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Posts posted by FranknStein

  1. Now I've never had a run in with a bee on the road, but I was almost laid low by a monarch butterfly once if you can believe that shit. Huge bastard with the orange and black wings smacked me in the face and then the wind pushed it up under my riding glasses. Fucker was trying to get away and I'm traveling 70mph with no vision at all. Get the bike stopped and my buddy pulls up and asks what's goin on? I pull the thing from under my glasses hold it up in all its glory and throw it. Now here is where I knew it was evil. The big bastard opens it wings and flutters right the fuck away as if nothing happened!!!! Evil!!! I fear not the bee, but steer clear of the butterfly!!!!!

  2. Welcome back, I see that you've changed your avatar, you realize now that the last of the use I had for you left with that augmented chest. Now you go sit at the kids table and let the adults talk for a while ummkay.

  3. I did find something fun out about the bike this evening, my buddy called me after I made the deal with you and said the carbs alone on this bike go for $800 new about 300-400 used. So I don't think you can really lose on this one.

  4. Not sure if anyone is interested, but my buddy and I were going to bob this 1982 440 ltd, but now he wants a shadow so we're moving this one down the line as well. I will probably post this seperately but figured if any of you guys were interested you could get first dibs.

  5. F U sambusa! :) That's a steal. Do a quick ebay search...you wont find one under 500. Good luck with the restoration.

    What can I say I'm just that kind of guy, you all remember that when I bring the next classic your way.

  6. For anyone interested, put the freshly cleaned carbs on this evening, couldn't take it out because of the hour but she doesn't bog and die with throttle anymore. I will keep you all posted for tom. I will ride her and see what is what.

  7. Someone called me a wiener?

    I must have missed that in all the excitement.

    uht oh........I've seen this before.....be afraid boys soon he's going to bust out the rubber and the glue. Then we're all screwed!

  8. You know I'm not sure I left after the incident. See usually I don't shit where I eat. If I like a place or frequent a location I usually conduct myself with some respect for those who run or own the establishment. Not that I was being a dick at the BMV!!! they were snarky!!!!

  9. There were probably too many guards pushing everyone around.

    OHH SHIT!!! I did forget to mention that. After he got all snarky a whole host of other security guards came out and told me.......TOLD ME!!....to please quiet down. It was like they were clanish, they all stuck together and they all backed each other up! Can you imagine that Security backing up one another in a difficult situation??!!!!! It's like they new that the job could be rough and wanted to support one anothers' actions. AND THEY WERE ALL SNARKY!!!!!! ....I think they were FUCKTARDS!!! yeah that's it they were a vicious pack of FUCKTARDS!!!!! SNARKY FUCKTARDS!!!!!!!! I'll be scarred forever!!!!

  10. Also you know Bitch can be a term of endearment, like........"BITCH YOU CRAZY!!!!"......or...."SHUT UP BITCH OR THE LEFT WILL MATCH THE RIGHT!!!!!!!!"

    so........that's how I was saying it like (Happy) "HURRY UP BITCH!!!" ....like that, and then that big SOB got all kinds of snarky on my ass!!! OOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I'm sorry I just can't even think I'm so mad. Just let me post 300 times or so over the course of multiple threads and maybe I'll simmer down some.... Snarky SOB!!!!!

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