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Posts posted by CBBaron

  1. 13 hours ago, Isaac's Papa said:

    Fast twenty to the veterinarian for flea medicine. Nice day for a ride. Fuck that FedEx driver for passing on double yellow as Lyns was indicating to turn left. Asshole almost ran her over. 

    Glad to hear it was only a close call, not worse. 

    After talking to the "gentleman" who hit me, I'm thinking many of these assholes on the road are probably nice people in person, but just have no respect for bicyclist on the road. They just dont consider the option that they should slow and wait for Lyns to make the left or for oncoming traffic to clear so they can pass with plenty of clearance. :nono:

    Looks like a nice ride otherwise. 

  2. Thanks

    Advil is keeping me mobile and I have a prescription for stronger if I needed it.

     The trucks fender and mirror look pretty bad too. 

    Seems like a nice enough gentleman but he is still trying to figure out what he did wrong.

    "I was as far over in my lane as I could get, I couldn't go farther due to an oncoming car."

    It doesn't occur to him to slow up and wait for the oncoming car to clear. There is no way to safely pass anything in your lane on a narrow 2 lane with no shoulder. :nono:

    Luckily he told the cop what happened because I have no idea. I don't remember anything until about 1/2 hr later.

  3. Tried to be a hood ornament.


    I don't remember the accident but other than some rash, bruises and a mild concussion I came out OK. The bike not so well. Bent top tube, broken chain stay and very bent rear wheel. The drivers insurance should pay for everything. I get to deal with that next.


  4. 1 hour ago, Isaac's Papa said:

    Just. Walk. Hills. ?? 


    With a SS bike there are still 3 gears. Sitting and pedaling, Standing on the pedals and walking :D

    In NEO I very seldom need the low gear, but if you can ride all the hills around Mohican on a SS without walking them you are much tougher than me.

    • Upvote 1
  5. No problem, 

    I will probably still do the BF gravel. I am not skilled or fit enough to race MTB. Last time I tried to ride VK it tried to kill me when I slipped off a skinny and landed hard on the board.

    IP, I'm sure you could do it on the SS. I did a similar 60 mile ride out of Millersburg a few years ago on a SS CrossCheck. Just be prepared to walk a few hills. I actually had a better time on the SS than I did the following year on my geared bike.



    • Upvote 1
  6. Extensive testing at the North Pole, 45hp from a 1.9lb motor, available later this year. Sounds like April Fools.

    On the other hand a hub mounted electric FWD does sound like a reasonable off road technology. Christini has already proven FWD effective for off-road motorcycles and a electric motor would simplify the mechanics. 45hp would be way over kill, these bike have too much power off-road already, but a 10-15hp motor may help stabilize the vehicle in loose conditions. Control would be very tricky but dynamic traction control and ABS have already greatly improved for ADV bikes. I suspect something like this is coming sooner rather than later.


  7. 29 minutes ago, Isaac's Papa said:

    I can fit two bicycles inside my Cruze. That thing should have room. 

    The advantages of being short. I can barely fit my bike inside of an Equinox with both seats lain flat without disassembly. 


  8. 3 minutes ago, Isaac's Papa said:

    Broke in the new beer rack. Split from work at noon-thirty and test road the Multi I serviced. Then found some weed, smoked it and headed into Kent for beer. I can't believe how plush that Miyata rolls. I need a road bike like this one. 

    Nice :bicycle: I like the rack.

    Looks like that granny ring is designed to climb walls :D


  9. 8 hours ago, Isaac's Papa said:

    Don't know Ashby. :dunno:

    I think she's aiming for Alpha. 

    Sorry Asbury (I always mistype that one). That was the road you came down before the rail trail on RAR.

    That climb is much more challenging than Alpha.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Fin said:

    Here's my take away, most bikes today with exception to the expensive bikes (BMW, top of the line Harley, other???) don't have a key-less security fob.
    The key-less security fob electronically locks the front forks and denies a thief an easy method for theft.

    With that said, what's the preferred way to secure your ride to prevent theft?

    Why do you think electronic locks are better than manual steering column locks?

    Dirt bikes are particularly vulnerable. Most dirt bikes have no key, no steering lock, can be picked by 2 strong men and many are not titled. 

    As for security 


    A strong chain attached to an immobile object.

  11. 5 hours ago, Isaac's Papa said:

    26" hardtail ridden by 40 year old geezer. I'd be happy to not have a heart attack. Lol

    So you think the 45 year old fatboy on a fully rigid fatbike would do better :D

    Looks like Chris is going full in on the bicycle racing and is trying to take someone down with him. 

  12. 33 minutes ago, Tonik said:

    Jesus, the dude that got shot didn't steal it...and he thought he was getting robbed.  Sorry, but shooter needs to spend a good deal of time in the slammer.  Thanks for the full story @motocat12

    From the news report the bike was stolen Feb 4. The kid did not have it for 3 months like his father says. Also a kid is trying to sell a bike he can't have owned for much more than a month in the winter. :nono:

    Sorry I'm not buying the story. Sounds like the story always given when trying to sell stolen goods and you get caught.

    Still I agree handled poorly. The story about the danger to others sounds like a story also. Not a happy ending for either party :(


    • Upvote 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Isaac's Papa said:

    Miyata got a new saddle and a place to set my beer when I'm shifting. 

    Took the SSCX out on Saturday. Trail was slippery. Took the Trek out on Sunday for some laps around the lake. Not much, but forty miles this weekend. It was good to get outside and suck some fresh air for a bit. 




    I see you got some Bar mitts, those would have been nice on RAR :D

    I did 30 on Sunday. It appeared they did not plow Beck Rd. in Mantua after the last snow. There were narrow muddy wheel tracks through 6" of wet slushy snow. Other than that and the normal spring pot holes It was not a bad ride.

    • Upvote 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Isaac's Papa said:

    I have TOSRV the weekend before and DG the following two weekends. I won't be hauling ass at Mohican, but I'm anxious to check it out. 

    If you haven't been there, Mohican is a great MTB trail, and unlike the local trails it dries quickly.

    Not real technical other than a few steep hills but long with changing scenery and tons of elevation change. Doing the whole loop is a real challenge. 

    I don't think I will be able to get away during the week but I will have to do Mohican at least once this year.

  15. My vote is something dark (porter, stout, brown ale). To my taste buds a Dortmunder has the bland already covered.

    Ofcourse unlike the hipsters I don't like any flavoring in my beer.

    Like IP my experience was different. My youngest beers were a month old before drinking. Though I did brew all grain it was a very low tech system. I'm curious to see how your come out.


  16. 3 hours ago, redkow97 said:

    it's just frustrating... I may end up on my ancient spin bike tonight.  No computer.  manual resistance adjustment.  not even a timer...


    At least I have an iPad and multiple episodes of The Grand Tour.  I do an 'interval' workout where I turn up the resistance when the show is buffering :p


    I'm looking at an endurance race in mid May right now.  Brady Run or something?  It's near PIRC, and there is a 3-hour fat tire division.  It's really a 6-hour race.  I'll do the first hour on a trails I've never seen, then try to up my pace for the second hour, and maintain for the third.  We'll see how that works out...

    Wow you are going all in on the cycling!!! :bow:

    Are you signing up for the Mohican 100 also?

    The Brady's Run MTB trail looks pretty good, and is actually closer to me than Mohican. I may have to try the trail this spring.


  17. This winter has been lousy for off road cycling. Although RAR was pretty much what you can expect for a late Feb/early March gravel ride. Its been better but its also been worse (although you probably would have had more fun on the fatbike in the first years conditions). 

    I was hoping with this recent snow I might get a fatbike ride around the local park. However the 4" of snow we had Tuesday afternoon turned to 18+" by later that evening. No chance of riding in stuff that deep. Instead I got to use my snow shoes for the first time in 2 years. I might be able to ride the path tonight that I shoed last night but by the weekend it is likely to be a slushy mess. Looking at the forecast it is probably a couple weeks before I can ride a trail again.

    If it would stay below freezing for a while I can either snow bike or ride frozen trails. Or if it was dry for a while I can ride trails. But the freeze/thaw and rain or snow leaves everything a mess. :(


  18. 17 minutes ago, Tonik said:

    Um, how many keys do you need. Like per year?

    I'm going to guess rental housing. Probably near a college campus. :D

    As for keys I'm a little annoyed with Suzuki, I have different keys for the ignition and steering lock. I know a steering lock is not particularly useful on a 300# motorcycle but it does make rolling the bike away a little more difficult.

  19. 10 hours ago, redkow97 said:

    Went out at 5 to hit the trails. Fucked. 

    Saw a guy leaving with tons of mud on his bike. 

    Rode the paved hill instead. Five times. Decent training, but not the fun I'd hoped for. 

    I took the fat bike on some local oil well access roads and an abandoned rail road over the weekend. I was surprised to see how muddy both were despite several days of below freezing weather. I think the warm soil combined with sunny days kept any unshaded areas thawed.

    If you are near the CVNP there are several abandoned hill side roads that make for a more interesting workout. They are mostly gravel and broken down pavement but better than pavement.

    Pine Hill Road, Old Carriage Trail, Stafford Rd, and Akron-Peninsula, connect those with the Towpath and Summit Hike and Bike trail and it can make for a good gravel workout.  

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