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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Another for Jason at Performance Powder Coating 207-4705. He's Done over a dozen parts for me. I highly dought there is anyone else local who can put out quality at the speed he does, and still keep the price down. Call him. He answers his phone. It's a crazy concept, I know. When I was shopping around I called several places and left messages. I'm still waiting for a call back. Tell him the guy with the RX7 sent you.
  2. Mojoe

    I Laughed

    That AK is so heavily modded, it looks like and M4. True story.
  3. Brian was the only one interested in a time and I text it to him. You posted the time for Game works, so I didn't think I needed to remind you. I'm getting food now and vid starts at 7:45. That's PM, to avoid confusion. lol
  4. Food, Transformers 2, and Gameworks. Make it happen.
  5. Food, Transformers 2, and Gameworks. Make it happen.
  6. Food, Transformers 2, and Gameworks. Make it happen.
  7. In for whatever. I was thinking of seeing transformers 2 at the $1 theater on bethel. Then out for whatever.
  8. Mojoe

    CTS-v Help

    My buddy has one and we have gone back and forth about the 2004 ish V and the early 2000 M5. With you having a 540, what is it you are looking for in a V that you will not find in an M5? The price point is about the same. If you aren't looking to mod it, why the switch from BMW? On the V side of things. I've riden in my buddys several times now. Holy shit, what an over all fun car.
  9. Expect to sleep like you just worked a 17 hour day for the memorial tournement each night. Throttle steering an E46 through corners is what I miss the most about not having mine still. Really can't think of a better car to learn a track with for a first time out. You'll have a blast.
  10. Brian has been the king of short notice hook ups too. Like, "I'm on my way", can you get me on?
  11. A car was built and the design is not what most people do. It works. And seems to work very well. There's no claim to beat the space shuttle in a quarter mile. It's simply a build. One that was done here and now is going out of state. Is anything really going to come out of comments like, "it won't last"? And so what if the car weights 28xx lbs. Is that really all that heavy? Oops, a mis quote. And putting a 42R on something doesn't make it fast. Last I checked you have to still be able to spool it. That boost seemed to hit pretty quick to me. But, I don't know much about the build or these cars. Jesus, what ever happened to, "nice build".
  12. There are a ton, literally, out there. I know what you are saying. I see them and think they don't have a foot chase in them at all. They better be a good shot. I don't know the regulations for them. I wish they were held to the same standards though.
  13. Ohio Guard is 1000 over staffed. Which is a good thing. They are now looking to thin the heard. Finally people are going to be getting put out for not meeting the standards. The bad thing is, the standards are subject to interpretation and Commanders desire. It was said earlier that rank means you don't have to do as much. I will entertain that to the point of, there is RANK out there NOT doing much. It's subject to who you are and how you do things, Vs. what needs done. I've done more "lower rank jobs" in the last 2 months, than in the last 2 years. I do this to know what needs done and how to get it done so I can train the people I bring in under me. Scotty didn't just read a book on how to blow some shit up. He read up on it, then someone showed him step by step what needs done. There is just something very personal about static electricity and explosives that you don't get with out hands on. Correct me if I'm wrong Scotty. Point being, if out leadership is placed by educed standards than the downward spiral begins for our future ability. It should be the leaders or those "in charge", setting a higher standard for their subordinates to follow. Think of every military/war movie you have seen Were you charged up watching someone not be the way you picture the military? I talked to TroubleMaker about this last night. It comes to this. You are working for the people of your state or nation. They PAY you to BE ABLE to defend, protect, and serve in your field of training. When was the last time you saw an over weight State Trooper? I never have. They have a standard of weight control to keep their job. Why would it be any less for the military? Do you not look at someone in uniform and think, "I know they can shoot a weapon". It's a given. Right?
  14. Scotty, cover me on this for a bit while I shut this range down. We are talkin the same thing. When I get to my computer later I will expand on some things here.
  15. Brian, I don't know the details on if it flags you. This is all goes into play JAN 2010
  16. Just because you have rank and are liable/ in charge, does not dismiss you from being able to cover the man or women to your left or right. If you fucking make a bad call and you have been promoted without being able to DO the task, someone could die. It's a small set back, I understand. But it's bad enough to have a soldier die from the enemy, NOT because the command hadn't trained. Fuck you and get off my team. I hVe to care about you and train, but you can't cover me and don't care about your self. I dont fucking think so. Last week a kid came up to me while was getting out of my car. First question, are you in the army? Second question, do you shoot guns? I'm pretty sure the kid had a Russian accent and even he associated the military with being able to shoot a gun. I'm writig this while at a 9mm and 249 range. And I see fuckers that can't shot TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. Let alone prvide cover for some one. But, it's ok. Put them in charge because they read a book and passed around the answer key. (we all know that shit happens)
  17. Every soldier is a basic rifleman first. That's the standard. You can't join us if you can't hang because then the capable ones are carrying the weight of others. This isn't t ball, where everyone gets to play. And that's all this is going to do. And all the design and research is all contracted out to private sector corperations.
  18. I'm by far not the best at spelling. But posting from my phone seems to fuck up more words than I would I my own.
  19. I just found out today that the Army is no longer using your fitness test score or your score from rifle qualification toward your promotion points. This just shows me that we are leaning toward a more book smart and less capable military. You can literally go to a school now and not pass the fitness portion, AND STILL FUKING PASS THE SCHOOL!!! Really? This really doesn't affect me much at this point in my career. But, if I was a newer soldier and some asshole was in charge of me and can't pass the SIMPLE fucking basics of being a soldier, how the fuck can I respect your rank? Let alone if you try to councle me for proformace, I'm just going to laugh at you. WTF? Rant.
  20. Jesse, you ate called as of now. I found out at 1:30am, day of, that I was playing.
  21. Berto, I still find pics every now and then from that Halloween party when you were caption condom. I laugh eveytime I see them. When are you coming back in town? Happy birthday.
  22. Am I reading this to say stock turbo? What kind of numbers, to include MPG? Best of luck Ricky.
  23. Howard's car looked like he shined it with a chocolate bar. He dropped at least .15 sec off from reduced wind resistance after I touched it up. lol
  24. Thanks for the link Howard. I'm going to say the pic above is one of your last 2 runs. Your car is clean. lol. Nice pics over all guys.
  25. Looked all over you link, site, blog, bathroom, kitchen, everywhere. Nothing.???
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