, while smaller market teams are barely shown. From what your saying team ownership is a hobbie not a business.
  14. jayjie15

    ZZZ Trade

    Then what are we to do then? Stop going to the games and supporting the team, stop watching games on tv, and stop buying merchandise? In order to put a quality team on the floor in any sport there has to be support from the fans.
  15. jayjie15

    ZZZ Trade

    You are being negative man. You are like Rand Quad's character in Major League. Cavs are showing promise which is more than we can say for all the other teams in Cleveland. At least there is something to be excited about.
  16. jayjie15

    ZZZ Trade

    Really you are not making any points? You are just saying things people are aware of already. Everyone knows the negative stigma that comes a long with being a Cleveland sports fans. Being a die hard fan means rooting through the thick and thin. The Cavs will match up better in the playoffs this year, which makes them a better team, hence they won't fizzle out and role over like b*tches like they did last year. If Mo loses his shot like he did last year in the Orlando series they have enough depth from the bench to still pull out a win. Stop being so negative and support the home team. Who else in the NBA is better than the Cavs? The Lakers? The team we embarassed on Christmas. The Celtics? They can't stay healthy and are all past their time. Give me a break.
  17. I paid $220 for mine with 2 barrels used with normal stock. Great gun. I would give you $150 for it because of the grip.
  18. jayjie15

    ZZZ Trade

    This is what it's all about right there. Everyone knows we are Cleveland and we have a history of being on the brink of greatness only to have it torn away, but there is always that chance we could win the big one. That is the difference between being a true fan and just someone who will join the bandwagon after they win a title.
  19. jayjie15

    ZZZ Trade

    You can be skeptical about Cleveland sports because at least that is constructive, but don't be cynical. We have had our heart's broken many, many, many times. I can safely say this is the best Cavs team in this Lebron era and Cleveland's best chance at a championship since the Tribe teams of 94-97. All we can do is sit watch like usual and see what happens.
  20. jayjie15

    ZZZ Trade

    I don't think Lebron is going anywhere either. Putting a championship team on the floor is always the main goal regardless of who the star is. Like redkow97 says the Cavs are still a very talented team without Lebron. They would add another role player in his position and they would still be dominant. Also, Lebron isn't going anywhere because no where else besides Cleveland and Akron are people going to let him get away with being an arrogant d*ck and bow down to him for it. Cavs have a solid team for at least the next 3 years with or without Lebron.
  21. jayjie15

    ZZZ Trade

    Mo is supposed to be a scorer at guard, no? If you were going to say someone is a pg on the team talk about Delonte's crazy ass. As someone else said when he gets caught riding a snowmobile with his arsenal again, Telfair can step in and eat up his minutes. Watch out Jameson, you still have to worry about getting shot in the locker room.
  22. jayjie15

    ZZZ Trade

    True story here. Playing with Shaq and Lebron, Jamison will get tons of opportunity to put up 20pts/game. Plus, Jamison can score from the low post and having him opens up the half court game and fast breaks even more. Like I said in a perfect world Z comes back wins a championship and retires a Cav. According to ESPN.com it was pretty much a "wink wink" trade where everyone knows Z is coming back to Cleveland in 30 days, but it also says if he is waived by the Mavs are going to make a run at him.
  23. Some disturbing things have gone down in front of my laptop before.
  24. jayjie15

    ZZZ Trade

    I haven't really noticed any sports talk on this forum. I was wondering how everyone felt about the Cavs rescent trade that sent Big Z to the Wizards for Antawn Jamison and Sebastian Telfair. In a perfect world Z gets waived by the Wizards and resigns with Cleveland. This was a good move as far as playing for a championship, but a bad move because Z is a class act. Cavs get a true point guard and a very versatile forward. IDK, the biggest thing that upsets me is the loyalty thing. Hopefully, Z comes back to Cleveland and they win a championship. It would be a shame if they went all the way without him. Thoughts?
  25. Greetings, also from the Willoughby.
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