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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Damn there are some dick approaches in this thread. You're not into what I'm into, so you must be wasting my time and be dumb. WTF? There's not one person on this site that would turn down going out and trying to drift a car on a track, let alone want to be able to have any precision with car control. This is his thing, why does it have to get your approval? Welcome to the site. It's good to see some variety around here. CR is a little like the dog pound. There's a little of every bread here and some don't get out much and start snapping at each other. Nice build. I don't know a thing about drifting, but hope to see you post more in the future.
  2. What exactly are you looking for for a stand? Are you looking for a speed bag? And what weight bag? Sports Authority usually has pretty good deal on what you need for home training. You don't need a stand if you have a basement and want to hang it there.
  3. Nate, drive my Legacy GT while your in town. I think this would be a great car for you.
  4. I looked almost a year before I found the on I just bought and six months for the one I have before. Good luck and I'll keep an eye out for you.
  5. Another uppity skank thinking her looks give her entitlement.
  6. Welcome to the Suby world Ramsey and Shanton. I just picked up my second one and am having a great time with it. love the reliability. I think it's more of an ultimate driving machine than the BMW I had.
  7. That was pretty cool. A healthly mushroom stamp on her forehead to finish would have been perfect.
  8. Fucking hate that song. Sirus started playing it about 3 months ago. I canceled my Sirus because of it.
  9. Mojoe

    are you back?

    Regardless of what I say, people will have their own thoughts and just say more shit and it will go on and on. I'll leave it at that. I don't know many people on here, so just understand where I'm coming from on this. This is a bullshit person who has dozens of times fucked people over to feel better about themselves. They have been given chances at every level and by so many people. Yet they continue to have no problem asking for favors and more chances after lying, cheating and shit talking people. What could you possibly think you will get out of knowing this person that is in any way good? If I was talking about shit from 5 or 10 years ago, then maybe I have no room to talk. I'm saying this is recent and appears to go all the way back to at least high school. What the fuck?
  10. Mojoe

    are you back?

    ^^ This and save a hoe are all that need said. My charity work is done. Potential can be wasted, just as much as it can be given a chance. In this case, it's a waste. My only point to posting this shit is this. The "Nice" person you meet, isn't her. It's who she wants you to meet, with a little of this, close to the truth, and a little of that, just so you stay interested. I will say, I guarantee she will think of me every Valentines Day, the rest of her life.
  11. Mojoe

    are you back?

    Here's what I'll tell you for those who think Mandie/gsxr750girl was a nice person. You bought the bullshit she sold you. I knew her through friends here for a few years. Hung out with her a few times mid 2009. Then she dated Nate a few months, while fucking around with on him with some other dude(married) by way of text, email, facefuck, myspace or whatever. Nate dumps her and a few months later she's slinging her bullshit to me. I see potential, but know her past. Don't get me wrong, I did like her. I give her the opportunity to un-fuck her ways and be straight up on things. She's all for it and tired of the drama. So for a few months she was on track. My work got demanding for a bit. And I had to go away to set up a school for a few weeks. Next thing you know she's talking to her EX. Everyone told me this would happen. I confronted it, "oh god, give me a second chance”. “I was just getting closure with him and he was crying saying he was going to kill himself". And by EX, it was not Nate. So I set the parameters of what's needed to try again, and she's all for it. Loves me to death and gets my dog tags tattooed on her back left shoulder a few weeks later. It must be love, right? 3 weeks later she complains that her sister in-law thinks I talk to her like a child. I said if you don't like it, grow up and get your own place and not move back in with mom and dad(she's 28). I had been paying for everything while she "paid dept from her EX off". She says she thinks she wants to be single for a while and I try to work things out, but she's done. Goes and gets the tattoo covered with some memorial for a friend from high school. For 3 months, she spent the summer leaching off people in the boat scene on the lakes and seeing a few guys and partying. Then she wants to patch things up with me. Tells me she hasn’t done anything with anyone and just wants things back to where they were with us. Not going to lie, we had had great times and I wanted that back too. Turns out, I was pretty much played by her. So, I knew how she has been, but I try one more time. And I'm seeing red flags everywhere. Bullshit stories on top of each other. She always wanted a dog and I got her one. Took her camping because we wanted to go. Get out there and she's a huge pain in the ass. Complaining and being a spoiled bitch the first morning and I start breaking camp to leave after she says she will have someone come get her. Then she's changes things up when I wouldn't play along. I knew there was something else going on. So, we get back in town and she says she's going shopping with her mom and grandmother. Ok, that's cool. Then next day tells me her dad has been saying she needs to spend more time at home and also that she misses him. Fine, no issue with that. She text me that night saying they were watching her favorite movie and having a great time hanging out. It just didn't feel right. Next morning I went to see her dad at his work. It's close to where I work. And I just ask him everything straight up. He blows her cover and tells me she never shopped with her mom and that he saw her for about 30 minutes that night and she left. He tells me he never knew we were back together and she had told me her folks were excited about it. I told him I was done and apologized for putting him in that position. There are some great people on this site who have known her a long time. I have seen her call you when she needs you, and only when you are needed to fix some shit she has gotten herself into. Her bikes broke, needs a favor. Why? Why do we keep giving this person a second chance, third and forth chances too. Mandie burns people. The grass is always greener on the other side to her. She will come off with the greatest of intentions and little by little, become a piece of shit and cater to whoever gives her a compliment. Her friend base will always shit with those that are close to her, because close to Mandie never seems to last more than a year. And I mean that from her best friend, to whoever she is in love with. She will burn you and then say she needs another chance. Problem is, she never appreciated the first chance you gave her and she just does the same crap again and now you're out the time and effort, knowing this is just how she is. She’s never held accountable for her actions and just shifts from friends to friends burning bridges. Are you the next bridge? This is all shit I have told her. I gave someone an opportunity they didn’t deserve. She told me all the same shit she told the other guys she fucked over. To include, “I put on 14lbs and think I’m pregnant”. “I kind of hope I am and it could fix us”. Nope, turns out you’re chuncky and getting worse. So there it is. If anyone has a issue with this and is her real friend. We can all sit down and see who is telling the truth. Just don’t be a bitch about it and run your mouth without knowing what really is going on. Maybe an intevention would help her. Randy, I'm fine talking with you too. I'm sure the shit she told me about you can't be all true.
  12. Can we fast forward 8 years into this kids life? LOL
  13. I'll be able to next week. Looking forward to being there.
  14. Just you, no family in the car, right? Hope so. Hate to hear about the car, Ben.The hand can heal.
  15. Faaaawk. Sorry to hear this. Hope he's ok.
  16. ^^ hello fellow banana. Pics look great. How was the park, as far as set up?
  17. On my second Legacy GT just because of a crazy deal I got on it. Nothing but regular maintenance and dominating the road.
  18. Please see my edit. I only wanted a high quality part.
  19. Jeff, I just called you on this last week. This just happened to me on my new daily driver. Previous owner put an Ebay header on and it was weak metal/shit. The flex pipe cracked in a few places, so I found myself with a loud annoying exhaust leak. Point is, no way was I wanting something that wasn't high quality. For me, stock parts to replace were $1500. After market performance, high quality parts, $500. No brainer. So that puts me middle range price wise, to what is being asked. But I would have paid more for the right part. I would say, have a good range, but only carry something that is quality. It's a headache for you down the road if it fails. If the comapny that made my head was still in business, I would be all over them on this piece of shit hunk of metal. Quality always wins the arguement.
  20. Mojoe

    A huge thank you

    I really hope it's understood that we, service members, are very grateful for the support we get. Many times we don't get to say it to people directly. I've been talking with several of the guys I work with about this today. All have said, they hope the person knows it was very appreciated. I just want to pass that along. I don't keep us free anymore. I now show others how to. But thank you Jeffro (yes, I see the chain effect of that)
  21. I don't know how else to put this out there, so I'm using CR. This forum is the broadest range I can cover locally. I have a very unique job here in Ohio with the National Guard. I've been doing it full time for 3 years and I have been in service for almost 19 years. I say that to tell you this. I can not tell you how many times someone has picked up my tab on a meal. It just happened again right now. I'm up north for a school I work with, and today is a half day for me. I want to say thank you to everyone and ask that you pass this on to any friends and family. Sometimes I don't get the opertunity to thank them, because they pay on there way out. I travel a lot. 5000 miles in the last 4 weeks. It happens every where. please pass this thank you on for me. It means a lot. Thank you
  22. Needed to quote, because SOP on a forum is funny.
  23. There is a noticeable sound from them on pavement. Adding studs to a tire can run $60-$100 for all four.
  24. No. It's $10 each. Last year was the first year of doing this. This is the first year, in 3, I'm not working there as an instructor. I just don't have the free time with my work schedule. That said, I tent to like to help and if I see you up there, feel free to ask for help if you want it. Also, you can just walk up to where lessons are taught and they will place you in a class. Talk to the instructor. Almost all of them will let you in the class free.
  25. FYI/ reminder, military passes at MRM are $10. Rental gear is another $10.
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