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Everything posted by whaler

  1. Throw an Angle GT if you prefer to match, but super sticky sport/track tires are not as good on the road as Sport Touring type tires like PR4, T30, Angle GT, Road Smart. You will not out ride any of the tires I mentioned unless you are going mach retard and even then I would be suprised.
  2. Welcome! Even if you are from Ravenna.
  3. Both... any of the bikes you mentioned will be fine with the forward sleeves, although the regular cut will work just fine for any type of riding.
  4. You can buy just as much bike for half that amount. Unless you are specifically looking for that bike and you want new, otherwise there are many great bikes for $2500-$3500 that leave room for more/better gear.
  5. I have a cash only rule for bikes and bike stuff. To easy to get in a situation where you crash bike and still owe. Unsecured is even worse, because that low interest won't last forever, unless you keep balance transferring. To each their own though.
  6. whaler

    New member

    It's later because we find ourselves in Kentucky and West Virginia at 4:00 in the afternoon. We don't slab unless it's late late or trying to beat thunderstorms.
  7. whaler

    New member

    It's true, but we will invite you along out of pity.
  8. Nice bike for sure! Thinking he picked it up for a song and is flipping to make some cash... Who picks a borrowed GS over this gem?
  9. A large section of 377 was repaved last year. At minimum 1/3 to half.
  10. You need to get other video, watching only your POV sucks... Just saying
  11. whaler

    New member

    No, but we will keep you in the loop.
  12. whaler

    New member

    Welcome! Nice meeting you. We do rides monthly and you are more than welcome to ride with us anytime. Just beware if you go out with us it is 500+ Miles and you won't be home before dinner!
  13. Myself, Derek, Wolfman1 are for sure, but believe there are 4-6 more at minimum. Some have fallen victim to the hate parade. IP is just a non comformer.
  14. Derek will be leaving Copley in the am to head for Wooster NEO meet. Might want to shoot him a PM. @DerekClouser
  15. NEO group is meeting in Wooster to ride down. 8AM at the Minit Mart (old Stop and Go) @ route 83 and 250. its spelled correctly!
  16. Have thought it over and think you are making the right decision. lol
  17. If someone knows the current weather situation and does not check every hour or so, they deserve to be wet and cold.
  18. I believe the next major update will be 12AM when NWS issues model corrections. Have seen the weather change completely opposite, but looking at the radar rain is eminent. Light rain is not so much a worry for me, it's the 50-62 degree temps. Cold and wet is miserable.
  19. Just because you ride a couch that blocks rain at anything over 10MPH...
  20. They heat to operating temp faster, which is cooler than sport tires, should have added more detail. Bottom line if you run too low of pressure they will overheat and live a very short life.
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