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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. I'm in VA right now and this was big news here. Everyone is very happy.
  2. I saw this last week at SEMA in Vegas. It's nothing less than ridiculous. Ben, there are pics in my Facebook of this thing. BTW, interesting to see a Vermont plate on that thing.
  3. Mojoe


    Were you out there for SEMA? If so, sir, We were there at the same time.
  4. Thanks Zac. let's grab a drink when I get back in town.
  5. Mojoe


    oh, and what have we here? Yup, trips.
  6. Mojoe


    I LOL'd. I'll be back in town Late November. Beatings will commence.
  7. Mojoe


    I has school and no game. Get your head start on me. You'll need it. I playz for realz.
  8. Thanks for sharing again. I had missed when you posted this before. Amazing to have survived those situations.
  9. Dad's just make it sounds easy when they talk about when they were in. Damn impressive to be awarded as your dad has.
  10. What are they selling for from NTB. I was seeing $140 ea. on sites. Yikes!
  11. to any Jarheads on here. It's an interesting road to travel as one, and to carry on what you know. Any of you that know me, know this toast. May we live as long as we want. But never want as long as we live. Semper Fi.
  12. Just want to say happy birthday to my fellow Marines. What's your favorite Marine quote or saying? "You're not a real Marine until you lose your rank". Chesty Puller.
  13. I did have fun there. Some good craziness in there. LOL.
  14. It's not updating. I had a 489,xxx and then 506,xxx that never up dated today.
  15. "it's about 270 hp. "Thaaaaat's enough to out run most cop cars". "I mean, it's sweet". "I have done upwards of 90mhp." "Trust me, that's movin". Waaaay to many priceless quotes in there. "When You pull over it's a favor to the cop?"
  16. ^Brian, you and Mel looked awesome. It must have taken her a while to get all her look together. Too much fun was had there.
  17. And thanks again for all the welcomes. I look forward to meeting you guys.
  18. OK Noob, the purpose of an intro is to READ it and see who the new person is. How do you have all these intraweb skillz and you fail at that? Cmon, you're the man at this. You skipped the main part. You can do better than that. Your questions are answered in my intro. I'm here to help you man. Welcome. We will have fun at this.
  19. Yet you still have penis envy. Frown for you sir.
  20. As flattered as I am to have your attention, I'd rather you didn't vent your hope for a homosexual encounter with me. Being a senior member, I would think you know that the advitar I have chosen is from the selection here on the site. I drink Red Bull. Pink, blue, purple, I could care less. It gives me wings. There are plenty of posts prior to yours that should have cleared up any confusion you had and you saying "Flirt with your feminine side" is just you starting shit and knowing different. So what's the deal? Did I drop the cock off to some one you had a chubby for and now you want to try me with your silliness? I posted my intentions for being here. Intro and lurk for 6 months. Where the issue? I don't know you. So feel free to PM me with what the issue is.
  21. I'm not sure where the grass skirts and coconut bra did end up. I think I saw the speedo in my storage unit a few weeks ago. Haha. Yota I will be tere this weekend. I was out of town this week.
  22. Ouch. I'll leave that alone for now. Good morning Mandie.
  23. Good morning everyone. Thanks again for the welcome. I know who Dover is, but we've never hung out. Some of you that have posted I know by face. I'll keep working on the names. I think I'll be seeing several of you this weekend.
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