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Posts posted by FranknStein

  1. All I know is if I saw some whack job IRA member stealing my kid in a boat and I was standing on the dock, a good cry would not be my first order of business I would address, rather I would find the first bastard I could find with another said boat and alleviate him of his keys, then I would methodically hunt down that Son of a Bitch and Kill him slow.

  2. I don't know, It's just that if I want drama there are smarter shows out there. Lets get back to ass kickings and rides, and every now and again one of Tigg's one liners like "That's why I beat hookers". I mean come on two seasons in and the club hasn't been to a single rally or race? Not like the clubs I know, outlaw or otherwise.

  3. Logical debate is the only arena we the people have. It is the last bastion of free and reasoned discussion untainted by the emotional and vindictive ramblings of people who are willing to swallow the talking points of appointed officials whose first concern is to be reelected. We have a president who thinks that policies can be implemented on charisma alone and a gaggle of political vultures who are ever pecking and waiting to pick the bones after he slits his own throat, all the while assuring him that he is doing what is best for the people.

  4. I will give it to Weston, that was a decent scene, but the plot twists on this show are just getting stupid. I'm really trying to like the show, and I have watched every episode, but let's face it, this show is difficult to take seriously anyway, and then you add in shit like "Oh yeah well, my Pres. and Sgt. at arms killed my wife and I've still decided to stay", and an Irishman kidnapped my son and I've just decided to sit here and cry on the dock. Sutter is killing my motivation to take out the trash before 10:00.

  5. I just have to come to the defense of this poor boy with no insurance. :violin:Jcroz, I just want you to know that I understand your situation and sympathize. All these mean people ganging up on you just doesn't seem fair, especially when one considers the fact that autism effects one out of one hundred and five children........that's ONE OUT OF ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE CHILDREN........so extinguish your torches and lets come together to help this poor soul. To learn more go to autismspeaks.org

  6. You ride a Maxim, it is not possible for you to sound incredibly badass:thefinger:

    It shall be badass my friend, once it is cut up, and then I shall hold up two fingers and be as exceptional as you. Here is a preview: :thefinger:

  7. Btw...i thought i was MR. asshat? Your Mr. Fuckhead. :???:

    Don't be sad, you're a great Mr. Asshat, and I am Mr. Fuckhead, I was merely referring to myself in the third person as a way of sounding incredibly badass, worked didn't it!!?!??!:cool:

  8. I am full of caca Gump? Do you understand what you have done? you have reopened the battle and now Mr. Fuckhead shall once again enter the arena to deliver an ego shattering come back...................................so................Shoosh!!!!

  9. Welcome, I'm new to the group as well, and would like to thank many for welcoming me, you've all shown me that the people here are great, but if you really want to get to know everyone fast, drop a hundred pounds and turn into a girl! Cheers Bitches!!!

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