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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Ben, this is your worst post ever. Well, this and the man code.LOL
  2. Though this is entertaining to read, it's false. The Marine Corps has never had a General Rienwald. The Army on the other hand, has had a Lieutenant General Reinwald. Though, the Army denies him saying that.
  3. Mojoe


    If rain = no show.
  4. Mojoe


    Are they going to be open this time when we all get there. I'll be calling before I head there to night.
  5. ^^ not surprising advise coming from someone saying "know thyself". ^^ Good words.
  6. Sorry to hear of her illness. What a straight up awesome thing to do for someone.
  7. So did the RX8 recover in his slide or was that a spin out half was through? Great pics
  8. Mojoe

    Wtf to do?!

    Thanks. I did't know we were going to lose so many people after BW3's . I was hoping to catch up with some people after a few runs. Next time. Your Z was looking good too.
  9. Mojoe

    Wtf to do?!

    It's running pretty good. I had to make a catch can out of a red bull can while we were out last night. And every now and then my air temp sencer will read -39 when it should be around 20, meaning I have to wait for it to come back before I can get on it. I'm looking to be at the auto X next weekend, but as always, it's up to the car.
  10. Thanks Berto. Those pics are awesome.
  11. Mojoe

    Wtf to do?!

    Nice to meet you tonight. I was nice to get a few people to hang out and finally get some runs in.
  12. Thanks Tinman. Heading out for the night now. See you guys out.
  13. Be advised; I have a tune, a mild one. However, You do not want to be behind me. I'll be out tonight. Anyone have a catch can I can use, Jegs won't have the one I want in till November 6.
  14. Maybe I caught traffic at the right time. But, It takes a lot to impress me on the road. I know I saw a lot more highway to race on in Cleveland than what we have here in Columbus. I've was at the airport here in Columbus twice this morning, before 7am. In that time I wittnessed some of the worst driving I have ever seen in Columbus. I had to hit the brakes so hard for someone changing lanes with no signal, that it is probably the 2nd hardest I've even had to brake in my life. This person remained clueless of what they had just done. No thought of anyone driving on the road but them. Unbelievable! Like I said I might be in Cleveland next week. If it's different, I'll post.
  15. I went 71 to 90, so I'm sure I didn't get a lot of exposure to Cleveland. But, from what I did see, I don't mind going up there again. LOTS of open high way for racing. Actually looks like I might be up there again in a few days..
  16. My whole office was slow today. The home comp is slow too.
  17. So on Sunday last weekend I end up going through Cleveland twice and notice something different about the drives almost immediately. They are actually on the road to GO someplace. I saw one cop on the way through, and he was merging on the high way and then got to the left lane and everyone got the hell out of his way. He then got up to about 85 mph and went LOOKING for speeders. I never have seen this in Columbus. People merged the way you should, not come to a stop and watch traffic, then get in the way. The left lane was actually the fast lane. When I came up on someone slower, they got the hell out of the way like they were sorry to slow me down. Not here in Columbus though, some ass clown will ride the left lane doing 66 mph. like it's the only way to fly. The two cities are night and day different. Columbus; I would call a business city. Where as Cleveland; as we all know, is very industrial. I found myself wondering what is really all that bad about Cleveland. The roads all need repaved. The hood like approach to many things there would bug the shit out of me. I'm not a big football fan, and Browns fans bug the hell out of me. But, the people I talked to up there were down to earth and friendly. Columbus can be a bit stuck up and anti-social, IMO. What are you experiences/thoughts? I posted this in the kitchen because of the tendancy for people to be defensive on topics like this. If it needs move, mods please assist.
  18. Crickets............
  19. A quality verbal beating has been dealt. Professionalism is huge.
  20. I ment his GF, but Malory is a nice girl too. Maybe you could help my friend Howard out and see if your sister would be interested in meeting his girlfriend and seeing how well the three of them get along.
  21. Props to Howard for such a nice girl. I just like busting his chops on her not being 21. Very cool girl.
  22. Berto, living the dream. Glad to see you on the move with the new career. I was at Tahoe once. Amazing views everywhere. Nice pics.
  23. When I went in they were listing to Dave matthews. Are they all "bros" at IPS. haha +1 on IPS. They did great work on my fuel rail and went far beyond what anyplace else would have done to do it the right way.
  24. Shut up, you fucking sinner. Quit getting dates with lego's and crayons. When you have one that is over 21, then you can have an opinion. LOL
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