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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. You simply limit your buyer if you sell. I agree. I'm not a realtor. I have completed the classes this year and I am a broker for a mortgage company. Working with property over the past 7 years, here's my experiance. Your appraised value will go up. Not much though; depending on how big the court is and the detail you put into it. Anyway you look at it, an appraisor can't give you more the $5000 value for it, and that would be generious. Could I be anymore tired when I wrote this? Sorry for all the edits on mis spelling.
  2. LOL. He works on Rotary's for a living.
  3. Mojoe

    FD owners

    The RX7 store is in Hilliard. A 3kgt/stealth is huge compared to an rx7. I should be around next weekend. Shoot me a pm and we can get together. I should be able to answer any questions, being a new FD owner and spending the last year on a full twin build.
  4. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1329362959167995041 Wait for it..... Waaaaaaaaiit.
  5. get back to work geek.
  6. I know an LS1 into an FD is going to run you around $7000. I don't know about an FC though. You can build a rotary with turbo and more power than the stock LS1, for $5000. Only issue is the rotary gremlins you have to work out.
  7. Fuck!!! Looks like I'm not the only one. Next weekend for me.
  8. Those CSL parts are not easy to get, Europe only pretty much. That car may be one of less than ten in the U.S. with those parts. The weight reduction is like, 150 lbs., I think. In the actual CSL, the floor of the trunk is a sheet of cardboard and you have to sign a wiever when buying the car for the tires I think. That dude has an easy $90K wrapped up in that car. Vaule or not, it's bad as fuck. Nice post Andy.
  9. Mojoe

    Gameworks 10/05

    Please....... say you were tired or something else. I beat your high score by 3 points, at least. We again will have to have a rematch. were you still there when I was shooting against that black guy? (no racial intent on this) I must have just been shooting well, because I beat him by about 8 points. I'll just write it off as a one hit wonder. "Boy... i will beat you in front of your friends. I will..." Don't call me "boy". I got balls big enough to carry around in a wheel barrel. Your days of talking to the little boys are over. Time to step up your game. LOL
  10. Mojoe

    Gameworks 10/05

    What, can I get no props in here for my basketball skills? Howard was "not playing well" for his pool game. I claimed the air hockey title, as stated I would. My pool game was on, but I don't remember how it ended up over all. And Howard should not be allowed to play darts. Diana, you and Malery (how the hell do you spell that?) were a lot of fun. The two of you need to come out more often. And Diana, for you I mean come out of the closet.
  11. Mojoe

    Gameworks 10/05

    I do too. That way all these leg humpers can see you in person and quit PM'ing me asking about you.
  12. Mojoe

    Gameworks 10/05

    Just a reminder post. See you guys tonight.
  13. Just a 2 rotor with stock twins. Nothing special. I just don't mind running if I can.
  14. I'm shooting for friday night. All pending tune of course. I'll be looking for some dig and roll action.
  15. BTW, this is exactly the kind of thread we should see more often. No mad shit talking. No thug for life approach. Just "hey, I'm lookin for a race".
  16. You would think they would know you over there Linn. Why do people build cars and get upset when you want to race them?
  17. I should be tuned this week. I have no idea where I'm at, so I'll be looking to compare.
  18. Mojoe

    new to CR

    I might be able to pull on him in 1st and 2nd, after that though, I'll have to smoke screen him. LOL.
  19. Most of these posts are just plain scary.
  20. Replace the word "chain" with "dick". that is all.
  21. Those dip shits planned it on a Thursday so they can still get a check from threir boss on Friday. Why not give yourself a three day weekend and do it on a Friday, Cuz you gotz to gets yo check fo da weekend mang.
  22. Mojoe

    Gameworks 10/05

    All games that do not give out tickets are included.
  23. Mojoe

    Gameworks 10/05

    ^^ come one out and meet some peopple^^ Don't worry about Howards homosexualy tendancies. Even with a hot girlfriend, Howard likes the cock, why is that?
  24. What exactly is ment by "* Optional Factory Police Equipment:"?
  25. Mojoe

    new to CR

    Hi Andrew. When are we racing?
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