I dont think you can compare the need to conceal on a military base and in a general civilian setting. As far as I know, almost all military are required to go through some type of training (CBT, powerpoint, etc) for hostile situations (domestic and abroad), training which is obsolete in the civilian world. This stuff isnt that uncommon and I can recall several instances where its happened at other bases (Edwards AFB, CA). Sure in this situation it might have been over relatively quickly, but one has to ask how much more common would it be if everyone was allowed to carry. Its not the people that carry that Im worried about, its the accessibility by others that might not be in the best state of mind. People may hold everyone in the military to high moral/righteous standard, but I dont think theres anybody here that has been in the military that would say theyve never met someone that just wasnt quite right in the head in the service.