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Mr. Jones

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Everything posted by Mr. Jones

  1. Errbody watch out, LJ the anti-poaching crime dog is at it again.
  2. Let me know when you want to race bro... :dumb:
  3. You should give him the best birthday present a bro can give, and melt your rotors into something useful, like a plate or mug. :dumb: :dumb: :dumb: :dumb: :dumb:
  4. http://static.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/211033-bigthumbnail.jpg
  5. http://static.cargurus.com/images/site/2010/01/02/00/08/1966_ford_bronco-pic-5658710960964872793.jpeg
  6. http://www.4x4offroads.com/image-files/1996-ford-bronco-picture.jpg
  7. Like this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/06/Ford_Bronco_.jpg/250px-Ford_Bronco_.jpg ?
  8. http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/imagebuzz/web05/2011/6/9/17/anigif_not-sure-if-serious-gif-to-be-used-on-forums-22779-1307655858-12_preview.gif
  9. You mean S4... :lolguy: Add an exhaust and it will "feel" faster. The sound is so muted, you have no indication of your speed.
  10. Sure, let me know when you are ready.... Be sure to have 7 spares set aside. :dumb:
  11. Will you two get a room already, geez.
  12. Don't come out and get other people sick. JERKFACE>
  13. Isn't there a way of chemically neutering people ? IE: Slip some into the government cheese ?
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