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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Yes, I'm on CR. I'd rather not get grouped with the norm that site has a reputation for. Ricers and squids are equally frustrating to me. I teach at Mad River. I'm there 2 -3 days a week when I'm in town.
  2. Mahalo. As for the "Cool kids" or my "core group", I was saying that in a joking manner. I'd rather not name drop in an intro. If they post, that's fine.
  3. Arlington Cemetery is full of challenging emotion's. I do believe we could talk about that for quite some time. I'll make it a point to try and meet you when everyone is out sometime.
  4. I was where your sig pic is in April. There's some good words in your sig. Thanks for the welcome.
  5. Hello everyone. I'm the last guy who belongs here right now, that has the most potential to stay here. I don't have a bike. I haven't been on a bike in; well I'm guessing you guys aren't going to count my Huffy I had in high school, are you? I messed around with dirt bikes a little when I was a kid, but that's it. So why am I here? All the cool kid's are here. And from time to time, I get to hang out with them. Seriously though, I'm a car enthusiast who knows a bike is the next step for me to enjoy the track and the street. It's getting to be the time of year where deals can be had on a bike. I have a good core group of people on here that have been kind enough to let me bounce questions off them. So my intentions are to read as much as I can to be informed. And when the weather breaks, get out and ride wheelies and stunt like a mad man. Yup, I'm NOT that guy! Figured I'd upset a few people with that. I'll stick to riding a bike like I teach snowboarding. Ride at your level. It's safest for you and others. Thanks for reading.
  6. Do you think I really talk or post like that? Yeah, I was on board with the sarcasum.
  7. haha. And at least price it to move.
  8. I'm going as a jäger bomber. A vest of red bulls and a bottle of jäger.
  9. QFTT. Too many wanna be chicks working jobs that pay $7 an hour with a $600 hand bag some sucker bought to impress her. Sugar if good for viewing.
  10. No argument needed. It's preference of music that people like to play.
  11. Correct. And by song selection being weak; I looked through the download list and couldn't find anything I liked. I looked on the dick and was disappointed. Where as with GH, I have found several that I liked. It's preference. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67184&highlight=project+Natal And this http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67135&highlight=project+Natal
  12. I have recently looked into this a bit. In my opinion, forget rock band. The song selection just is weak. I play GH often at a friends house and it awesome when we get people together. 360 is where it's at. I just can't see entertaining other systems given the current awesomeness and the new technology coming for update in 2010.
  13. My Subaru will kill you. My Lib Tech will thrash you. You must be driving that car in Canada a lot with that 4" lift kit on there. Kidding on the Suby and Lib Tech. I won't thread jack this. Look for my post on playing in the snow, soon to come. Welcome.
  14. They are calling out the National Guard. Kidding. Or am I?
  15. LOL. I'll have corporate down here and then we'll see. Riiiiiiight.
  16. Berto, glad to see you doing what YOU want with the car. Of course I like to see the RX7's with the original motor they came with. Great deal on the motor. Hell, if I found one for that price, I'd entertain picking it up. Can't wait to see her done.
  17. Not sure on the plans for tonight. I saw your post though. What time are you heading there?
  18. Here's what you need to get in by 10 with at least 6 people. First, you aren't getting a table until your 6 people are there. Mid week might be more open minded. Unless, you drop $200 on your tab to start your night. if you are getting a hook up for a bottle and table for $40 or less, you and your 5 people are going to be the only ones there at 10 pm. I don't see that as a bad thing. I like my space. But, hell it's a Wednesday, it won't be too crowded. Which promoter are you getting your table through?
  19. I'm just glad to see our cars up and running. Mines already put away for the winter. Next year we will have a fun summer.
  20. Where does the line start for this? haha. Glad the car is out again and running well. Here's my bet to you Eric. I'll make more power than you an still not run within a second of your time with your time being faster than mine. lol. RX7's = 10 second power and 12 second drivers. That's just how we roll.
  21. Very funny vid. Don't really care if it was actual. Well played to his friends.
  22. Mojoe

    RX7 is done.

    Why's this in the kitchen? Any numbers? Build specs?
  23. Ouch. My ears and my eyes hurt from that.
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