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Everything posted by bowdog

  1. LOL u didnt develop a crack habbit did you?!?? a lot of for sale threads lately! very nice bike GLWS!!!
  2. WOW!! agree with what someone already said, the guy taking the corner in front is lucky to still have a head!!!
  3. If you happen to have his info send it over to me i will get in contact with him... The bike runs like a raped ape the only thing it does is back fires a little with regular gas thats why i run 100 octane. 100 smells better too!!
  4. Ok sounds like we are going to have to do a guys only "explorer"trip first and then i will tell her if its worth us going together or not!?!?!
  5. Its a full system not just a slip on... Any recomendations on who to look at the jets then? I had extreme tech install but they are more Honda guys than anything.
  6. Yup but only on my old dirt bike...was pretty rutted and not in a good fun way and thought it was poorly managed but that was 4 years ago. Has anything changed?
  7. Thank you that really helps a lot!! i run 100 because when i run 93 it seems to pop and back fire, not sure why. I have no motor work just pipe,jet, and air filter.
  8. i sooo would have got mine out!! whats a little hull rash when you can ride through town!!
  9. this looks pretty sweet as well, i am going to have to check this out maybe next weekend if anyone else wants to join, wish i could this weekend but i have a friggen wedding i have to go to on Sunday!
  10. good to know... she is an ok rider but would not say advanced by any means! would hate to not have my hunting quad come hunting season but not sure how well it would go over leaving her home!!
  11. Is there cabins there or do i bring my tent? Do i need to get a sticker to ride the trails? Also how about gas? i run 100 octane in my quad is there gas stations that i can hit that would sell that down there or am i better off taking my own from here? LOL last but not least how long of a drive from Columbus?
  12. Awesome thanks for the heads up i will check them out. do they have a website?
  13. Anyone here ever been down to Hatfield McCoy? I am thinking about planning a trip down to do some riding, i have a YFZ450 and a big bear that my girl will be riding. Any info that you could share with me would be greatly appreciated for this would be my first time. example where to stay, where to ride, what i should bring that i might not think i would need, etc.
  14. my mom has a Hyunda Elantra 4 door 5 speed with 113,000 miles, she is the original owner and basically has drivin it from Blacklick to New Albany everyday for the last 7 years. She is asking $3,000 but i know she will take $2,500. if interested PM ill give you more info and pictures.
  15. put some tanerite in them and watch what happens!! its fun!!
  16. i need a new pair of clear for my R6 as well if you can list price?
  17. mine went UP!! i live in Reynoldsburg bought the house 3 years ago as a hud reworked the whole house and just refinanced with Chase bank last year and had an appraisal done at that time. Since then they claim my house has GONE UP over $18,900!!! I think the bastards just want more of my tax money!
  18. Thanks only problem is i am in Reynoldsburg about ten min. east of Columbus so with the gas it would cost to run my F-150 there and back i would be better off buying new.
  19. how often are you going to shoot and how much do you want to spend on ammo? you should answer that first, second either gun is ok to hunt small game but you need to look at what you want to hunt because Ohio laws only allow certain things you can hunt with, I AM NOT SURE but i dont believe you can hunt rabbits in Ohio with a 17 or a 22? If you want to ground hog hunt or something similer i personally would go with the 17HMR. if you are just plincking and maybe shooting some squirrels then go with the .22
  20. BUMP!! come on people make a little kid happy!! LOL and me cause i dont want to have to buy these for full price!!
  21. I love my 17HMR but like people have said before it all really depends on what you want. My 17 is fun but anything more than 200yrds and the wind really starts to play a factor, as for the 22 i am not sure you will get 200 yards and if you do you will not have no where near the impact. You need to figure on what would be best for your budget as well. the 22 is litterally penny's to shoot where i think i just paid $9 for a box of 50 HMR rounds. (maybe even a little more) Last but not least i have to agree with C-Bus... if you are really looking to do some hunting i would invest in a 20 gauge preferably with both barrels so you can have the best of both worlds. Meaning you can have a slug gun to deer hunt and a bird barrel for well BIRDS LOL but also rabbits and other small game of your choice. just my 2 cents. good luck with decision.
  22. I'll PM you the info as soon as I can get it if it's OK with you Bowdog. No problem at all, like i said i will be with him tonight so can probably have you an answer by morning. If its later than today thats not a big deal just get it to me when you can and i will have him run it.
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