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KL9 F4i

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Everything posted by KL9 F4i

  1. Coolest thing in the picture is the rug. What was even the point of that rug? Isnt there carpet underneath the rug to begin with?... Maybe Im just being ignorant and not to discredit the guy who did the work on the bike because im sure it took some time and money but some guy on CBRForum made a way better transformers bike that looks badass without including an optimus prime hood ornament.
  2. Lol Go ahead and throw "You eat a strange substance that looks gross called Goetta" in there...We went to Florida a few years ago and go into this restaurant for breakfast and my buddy look at the waitress and he says...without looking at the menu..."uh...could I have some goetta please?" I can't even describe the look on th lady's face, she looked at him like he was foreign to earth ...needless to say it was pretty funny...Aw yeah if you dont like goetta you can GTFO.
  3. I was just making a joke Im sure it is nice there I just believe America is the greatest MF place on earth regardless of the B.s. that is goin on here right now...I did a report on Dubai a while back they have some awesome attractions or at least plans for some...like their underwater hotel Hydropolis or the indoor ski/snowboard resort they already have. They have TONS of cool shit its endless...im not a big lover of rules anywhere...people should just be able to do what they want within moderation gov't tries to hard to put their feet in wherever they can.
  4. Hey I figured since we have a Mad River promoter I would be perfect north's promoter for those who want to join in on perfect north's college nights this weekend...I'll be there Saturday fooorrrr suuuree College student nights on Friday January 8 and Saturday January 9, 2010 from 9:00pm - 1:00am. Present a current, valid college ID at the ticket window to receive one late night special: Lift ticket only $25.00 each. Lift Ticket with ski or snowboard rental $40.00. Snow tubing tickets with valid ID are $25 for the entire 9pm - 1am time period. PNS FTW!
  5. ...OR maybe it was like that movie Taken...she probably was kidnapped and sold into some sex slavery B.s. Yes i agree we should just wipe that place off the map for a nice vacation spot...just saying... all your reasons are totally valid though...
  6. Cincy Sledding is the Shit... Best hills ever were on golf courses lol
  7. Speaking of Crazy SOBs riding...Some nut was riding a scoot today up in clifton...Those of you who aren't familiar with clifton... when it snows shits icy and the roads suck...dude had to be freezing his nuts off
  8. Got a touch too the g.f. Got it for me...haven't put It down for more than 2 hours....infact I'm on it right now foruming as we speak...I LOVE THIS THING so many sweet apps...as for myself I'm probably going to get a pc III a new watch and I'm going to new Orleans for the sugar bowl....
  9. Did the exact same thing... Few more things to do and she will be in hibernation until its warm again!
  10. Im a Quality/Price guy...I dont mind paying for a fairly high priced pizza but you better give me what i pay for...Personally, I hate Larosa's. WAY overpriced. It used to awesome when they didnt bend you over on sauce and cheese. Dominos is pretty good. But ill pay 2.75 for a slice of pizza from a place like Trottas. They dont screw you and its good and its a big piece...not some little sliver B.S. that some places will give you...Mom and Pop places are always better anyways just keep you customers satisfied and they will in turn bring more customers to you.
  11. Damn it you beat me to it!!! Blade FTW +1
  12. Im There!!!.... UC is predicted to win 24-21 against florida ( I heard)...Id like to believe UC will win...Florida is a good team...Im going to go ahead and believe UC will pull a win!
  13. Woah woah WOAH...This seriously passed are you f*cking kidding me.
  14. So has anyone else seen this big ring around the moon tonight? It looks awesome!!! Apparently ice crystals formed in the upper layers of the atmosphere which refract the moonlight and act as a giant lense which created the glowing halo effect.
  15. Really Like this Idea....ill try it tonight thanks! I get bored with my regular scheduled workout which inturn causes me to slack sometimes...
  16. Yeah, I Know huge beer selection!! I was standing there trying to look for something new to try out but the g/f was feeling sick which in turn ruined heaven for me...It was her first time ever being there so I just said screw it ill search the selection another day...but yeah they seriously have almost everything under the sun.
  17. I run every once in awhile ...Speed Rope or a simple Jump rope is awesome cardio. Get into a routine and it works like a dream. Just my $.02
  18. Today-Nothing also just woke up but yesterday ....Beef Jerky, Sta-bil, PJ1 and some weird ass drinks from Jungle Jims and breakfast at Firstwatch
  19. I saw it and I think maybe my expectations were too high?...I didn't hate it but i wasnt in love with it...chick detective was fuckin annoying and the spanish dude wasnt even close to rocco...I thought the ending was pretty sweet.... What did you guys who all saw it think?
  20. I know they are...I think since the boat it initially my dads and grandpas...they are financing it not me ....im a broke college student no way in hell would i finance fixing a boat
  21. Ebay is unreal too...I got the new 2010 Rossi one-mag brand new for $300 retails for $400+ someplaces... thats where i get my shit from anyways...check out dogfunk or sierrasnowboard they generally have some decent stuff as well....my best advice would be go to some snowboard/ski shops look around and find what you want cheaper online lol ... All of you who snowboard what riding style do you all do??
  22. Perfect North FTW! .... lol because its like 25 mins from my house... never been to mad river or snow trails how do they compare to perfect? sorry if someone said it already i didnt read through all the posts ...In the winter I snowboard a ton and have been doing so for 6 years and love it and as someone already said it gets better and better....i have a boat im looking to fix up with the old man for the summer [an old 88 Glastron Carlson CV-16] if i get around to it...but this winter ill probably snowboard, go to school and work so that come spring ill have many dollars to spend on my bike lol....
  23. So in class the other day we had to give an impromptu speech on your favorite quotes and why. Figured it would be interesting to do a similar thing on here. So that being said whats some or Your Favorite Quotes? Mine would probably have to be -"If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything."
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