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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Mojoe

    Tilted Kilt tonight

    Food is horrible at Hooters, has the talent improved enough to go there?
  2. But when you MOVE, it takes it off the consol. Then when I want use that consol again, I have to MOVE it back, because it's not there. It won't just save.
  3. Anthony, I'll try that when I get home. Thanks for the tech insite/help.
  4. This defeats the ability to play xbox, watch netflix, or play lastFM all from the same device that should allow me to do it. I do not want to clutter the area with another device, I'm pretty sure there is a way to do this. I just don't know the exacts. I do Know it's pissing me off.
  5. Ok, saved to thumb drive, and moved to other XBOX, and still nothing. Even moved the profile to the HD just to try it, and nothing. It did save to the thumb drive, but then takes it from the living room XBOX because it only gives the option to MOVE the profile to a storage device, or delete it.
  6. Seems too simple. Now to see if I can make this happen. OK, where do I get the option to save my profile? Not seeing it when I view profile, or anywhere else.
  7. The fake head in bead was awesome. The chick in the end, I would have taken the ring back after her prancing little snobby bitch song and told her it was just a prank. Then I would have broke up with and and said that was real.
  8. This is an in home networking issue, to include XBOX live. I want to watch netflix in the bedroom through xbox live. I have everything in the living room already set up and working fine. I have a second 360, and all the wiring is done and hooked up to the net and a tv in the bedroom. The issue: Apparently you can't log into XBOX live from different consoles without recovering your gamer tag each time. Huge pain in the ass and takes away from what I wanted over all. I'm not trying to run both systems at the same time. I don't want to set up another account and that is all it prompts me to do. I recovered the tag last night and got the netflixs code to authorize the unit and it worked fine once I downloaded the required updates. Then I had to recover my tag to play in the living room today. I just like to watch a movie when I go to bed. Is there a way to do this that I'm over looking? Thanks
  9. Meeting a buddy after he gets out of work. Was Looking to head up there around 1 or so. Anyone interested in joining, let me know. And yes that means skiers too.
  10. Any work can wait till you are there. I would not even mention I was going out of town, much less out of the country and leaving my girlfriend at the house. Waaaaay Too many creepers and not enough ammo. Say something happens to her, I'm pretty sure the home improvements don't mean shit anymore. I don't care if she's a ninja with a .50 cal hidden in her vag to shot a dick, not worth it. Let alone rolling the dice on the job being done right. Nothing in here is worth it.
  11. 8 cylinders = 794 wheel HP in the garage and 7 wheel drive
  12. Mods and Specs Please. Nice, welcome.
  13. Mojoe


    Areed. This car will become your problem.
  14. Same here, twice, right and left side. Above pretty much sums it up. What ever you do, I hope you never have to sneeze while the stitches are still in. OMFG!!!!!!! Andvi hope you're not driving if you do sneeze. Horrible! Other than that. Let your body recover the right way and I was back in the gym in 7 weeks.
  15. That's a great deal. I really liked that tire when I ran it on my suby 4 years ago.
  16. This is a pretty good deal. I wish the specs listed that it has no forward assist or ejection port cover. Glws
  17. Kevin, I honestly don't care what you post. I like your approach to your projects for whatever reason you decide to do them. I think you could install a push button plunger in your car and detail it better than 90% of the people who jump in you posts. It doesn't have to matter that they wouldn't do that or they don't understand why you would. As I said before, in person most people would be all over your car respecting the detail and care you put into your own work. I'm not on here much. But I do enjoy seeing your posts, for what that's worth. Your approach is different than most on here, that's all it is.
  18. Welcome. Pretty good intro. Good luck finding the right FD.
  19. Sunoco first, always used 94 when they had it. Shell is preferred too. BP is last on my list. Just don't like the company. Though I have been filling up at Sams a lot and need to find out who supplies them.
  20. I have always eaten pretty healthy. I eat to recover. When I'm training, it's more restricted( real food and supplements). If Im in-between training, I love some wings and ice cream. I have not had any signs of fiber issues, but I do keep an eye out for it.
  21. I would work third shift. That traffic sucked. That guy's ok on a bike. * cough cough.
  22. Just trying to bring a little humor. Not received well by some. No offense, just goofing.
  23. My doggy style is sought after by many. Some have called it love. I just do my thing. I'm always protected, so I'm not really a breeder. Hope this helps.
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