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Everything posted by bowdog

  1. I dont think they will, I know a guy that was caught with a substantial amount of pot and charged with intent to distribute...His lawyer got the whole thing thrown out on some technicality and he is now a CHL holder. I believe you have to actually be convicted. Goes back to that thing of innocent until proven guilty.
  2. Bump, make an offer, i will also trade for shells or whatever else you may have that interests me.
  3. yea i know what you mean! man some of them are very exensive, i believe one of the over unders i was looking at was over $7,000!
  4. Just recieved this yesterday and it is WAY more than i was thinking! Good score Gump!
  5. +1 for Max, helped me with my 450 carbs and everything turned out the way it should! We wont get into the fact that after all that technical work we could not put on a skid plate and had to have Ben do that for us.
  6. Check out Wally world daily while you are there, every now and then they get some good ones in and sell cheap. Usually dont last to long in there. have seen metal ones in there before for $29 and hard plastic for $14.95.
  7. I would check the battery under load condition and see what it says there but chances are you need to replace. As far as the chain to me it sounds like it is out of spec but tightening is very easy. Last but not least my wheel does not move when in nuetral but that does not neccesarily mean you have a problem, once again i would check and make sure your chain is in spec and does not need replaced. Do you have stock or have you swapped to the 520?
  8. Congrats!! and :lol:on the cheat sheet!!!
  9. I have not bought anything in a while.
  10. Sorry Edit: would want motor if buying for track.
  11. Anyone else grab their keys and try this? Genious!!!
  12. If food is covered let me know i can bring some clays or maybe some tanerite or whatever else you think we need.
  13. If he is bringing the whores i will cover the COKE.
  14. Lbts glws!! I have slept in mine multiple times. I built a mount for a normal window a/c that goes in my side door and just use generator to plug in. Used at Bristol a few times in 90 degree weather and it worked great.
  15. Talk with MaxPower, he has these special urban designed bullets that will do the trick!!
  16. This was about to be the first story i have ever posted and you ruined it.
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