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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Some of you who have been around a while know Mike. Those of you that haven't met him, are missing out. This is a guy with a wealth of knowledge in so many different areas, you can help but learn something from him every time you are around him. He spends his days with the richy rich of Dublin, yet can talk to the homeless guy on the street with out making him feel like a bum. I can't count how many times he has stopped by my place to help on my car and messed with things, while still wearing a shirt and tie. Mike you are a great friend and a true gentleman with a twisted mind at times. I'm proud to say you are a friend and look forward to being there to help you if you ever need it. Happy Birthday Mike.
  2. Defined Autoworks Contact Information- Here is our address- 12157 Broad st. Pataskala, Ohio 43062 Phone number- #614-592-7991
  3. I was going to say it was too. But, I repost on people too much.
  4. To cover yourself, make that extra payment separate. The best thing to do is talk to the lender and see how they apply it to the account. Banks don't all do things the same way. And there should never be a pre pay penalty on a car loan after 12 months.
  5. A tuned sound, is a great sound from a Euro car. However, don't be suckered in to "cool" by your classmates shitty car with a loud exhaust. Loud, is not fast. Don't be "that guy". Good luck.
  6. I agree with most of your point of view. However, the quoted statement above is arguable. I'm not sure if you were caught up in what you were writing. That would be understandable, if you were. But, to say that "all drugs are bad", is not accurate (notice I stay away from words like right and wrong). Almost every drug that is now illegal came from some sort of medical testing for a cure or treatment for some type of illness or hope to make our body better. Where drugs become "bad", is when they are used in excess, by dosage or frequency, or used knowing they are harmful. There are thousands of drugs out there that are helpful for our body, if used correctly.
  7. I just found out I don't have to go out of town this weekend. I will start unfucking my car and try to have it ready for Saturday night.
  8. The Audio sucks so you might have to turn it up a bit. But it's kinda funny to here her talk about Jail. http://www.break.com/index/paris-hilton-leaked-jail-phone-call.html
  9. It could go on and on. The base of the discussion would be drugs and end up about gun control and womens rights. It stems off of, why I can't do what I want to. Not a bad discussion over all though.
  10. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/repostpolice.gif
  11. I understand point of view and prescription. I see were others are coming from with this. It's hard to see why someone doesn't understand you when you are in the state of mind that it is such a make sense thing. When they feel good from it and don't see that there is any trouble from it, then why wouldn't someone want to do it? I could argue the pot side of things too. It's just been more entertaining to state the side I'm on. Taking things personally isn't too bad a thing sometimes. Sometimes you just want the support and understanding from people that you aren't doing anything wrong. That you are responsible with what you do. Steroids are illegal. Yet Deca, for my body type, would be absolutely fine in the right dose and cycled correctly. Not even Doctor's can put a patient on it to improve fitness or strength. And that is WITH their supervision! It's illegal. You don't have to agree with it. But, that is how the law is. What about smoking in general? My views are still the same as drinking or pot, but it's legal.
  12. If that is what you are getting out of my post you are missing the topic of the thread. You obviously have no idea where I'm coming from. The topic being should it be legal? My post was me stating an option for legalization. Freedom of privacy has nothing to do with it. At the moment, it's illegal. Meaning it's a violation of law with a controlled substance. You saying I have no idea the effects of marijuana/the habits of marijuana smokers, is you making a blind statement. How you are with it, and how others deal/treat it are separate issues. The same as if I have a few drinks I like to joke around. Vs. someone else likes to kick his wifes ass and rape the dog. What you know is what is around you and how you are. I could argue that extacy should be legal. I mean, after all, it was a prescription drug up to 1988. And what were the bad things to come from it? When DR's were interviewed and asked about it, they said that they them selfs use it and would continue to. It made them feel good. It relaxed and took away the stress of long days and tough situations. It relieve people of social anxiety. It was call the hug drug. I suppose pot has none of those characteristics? They are both illegal. They are both made with things added to them sometimes that can be harmful. A guy I grew up with has a chemical imbalance that was set off by smoking pot that had something added to it or it was soaked in something. Either way, there are bad effects to it. I get drug tested. I don't want it around me. I have fun without it, so it's hard for me to justify doing it. Again, this is my point of view.
  13. This is key. Only get what you need and like. I read your other 2 post prior to your edit. I think your current post is more accurate.
  14. you are getting several codes. That is why it may be several things. I know my first post labeled me a dick. The point I'm making is they know your car best right now. They can't say it's "this", when you have several codes for stock equipment. You modded the car and now the stock, non self learning ECU is throwing codes. Trouble shooting sucks. I know this more than most on here. If it's something you can not do yourself, you have to pay someone to do it who knows how to. EDIT: Also, is the car running fine? Have you check on forums specific to your car and seen if other people have run into this when doing the same mods?
  15. Why are you second guessing the shop you had work on your car? What if I take the time to tell you what I think the problem is? Are you going to ask everyone else what they think? Seems to me like a waste of my time if you aren't going to believe what I have told you. For what it's worth, unless you have some sort of piggy back ECU or something else to manage the motor, I'd say they pointed you in the right direction. But, What do I know, I'm a Mortgage Broker. Maybe you want to ask a gun smith says.
  16. I've not even read the replies to my post till just now. Bill PM's me wanting to know where I was coming from. I just replied to him and then read the replies from some of you. I'm glad that it frustrates and pisses people off. Here's what I PM'd Bill. Here's my thoughts on things: I'm not a fan of any type of crutch. If someone has a habit that is a controlled substance (alcohol is in this same category in my mine), and they go back to it to feel better or cope with day to day life. That is, in my mind, unacceptable. Medical reasons are completely different. But, if it's recreational and something that effects your life and those around you, that's dumb. So, with that said. In a system that allowed pot if it was registered, I would not want to live next to a registered address. Also, if I do a records search on the titles of the property around where I want to buy a house, and the same names have alcohol related incidences, I would not want to live near that element. It's just not worth the head ache to deal with the people that are typically associated with pot and heavy drinking. Now having read what some of your thoughts are, I will add this. Say my thinking is stupid, it doesn't make sense, it'll never happen; that's all fine with me. I know it's not going to. I know it's not getting legalized also. I also know that for ME, who's opinion I have stated, my posts support my views. As I said, you don't have to like it. I don't like pot. I'm not a big fan of drinking either. We all live different lives. What is important to me is my body, state of mind, and situational awareness. I seldom have the opportunely to just say fuck it, and get drunk or stoned. I also don't look at things in the manor of, I need something to deal with this. Some of you many not look at things that way. But, I do.
  17. Funny you mention passports. I called yesterday to get info on getting mine. It's a pain in the ass. It's $100+ after the photo. And it takes 12 weeks right now. If you want it in 3 weeks it's $180+. At least it's good for 10 years. Sorry for the thread jack. Why make them a state if we would have to carry them?
  18. http://giftube.com/gif/ooops-353
  19. It also has AUX out in the front and comes with the iPod cable. It is also set up for satellite radio. This is the same head unit I run in the RX 7. For the $, I'm very pleased.
  20. $24 is pretty funny. Happy Birthday, for what it's worth.
  21. Go to a driving school at Mid Ohio. Have an instructor in the car with you and be open minded to relearn what you know and apply what is taught to you. Fear causes anxiety. Fear stems from the unknown. Many of the things you have seen and had issues with, could causes you to second guess what you would/should/could have done differently in those situations. That = fear. Confidence concurs fear. Relearning basic and new driving skills, may help with how you deal with driving situations. There are many options to this. This is one worth trying. If you are so caught up and it's in your head, and you can't shake it, that's for a doctor to help you.
  22. http://www.comegetsome.com/game/20820/Spank-The-Booty.html My fastest has been 793mph
  23. Outside of your home; no way. IF it were to be allowed, I wouldn't call it legalized, it should be something your residence is taxed for, apartment or home owner. The amount should be regulated as to how much can be on site. From there it would turn into, I don't want to live next to pot heads. And, because the address has to be registered for use of the substance, it would be known to the public. You don't have to like this idea; I don't like any that have been said. This would be tolerable though. Med use is a whole different thing.
  24. There are a few of us heading over there now. After the game I'm BBQ'ing. Come watch the game and hang out. Bring what you drink.
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