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Posts posted by FranknStein

  1. Give me an idea of a reasonable offer cause I'm working with about $500 on the top end. Found out this morning that some worthless skalawag in Austrailia hit my bank account up for about a grand. The bank is taking care of it but I'm short on funds til they get it sorted out. I'd deffinatly be interested though.

    I could go $500 obo for the cb550 if that would help matters. Hopefully the bank gets that shit sorted out, never a good situation.

  2. working on it

    I'm bad at this shit, I will post a few when the wife gets home. She can hold my hand and let me know how the electric box makes the pictures appear.

  3. TD, the way I see it is you said something boarish at an inappropriate time. You then said that it's the way you felt and so you're going to voice your opinion. I could respect that, but then you go on a victim crusade where you claim the mods are unfair for reprimanding you. You can't have it both ways. Either you are tough enough to say what you feel and deal with the consequences accordingly or you just don't say anything at all.

    Those who have a hard-on for stating their opinion, the balls to say it no matter what, but then get pussy pains when they are confronted have been given too much equipment, and really have only one alternative. To go fuck themselves.

  4. These fucktards, those fucktards, weeze fucktards, whose fucktards. Are vee not fucktards? I'm open to going riding anytime.........on a bike.......and not sexually speaking............ya know..........not talking about the butt sex.........but also not a Huffy.......a motorcycle.......so to be clear........I'm open to going motorcycle riding........I don't own a Huffy and I'm not into butt sex..............Unless you buy me dinner........but then that's a whole new can of worms.

  5. not all sport bike riders like to go fast all the time :lol:

    I simply havn't associated with enough apparently, The few I do know are the type to meet you at the next gas station if you're not keeping up. I mean, don't get me wrong we go fast, faster than many cruisers like to but mainly we have just never met any sport riders worth talking to. Then I found OR and I realized that after all these years of prejudice.......I was absolutely right :banana:

  6. ^lulz

    You bein in Lima, why haven't we gone riding yet?:dunno:

    Actually just got back onto this crazy forum recently. The brothers and I mainly do the rat bike/chop bob thing, so its never been anything personal. I just figured that you boys with the sport oriented bikes that go fast and have those odd shits called suspensions wouldn't have a great time riding with an old 750 that tops out in the 130s.

  7. So what you're saying That Dude is..........shit I really don't care, just keep posting your mindless yet endearing banter. My only real motivation is looking at that enchanting lady, who apparently you cut the head off of in a brilliant display of boobtastic framing. Random ain't it Fucktard?

  8. The CB 550 I have needs a little cosmetic work, but it has that classic cafe racer potential and that awesome four into four megaphone exhaust. needs some mechanical work but runs, sunfaded original tank with the orange striping and no dents at all. I am reasonable on price, and the bike just oozes classic, that's why I couldn't say no when I bought it myself.

  9. Thanks to all who have expressed interest thus far. Details are in the works and a concrete date should be posted in about a week. Poker run seems to be the going concensus with stops around the area. Hopefully all culminating into a evening party where prizes will be awarded with perhaps a 50/50 or prize package raffle. Some area businesses are coming on board with some nice merchant donations. So it should be an excellent time. My friend is continuing to shock all medical professionals with his recovery and is currently walking with the aid of a walker, and was just moved to soft, but solid food. He is truly the epitome of grit and has already forced us to formulate a plan to rebuild his bike. Hell I think he would ride in his own benefit if he could. Thanks again, I'll keep you all posted and maybe try to interest some of the Columbus/Dayton area riders in the run.

  10. Hey guys, I havn't been a member for long and I havn't been around for a bit, but I wanted to see if anyone was interested in a benefit ride I am organizing for a brother of mine who had a terrible bike wreck just before father's day. A Semi traveling in the opposite direction kicked up a two by four which was laying on the road and it struck him in the head fracturing a orange sized portion of his skull after which, as he was already unconcious, he laid the bike down. 15 days of drug induced coma, massive brain surgery, and he is now actually shocking all doctors with his miraculous steps toward recovery. I will be shooting for mid to late september and will follow up with further details as they are structured, but it will be a good ride for a great cause, so if anyone is interested it would be greatly appreciated.

  11. Listen not to the fiendish heathens Restless! Those who have truly experienced the road know that there is a God,...........and he is a man.........a large bearded man with his knees in the wind. In fact, I went on a four hour road revival just this afternoon.

  12. Lima would be an excellent comprimise which could pull in riders from Toledo and BG, while even giving riders from say Columbus and Dayton a more central point for people to ride to as 75 and 30 both run through. That being said it is ugly as hell and they don't call it "little Detroit" for nothin.

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