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Everything posted by bowdog

  1. Anyone still in? I am definitely still riding the 15th and 16th but if you guys dont have any interest in Wayne i may go to Walhonding... I dont care i just want to ride.
  2. I dont know but if we find one can i go with GSXR750GIRL? I will buy the Vodka!!
  3. bowdog


    He must have been speeding!
  4. WOW i need to re look at this. I give our guys $50 a day! LMAO and to think how much money they could save our company if i could just buy them all a case of noodles and a coffee maker!!
  5. I called the campground too reserved three spots... The lady told me that there is no way that the primitve camps will sell out and she said when i get there Friday to block or rope off however many spots i think we will use and pay for them at that time so just let me know if you would like to come down and i will make sure i have you a spot.
  6. I will call tomorrow and reserve a couple three sites. I am down to go up Friday night in fact i prefer it.
  7. What do you do? I do not want to sell mine, i use for side work...I can get you a pair cheap through one of my suppliers.
  8. Awesome story!! dont think my Bull Mastiff would fit so well on the R6 though.
  9. What kills me is they don't realize that the "bad" people that are carrying now and drinking are still going to be doing the same while the people that are out following the law are the ones that will be victims!!
  10. http://www.begleyscampground.com/index.html If you guys dont like this one and have another one in mind post up and we can camp there. My goal would be to get down there around 9:30 or 10 (or earlier if preferred) and check in drop the trucks and ride, we could head back to camp mid day and cook some lunch or pack sammiches and eat on the trail?!?!? End of day maybe head back to camp have a fire, dinner, and some brews... Relax get up Sunday and ride again. I will probably want to head out by 5 at the latest on Sunday maybe a little earlier because i will still have to unload and all that before heading to work Monday.
  11. I am still planning on camping so both days will work, if some just want to come for one or the other then that works too. But if anyone else wants to camp lets still plan.
  12. Whatever works best for everyone, i am pretty much open for any weekend other than halloween... Lets plan on the 15th 16th if that works for everyone. If people dont want to camp then we can all just meet on the 15th and ride for the day and head home. I am not picky just want to do some dirt riding.
  13. I am in for the campground, if you look at their rules section there is no rules!! Also i used to go through New Straitsville to get to where i road and the town is 100% ATV friendly meaning you can ride them on all public roads in town.
  14. tells me error occured and to try again later. Edit: nevermind i see it now.
  15. bowdog


    good pic!
  16. Was definitely thinking some brews at camp not while riding. If anyone has a good idea on where to camp or has some more info on how to get "plate" please post up. thanks.
  17. Screw it ill start one, people with experiance please join in on where we should all try and meet on the new thread.
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