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Posts posted by CBBaron

  1. This is my first time doing a big group ride so I'm not sure my pace. I know I'm not fast, probably more like Med. 

    When I ride alone I seldom stop but I don't mind taking some time to see the scenery. Taking breaks will I'm sure improve my comfort by the end of the day. 

    Really looking forward to getting on the road Sat morning, not so much the slab to Parkersburg Friday evening.



  2. 14 hours ago, Tonik said:

    Ok, its official, I have contacts for land in Seven Hills for bow hunting. Hunted all my younger years and I am certain this will be excellent hunting.

    Multiple spots, all private.

    Express your interest and I will pm you contact info.

    There is actually property big enough in Seven Hills to hunt?

    That has got to be like shooting fish in a barrel. The deer around here are abundant and nearly tame. They dont even look up from grazing the shoulder when you ride by. 

  3. 13 hours ago, Tonik said:

    Np, you and cbbaron can stand off to the side during the cherahala espresso break.

    Heh, I'm just jealous of your ability to pack without scrutinizing every choice. I dont want to be left out of the espresso break :D


  4. 2 hours ago, 2talltim said:

    Rain gear is over rated. Last several years I've been wearing touring gear with build in rain protection. It's breathable so it does not get too hot with panels that unzip. I've stayed dryer with just that than I ever have with slip on rain gear  And on really hot trips I'll just wear mesh with dry fit shorts and shirts on underneath that drys quickly. I pack more thermal stuff now and leave the rain BS at home, even my thermal is just a jacket liner and my heated vest.

    I have found that my 7 yr old Tourmaster Transition is not very waterproof when you have no wind protection. I will be carrying a rain jacket, to keep me dry incase it rains, and as an extra thermal layer if it gets too cold. If it was summer I would probably skip it but a 45F rain is no fun if you are soaked.


  5. You guys pack way too much :D

    Though I will have to get some saddle bags if I want to do some camping. My current setup is barely sufficient and I will have to add an extra 10min to load and unload the bike each day.



  6. I will lay claim to the other end of the storage spectrum. 2 dry bags and a tank bag mounted on my bike for slightly more than 30L of total space. 

    That is probably less than one of Tonic's side bags.

    I do have a big Givi topcase I could mount to the rear rack but I am pretty sure I would end up with a broken subframe if it was loaded for this trip.


  7. I would definitely like to catch the game. 

    As mentioned it is probably the top game next Saturday and at primetime so it is very likely on the local stations. However hanging at a bar to get dinner and watch sounds better than sitting in the hotel room.

  8. I'll add a quick review for the Enduro Star Trail Stand that I purchased also.

    The stand was shipped quick and I received in just a few days. 

    A very simple but well built product. Very flexible uses, I easily picked up my rear wheel or front wheel on my sumo. However because it doesn't have the leverage of the PackJack it would be more difficult to use with a heavy bike.

    Biggest complaint is the tool is still pretty long when packed down or travel. It barely fits in my fender bad with the hook and foot removed and wont fit in my small enduro tank bag.

    Both of my wheels are now set up tubeless so I should only need the stand for chain maintenance.


  9. 11 minutes ago, max power said:

    No. I'be got some half ass pics. No good ones of the overall, but you get the idea. 

     New siding in doors are going in as we speak, which is why  i'm trying to find an inexpensive option besides the shitty railroad ties. 




    That is pretty ugly.

    Do you really want that entire are raised to the level of the patio? Smaller would be cheaper and/or less effort.

    The stacked concrete walls would be affordable if you made the area smaller then sloped the yard up to the small, short wall. That should be something that could be do-it-yourself. Just make sure to put good drainage behind the wall and a firm foundation if you want it to last.



  10. 2 hours ago, durk said:

    You're going to the gap with a bunch of guys here correct? I'm sure you will be riding plenty of twisties. I've only been to the gap twice, but each time I feel I've come back a better rider. Ride your own ride and get comfortable. My guess is you will come back a better rider. You'll come back and ride roads you used to think were a challenge and be bored. 

    Yep, I'm really excited about that trip. I'm sure I will come back a better rider. 

  11. 22 minutes ago, JustinNck1 said:

    Not to rain on everyone's parade, but the new river gorge area is going to be severely busy Saturday the 15th. That is "Bridge Day". So plan your time accordingly and expect bumper to bumper traffic around 60/16/19.

    Thanks for the heads up. I hate traffic worse than freeway.

    An alternative for the last few miles to Bexley in the morning.



  12. 15 hours ago, what said:

    If you feel like you're in too hot, lean lean lean. I tell myself that every time my brain tries to tell me I'm going too fast and won't make it. If your pegs aren't dragging and your knee isn't down, you've still got room, especially on a sumo. 

    Do you trail brake at all? Been working on that this summer myself and it helps a lot, also keeps the suspension nice and happy through the corner if you're smooth (doesn't dive the front before you dip in). 

    Anyhow, glad you're alright. 

    I agree 100%. Thats where practice come in as sometimes things are happening too fast for the logical part of my brain to make the right decision. Which is where this went wrong. :(

    And you are correct sumos have great ground clearance. Unlike most bikes I'm pretty sure I could lose traction before dragging hard parts unless the road conditions were perfect. Still even that is better than high siding so your recommendation still applies. 

    I have not tried learning to trail brake yet. I think I still need to pick better lines and be smoother through the corner. And obviously I still have to learn to "lean, lean, lean" instead of brake when the turn tightens up. At this point trail braking might be one control too many. I really need to get the leathers and take the bike for a couple track days. I'm sure that would be the fastest way to learn seeing how I don't seem to get many full days to hit curvy roads.




  13. I work Friday but reserved a room in the Red Roof Parkersburg. (I think 2talltim was planning to use the second bed)

    Trying to get from NEO to Bexley before noon then riding 250 miles looked too taxing for me. 

    Instead I plan to take I77 to Parkersburg Friday after work and then take a more scenic route to Bexley in the morning. Probably take 16 in the morning.



  14. 1 hour ago, Tonik said:

    Just something to ponder, I will bet a dozen donuts you were not too hot for the bike.  Bike was fine, it would have made it if you let it.  It was your head that decided it was too hot. We all have done it.

    Glad you and the scoot are ok man.

    Very true. Too fast for my head and a bad line. I probably could have ridden it out by pushing the turn harder and using the other lane, but I don't process that fast enough. Like I said panicked, which is never a good thing. 

    Need more practice!!!!


  15. Glad you had a good ride durk, it was a beautiful day.

    I had a great time despite myself. Did about 380 miles and made it home right at 4.

    I did learn several lessons and a couple of them the hard way. 

    I low sided on a sharp RH turn. Came in too hot, panicked and grabbed a handful of front brake. 

    First my concentration was not fully on the road because I was concerned by the pickup that was trying to chase me after I passed him in the straight. Second when you cant see through the curve, especially if the warning sign say 15mph, assume the worse. Third grabbing the front brake hard in the middle of a turn is a really bad idea.

    Good news is my gear worked as intended and I only have a couple bruises and a little soreness for the accident. Wore a couple holes in the jacket and pants but over all it held up well. The bike did even better with the only noticeable damage is scrapes on the hand guards and a slightly tweaked handlebar. SuperMotos do crash well :D

    So despite the biff I had a great day. Just need to replace the no longer waterproof pants :( . I guess that is a small price to pay for the lessons learned.

    Also later that morning I learned I am slow. On a nice curvy part of new pavement on 250 in WV I was passed like I was standing still by a rider on a sport bike. I was not pushing it hard since it was not long after my biff and he was obviously skilled, but it was humbling seeing how much smoother that rider was carving the corners. 2 or 3 corners later he was out of site.


  16. 50 minutes ago, what said:

    Still waiting on final approval from boss but it's looking like this is a go. 


    Who still needed a roommate? 

    Yep, I have rooms reserved and a spare bed. Let me know if you are interested.

  17. 24 minutes ago, Danimal said:

    Congrats on a big milestone.

    I remember my bike's first 100K like it was yesterday. 

    Like a comfy pair of shoes

    So how many miles have you racked up on the China bike already?

    I'm guessing you have already put more miles on it than most bikes will ever have.

  18. 5 hours ago, Tonik said:

    31 days gang.  Time to double check tires, brakes and so on.  I am debating if I put on new front brakes before I leave, or do it in a hotel parking lot down there like I usually do.

    Just ordered new tires and an aftermarket seat. Not sure the rear needs replaced again but the original front is nearly to the wear bars. Figure the Seat Concepts seat has to be better than the stock 2x4.


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