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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. I love the confidence of snow tires, but I travel all over, and need them in many places. If someone has the means to put them on and doesn't, it's not worth needing them and not having them on, at least to me. I wouldn't run any less than a 50 side wall. The roads are too beat up in the winter, and I lost two tires and wheels to messed up roads last year, running a 40 side wall.
  2. LOL. Claiming rights to space and governing it is unimaginable to me right now.
  3. Waste. Waste of time and money if it were to try and be enforced from Earth. Waste for a business, because of non profit by the time you make it there and ship it here, you lose your profit + in shipping. You are in the red on the first batch.
  4. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=97302&highlight=hot+wheels
  5. This needs to be the focus and start point. My guess is, under heavy or repetitive work load, you are someone prone to injury. Not saying that as an insult. But you need to approach this realistically. Lie to yourself, and you will be hurt again, equaling more down time to recover. If you have never conditioned your body, played sports over a long period of time, worked manual labor, or just over all been active, your body needs time to make the change from the life style you have been living with it. Conditioning: I'm a fan of P90X "type" programs. There are probably 300 people on here that have a downloaded copy. Get it from someone, or some program like it. You need something with structure for you and your body to learn and adjust with. I say learn, because if you knew how to train you wouldn't have posted this thread. Plan: 6 weeks. Your body doesn't realize the change in work load for 21 days. It takes that long for your body to get with the program. Your head, on the other hand, is all about it and thinks your body is caught up and on board with the new change. NO!! First 3 weeks. Work with a P90X "type" program and go through it to learn it and how to do the exercises correctly. Form is more important than weight or repetition. Get the form down and the weight and repetitions will come a long. In the first 3 weeks, don't exert more than 80% effort. That's right, I'm saying don’t go to muscle failure or max out. You are still waking your body up from sitting on the couch and posting on CR all day. You need to find the fine line of getting a good work out, but not over doing it and getting injured. You might only work out for 15 minutes of the one hour training session. That's your start point. After 3 weeks, if you have no strained knee, tweaked shoulder, gimp ankle, or other area's giving you a problem, than go up to 90% effort for the next three weeks. And stay at it for the remaining 3 weeks. This is just at the point your body is realizing that it is going to be doing this regularly. Which means this is also a time when most people get discouraged and quit. You might not see any results in this time. And we are visually driven most of the time. We just aren't seeing the rewards for what we feel is 6 weeks of hard work. Remember, you have only conditioned and hopefully stuck on a schedule so your body is ready for more training. As for eating; eat to recover. Whether that means supplements or you eat good health food. Just eat to recover, and for the energy you need to train again. So let's hope you have no injuries and everything has come a long well. By this time you feel great. You feel strong and confident that you are doing things right. Guess what; don't let your head swell. You still have tiny arms and a bird chest. BUT, you should be prepped for doing some weight training. Now, you can call Sam and take him up on the invite to the gym. But now you have to get your head straight. Weight means nothing. You are there for you. And you are just starting so you can't give a fuck about what you MIGHT think someone else is thinking of you. And don't waste your time thinking about comparisons with some dude you sized up. Get your shit straight and learn to lift right. Now, Sam is in a way different place than you are. He has trained for years and has a demanding, manual labor, hard working job. His body has conditioned, and he has also trained. So don't expect to just jump right in where he is. Hopefully he will emphasize the importance of good form, and lifting the weight to focus on the muscle group you are trying to train. I'm sure he would show you several different exercises. From there, you can talk to him for a workout plan. If you train with him, stay on his if it fits your goals. If you are going to train alone, have him show you how to do the exercises right and then either put a plan together from bodybuilding.com or go with the guidance from a trusted person you know, or a professional trainer. When you start weight training, you need to go light weight. Spend the time to get the form right for the lift. One, so you don't hurt yourself and two, so you don't cheat yourself. I see dude's in the gym all the time whipping a 50 lbs dumbbell for a curl, throwing their whole body into it. That's a shoulder injury waiting to happen. Best part, they are bigger than me (I'm not that big a dude) but sloppy. My lift is precise, and my results are great definition and strength. Doing shit right has actually gotten me laid. Yup, I said it. Had a chick notice me in the gym. She wanted a test drive because she liked what she saw. Good times were had. Just saying, do shit right. It pays off. Paul, being in shape is a way of life. The better you take care of yourself when you are younger, the less work it is to maintain good health as you get older. I love it when people call me old. Most people I run into in their 20's are getting fitted for a recliner and already thinking they are old, like a retiree. Fuck that. Be active and stay active. Go run, fatty. Eat right. And if you discipline yourself a bit to stay with a healthy way of life, you will be all set. I’ll let the other guys tell you how to train. There are hundred’s of outlooks on this. But understand, what you want take doing it the right way for YOUR body type. Start now and you won’t have to have a nice jet ski to take the attention off your belly. Hahaha.
  6. Typically no markings, indicates cheap knock off. Might not be the case here, but might make tracking it down harder if it is and the company is out of business or small time.
  7. There were so many small details that made that vid awesome. Great work on the cars.
  8. Or mine. Ir was less than his and a great match for our cars. Good luck
  9. LOL. I meant iHop, like I hop. Seeings how he can't really walk right now. As in, he might only be able to hop. hahaha
  10. That is a crazy cast!! damn. Maybe taking him to iHop will cheer him up........ too soon? I had a family member that had both legs in cast's. Worst thing they said they ever went through. So helpless.
  11. Mojoe

    Survival theory

    Not going to quote all the good things in the last couple posts. There are great points made. Thinging things have a way of finding balance in the environment they in habit. Disasters and disease are likely events. Through this happening, people rekindle there willingness to help one another and are a stronger community after this. Think what 911 did for NYC. Our energy source's and food are an issue I can't fathuem. What is our fix to running out. Could it ever come to a planet wide deligation of certain area's for "so much farming, here and here"? You can't deligate it to, say all of Ohio if now farming. Bad weather hits and you've lost the crops to feed that part of the nation. Understand, this is completely unrealistic. I'm posting it as a "what if", and to spur thought. Jesse, where the fuck do you find some of the info you post? Does someone post, and then you do the searching for good intel? Or, and I know you pretty well, is this shit you already have read and just go back to it sometimes? I love it.
  12. Thanks Brian. I have spun this thread off topic though, and for that alittlelessordinary, I am sorry. Dude, you are a freaking talk man. That's cool you met Andy Dick. That dude has had way more shit go crazy for him than our crap on CR. haha
  13. Wow, this got out of hand fast. I just went to eat. Gabe and I are good, no issue. Brian, you are talking about John Bruh that said he would meet at BW3's. We exchanged thoughts. Sorted it out. No issues. Actually did a group ride with a few bike's and the FD on route 555 last summer. Good guy. And the thing at my party, the guy was a chain smoker, heavy drinker, 12 years younger than me, had done one training class and hits the gym hard. Claimed he had skills and at 205lbs, couldn't lose. I kept turning him down, but he wasn't letting it go. I'm far from good at any technique, he presented an option, I use it. He couldn't breath. And someone spilled punch on my carpet that night. It happens. The thing is people do post what ever and think there's nothing to it. I just don't dig the post pics of your wife comment. Added to, I have not seen this guy contribute a thing worth while to CR. It bugged me.
  14. Mojoe

    Survival theory

    Two pages late for being on topic, but at least you tried. Several options can work. And at all levels, need some of one thing or another. For that reason, there is not right or wrong to this. It was brought up to see where it would go and to see if people had thought through SHTF happening. Makes for interesting reading and showed me a little about people on here that I didn't know about them. As for anything else, I refer you to the thread where you asked to see more pics of the guys wife. Or you can PM me.
  15. Then post a pic of your girl, boy, lover, partner. It'll probably your hand at best. Then maybe you can ask someone to post pics of their wife. I'll be in town in January. If you think you want to or can shut my mouth, then PM me for arrangments.
  16. Mojoe

    Survival theory

    Logic is something seemingly far from what you display on this forum. Logic would be you not logging in any more. Or, maybe just reading and not posting until you get the hang of it. That would be the logical thing for you to do, since I have yet to see a post from you that offers anything of worth. You might are well post a period, . ,and hit submit reply. It's about the same value of the input I have seen from your posts.
  17. Need less posting from you.
  18. Saying that gayer than 8 guys fucking 9 guys. WTF would a hard on pill have to do with building a car? Somewhere in this 14 pages of fuckery you made mention of not wanting to be 160lbs and that you had to get bigger to be a man. My post above was mocking your statement. Like there's some scale out there to "pound for pound, determine manliness". And before the direction of this thread is changed any more, my car's and bike are all road course. You do your thing I'll do mine. Could careless about straight line and your pick up.
  19. Mojoe

    Survival theory

    I'm going to consider that a mushroom stamp. That's pretty damn funny.
  20. I'm 160, and 5'7". Come at me, I'll play. I just stopped in here to measure my dick. I've been using it to club baby Seals. So I thought I might stop in here and mushroom stamp a few clowns. So medication, or no?
  21. Rhett, I don't know you. I know we have been around a lot of the same people. I think you just posted about looking into new work too? Have you considered Contract work, being prior military? The pay is very nice and living conditions very from place to place, but that might be a good break from some shit for a year or so. Just seems like things are being a pain in the ass there. I couldn't live like that either, so I feel where you're coming from. Let me know if you are interested in someone the cantract company's. I have a few links.
  22. Since I can't be in this, here's the winning build plan. Play it again sports; buy 2 dirt cheap kids snowboards. Craigslist for a gamer chair, one that sits right on the floor. Attach chair to the boards. Teflon the bottom of the boards= catch me if you can while I chill in this chair. If running start is allowed, swap chair for 2" black matted foam.
  23. Even when I use to meet people for lunch to do business, I usually packed a lunch on days I wasn't meeting with people. I would eat at my desk, because time was money. And I would eat while I worked. I knocked down a few months with 5 digit paychecks working like that.
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