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Posts posted by CBBaron

  1. 47 minutes ago, 2talltim said:

    If I don't have to work that Saturday morning I,m willing to split the Parkersburg room with ya.

    Great, helps to save a few dollars for tires and gas :D

    I still have a spare bed in rooms for Sat-Mon!

  2. 19 minutes ago, JustinNck1 said:

    Where you staying at in Parkersburg? Me and Tonik were talking about taking 16 all the way down from Parkersburg to Beckley.

    Reservations at the Red Roof Parkersburg. 

    Haven't pick a route yet but was planning to take curvy roads from Parkersburg o Beckley. I'll take a look at 16. Want to meet in the morning?


    <edit> 16 looks pretty good. About 4 hours from Parkersburg according to Google. :D

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  3. Anybody still looking to share rooms? 

    I reserved rooms with 2 beds for each stop on the trip and Friday night in Parkersburg (Beckley is a long super slab haul from Cleveland to get there before noon :( )



  4. 1 hour ago, Tonik said:


    Ibuprofen. 600 mg starting first thing Saturday, then every 6 hours for the rest of the trip.

    Bicycle shorts under your stuff.  The extra padding and compression helps a TON. 

    Move around as much as you can.  I know your options are limited but even little movements help a ton.  Move foward and back on the seat, move your feet...heels on the pegs..toes.  Do it often, every 15 minutes or so.  Also stand up on your pegs if you can.......


    We won't be going that fast on the freeway Saturday. That stretch of 81 is HIGH enforcement.  I will be surprised if you can't keep up with me on 2 lane, I am fast but that bike of yours will move along real well.  Dan was able to keep up with me with his China bike and that is a 250. I had him on the straights but he could carry way more speed in the corners.

    I'll add the Ibuprofen to the tank bag.

    I have the bicycle shorts covered, I cycle regularly so have a good supply, and they do help.

    Moving is much easier on a dual sport, there is no "one" spot for sitting. Standing is easy on this style of bike. I'm usually out of the seat when hitting dirt roads.

    I think the DRZ has about 10 (50%) more hp than the China bike and sticky road rubber. If Dan can hang with the China bike the only reason I couldn't hang with the DRZ is rider skill :(

    Time to reserve the hotel rooms and order that Seat Concepts seat :D


  5. 1 hour ago, 2talltim said:

    Little off topic getting away from the talk about rooms. But I'm curious on how the 400 will keep up with a pack of touring and full blown sport bikes. I don't want to steer anyone away from this ride so please don't take it that way. I just know most of the bubbys in this group and we/they will be hauling the mail most of the time, and will be some 80mph stretches of freeway. I just don't want to see you get left behind or folks feeling obligated to wait and people getting butt hurt and all that jazz. I'm sure we can work out gas stops for you but extended stops are probably not going to happen. Not trying to be a dick here just genuinely concerned about this and want to make sure you and everyone else has a good time with out worry. If you feel confident you and your machine can handle it I'd love for you to prove me wrong and shut my whore mouth. If you do just make sure you have back up plans to get to the hotels every night if you loose the group.

    I'm a little concerned about keeping up, but much more so about my ability to endure riding an unfaired bike with a narrow seat for that many hours. 

    I know I won't stay with the group on the freeway. The 400 will do 80 but I don't like holding the thumper at nearly WOT for long stretches. 70 is more my choice for a freeway cruising speed. However I think the SM will handle the twisties as well or better than any touring bike and can keep up with any sane speeds on 2 lane roads. Worst case I will have the routes in my GPS and meet you all at the hotel :D I usually ride solo so its no big deal to me if I can't hang.

    I think the only stretch of freeway we have is at the end of the first day. I will just let the big bikes stretch their legs and take my own time to get to the destination. Really I'm just looking for an excuse to go ride some great roads down in that area. I won't be disappointed if I can't stay with the big bikes and I hope noone will make any special effort for me. I know I am choosing a somewhat inappropriate tool for the task so I do not want that choice to impact others.


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  6. I had to get a sit/stand desk at work for a back problem. They provided me with an Ergotron which is a nice quick and easy to use system that clamps on to your desk. I spend most of my time standing. I havn't had a problem with needing a mat but I wear comfortable running shoes. Even without the back problem I would probably still stand alot.

    We moved offices recently and the company provided electric desks for all employees. The ones we have could support 4 monitors if needed. I see alot of people using the standing option. 

    Overall I highly recommend it if you are considering it. 

  7. I am most likely in :banana: Will test out my riding endurance at the EPIC ride but expect I can survive :) Also I reserve the right to cancel if weather looks miserable, I expect that many miles on a DRZ to involve considerable pain an suffering but the ride is worth it. If the weather is miserable the equation changes :(


     Plan to book my hotels today or tomorrow unless someone else already has and is looking to split costs. PM me if you want to split rooms, non smoking please.


    On the road by sunrise sounds good to me. Its my normal schedule anyways. I'll bring layers. Packing is going to be tricky I don't currently have much luggage for the DRZ and dont want to load her down with too much. 



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  8. 16 hours ago, redkow97 said:

    I like the DRZ400 SM, but people seem to over-value them on the used market.  And as you note, it's not quite "light."


    I'm currently cruising eBay.  Considering buying a chinese 200cc engine and putting in into an older 2-stroke dirt chassis.    There are TONS of cheap 2-strokes with a front disk brake and "needs top-end rebuilt" on craigslist.    If the engine is the right price, and it will fit in the frame, 200cc (air-cooled) is the upper limit for Formula 1 with OMRL.  Plus it would be able to get out of its own way on the street.  Probably not the highway, but I can live with that.

    Agree on both counts on the DRZ400SM. 

    Sounds like a fun project. I've thought about dual sporting a crf150f or similar to get an inexpensive light weight off road bike. I hate trailering hence the reason for converting :D


  9. Lots of engineering compromises to 1. meet a price point. 2. Provide the reliability and maintenance intervals 3. Provide the load carrying capacity.

    So you get mild steel frame, beefy subframes, large oil sumps, substantial engine walls, large steel gas tanks, etc...

    MX or supermoto bikes under 300# have none of that and cost considerably more than GS500s or EX250s. Sure you could drop 50# from the EX250 but it would cost alot.

    But I agree with you on the lightweight bike, that is why I got the DRZ400SM. Its not sub 300# but it does provide a subframe and reasonable maintenance intervals and is about 50# lighter than the Ninja.



  10. 36 minutes ago, Bad324 said:

    I have no problem drafting as late as September 6 or 7 since the first game is the 8th.

    But we will lucky to get 10 I bet...

    I think this league has been 8 for the last few years. And agree you can do decent with a little luck in the draft. I have been 2 or 3 in the league most years I played and I have yet to actively participate in the draft.



  11. 1 hour ago, drc32-0 said:

    20 years?The Browns have been breaking their fans hearts since Jim Brown retired.I hate the Browns,but you have to admire their fans.I grew up in the days of the steel curtain,Swan and Stalworth,Jack Lambert,Franco Harris and Rocky Blier...how could I not be a Steelers fan!

    At least the team was respectable in the 80s and early 90s.

    When I first started watching football was near the end of that 70s dynasty but I'm sure that what initially drew me to the team. Probably didn't hurt that my parents rooted for the Browns :D


  12. Just enjoying reading the unwarranted optimism :D

    There are Steelers fans everywhere. It amazes me to see Steelers fans take over an opponent's stadium. However Brown's fans are really impressive. Despite the heart break the team has provided the last 20 years they still have a large rabid following. Bengals have actually put a decent team on the field for a while and still have trouble filling the stadium.



  13. 2 minutes ago, Tonik said:


    Yea, I tried really hard to get us to Lexington Monday, but it would have been tough.  I cut a lot just to get us to Rocky Top.

    I think it is a good balance. If I need to be home Tuesday evening I can do it. If I want to take the extra day I can plan a more leisurely route home through WV.

    If I had my old Vstrom I would probably just do the 4 hrs of slab, but that is much less desireable on the DRZ. 

  14. Looks like some fun routes and alot of miles. 

    I'm thinking it is going to take 2 days to get back to NEO from Rocky Top. To do it in one day would require atleast 4 hours of freeway :( I don't think I am up for that kind of abuse, especially after 4 hard days.

    I better order than Seat Concepts seat for the DRZ :D



  15. 1 hour ago, Bad324 said:

    1) I meant our tailgate will have a good showing as in amount of people. The numbers had dwindled the last few years. 

    b) Why do you keep saying "You"? I don't play, work or own the team so it ain't got shit to do with what I have. I throw laser tight spirals so slow your roll.

    III) Whether the QB is good or not doesn't matter because he will get hurt. The defense could be one of the worst since '99. Offense lacks playmakers I only very mildly disagree, mainly because there is plenty of potential in the WR corps but that remains to be seen. Duke Johnson is legit and Barnidge will be solid but won't see same production as last year. The O-line is going to be patch work garbage.

    4) Despite the potential of the offense the Browns are going to suck really bad but I don't tailgate for the Browns. I tailgate for the fun and camaraderie. I won't give them any of my money in the form of tickets until they learn to run the org correctly. Hell, I'm usually too drunk by kickoff to remember watching any of the game at the bars 

    I knew you were too informed about football to be talking about the browns being legit :lol:

    • Upvote 1
  16. 3 minutes ago, Vagabound said:

    That looks like a well ridden machine! Had a DRZ back in the day and a Speed Triple before the Ape, felt like the hand of God was swooping down to tear me off the bike past 90mph. Feel for you, especially chasing rockets. But the big cheese eating grin on your face in the twisted makes up for it! :D

    That pic was taken this spring the first month I had it. I think I rolled over 1000 miles on that trip to ANF. :D

    As you can see I dont mind getting a new bike dirty 

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  17. Put me down for a maybe, as long as you don't mind stopping every 100 miles for gas, the DRZ has a tiny tank :)

    Also I hate freeway, but will do a few miles to make it work. Will not do a multi hour freeway ride, I can add a travel day to avoid that. :( 

    I need a good moto trip this year, committing to this will give me a good excuse to take a few days off. 


  18. I happened upon this race on TV live. It was carnage with some cars spending almost as much time in the grass and gravel as on the pavement. Personally I thought is was the most interesting Nascar race I have ever seen. I watched to the end.



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