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Everything posted by ohdaho

  1. Dayton group will meet you in New Covington at 1045. Should be a good long day of riding.
  2. Saw it land a couple times at Edwards. Never got to see it takeoff tho.
  3. Lammie, I'm down for Saturday.
  4. I hate clicking on your ride threads from MIL computers! Saturday me and 2 other Dayton folks were possibly hitting up your route you posted on the initial thread. We'd love to meet up with you along 70 or maybe in Renrock since thats already a stop for you.
  5. WTF? Sounds like a craigslist scam...lol. Though Im sure its not. GLWS.
  6. Shes hot cuz you know she doesnt want babies.
  7. Dunlop RoadSmarts are amazing. Great grip, long tread life.
  8. Sounds like the bike you got wasn't well maintained to begin with sobyou should just buy a new chain.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lik_CBdb_5g
  10. Check kawiforums. i know for a fact some guys are selling chains and sprockets. Riders Discount will also hook you up with a new set. Check the sponsors thread.
  11. definitely the battery.
  12. If you think Cali is communistic you need to read some of the regulations placed on Florida riders. I didnt have issues the short time i was there with a bike. Youd be hard pressed to find a more scenic and serene ride then pacific coast highway. The mountains in Cali (Socal and Norcal are amazing).
  13. Holy shit California isnt even in the top 20?!
  14. So I'm stuck in uniform at a meijer gas station. I stroll in to get dome milk turn the key off before coming to a full stop. And now the bike won't start. Turn key, fuel pump primes but won't turn over. Tried to bump start but that didn't work. The batteries been weak, but I was riding for about 15 minutes on the highway before this. Ideas? Could it be my PC? I haven't had time to get it tuned so the maps not perfect and everytime I try to start the bike it's a lil weak sounding if that makes sense.
  15. Does she have internet access? Skype is an amazing service...and free. When my gf was in vietnam visiting thats how we kept in touch. I also bought phone cards through speedypin.com. Looks like thats alot cheaper than what youre paying for a phone card.
  16. ohdaho


    Anybody know of any for sale? LT I work with may be in the market for one. Looked at the first few pages here and didnt see much. Thanks.
  17. Exactly. Its not really "expensive" when you consider the technology and components it has over your typical jap bike. For track guys, youre pretty much going to get rid of most of the stock components for the brembo MCs and cals, ohlins everything, etc. So at that point I would pay the extra premium for the ducati just to have something different and the pure hotness that is a duc.
  18. Congrats you know how to compute percentages. Compute out the price per liter and its less than 10% (rough-back-of-napkin type of calculation). So that puts it how many points above the "cheap vs expensive" threshold? ...disclaimer: didnt mean to sound like a dick.
  19. Expensive is a relative term. Ducatis really arent that more expensive than a comparable jap bike (ie 1198 vs zx10r)...several thousand or so.
  20. I got some lying around...not sure if they would fit...youre more than welcome to try.
  21. If you only drag race twice a year why would that take the 848 out of the running? Your making a bike decision based on maybe a few minutes of seat time. The 848 is tits and I wouldn't hesitate if I was shopping for a new bike.
  22. I dont think a guy on katana should really judge a HD guy tho.
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