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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. I absolutely make it a point to structure a sentence to the best of my ability. Am I right all the time? No. But, I know the world does not revolve around me. If I'm going to be on the web and be taken seriously, I have to communicate effectively with people. I also believe in progress, not regress. I'm all for opposable thumbs and indoor plumbing. We are beating a dead horse at this point. Car guys are not dumb anymore, espeacily the ones here. You will be verbally beaten if you do not conform. That is how it is here. Good luck. Hoody man, you are right about the first name thing.
  2. I'm normally not one to call someone out on the whole grammar/spelling thing. Your posts are a true nightmare to someone who has completed any schooling over the sixth grade. Capital letter goes at the beginning of a sentence. Using ... to start your next thought is not allowing the person reading it to see anything other than you are a babbling fool. Also, not reading the posts in-between yours is just opening yourself up to for you to put your foot in your mouth. You are right. I made a comment toward you. You certainly have the right to rebuttal. However your rebuttal was nothing more than what someone else had posted and then I concurred with" self ownage”. Therefore you were unoriginal. Does any of this help you?
  3. Thanks for riding someone else’s correction, you unoriginal fuck. And for the record; grammar and spelling are completely separate. Grammar is a description of the rules of the structure of a language; the way words combine, the order they come in, the way they change according to their relationship to other words, how they build up into units like a sentence etc. Let alone typing. Check your keyboard, I misspelled being, with bring. The "E" and the "R" are right next to each other.
  4. I'm pretty sure bring the Emperor of the world may require using complete sentences. Thanks for your application though.
  5. Hello Joseph your ideal job is an Emperor of all the world. Line up bitch's, it's showtime. We are all doomed.
  6. Eric, tell your girl I give her style points for uniqueness.
  7. I was on their site. I need someone to tell me how to get a deal on a 8125 smart phone. They say it's in their network, but know one knows about it. The 2125 is my back up though. Anyone?
  8. Dj, I would go with Verizon if they had not fucked me. I've been with Cingular for a little over a year and they have taken care of me very well.
  9. Looking to upgrade my phone and switch from ATT. I would perfer to go to someone from CR.
  10. Now it might sell. ty
  11. I <3 Jesse * I hope this isn't concidered post whoring.
  12. Please call this guy anytime day or night for help with your car. Thanks for the help wiring the EBC, Howard.
  13. Mojoe

    Umm.... WOW

    Nothing personal was ment at anytime. Just e goofing. If you see me out sometime say hi. I'll do the same.
  14. I've made this post before, but feel compelled to start/ state it again. I am constantly floored by the people I have met through CR. Never will I claim to be a mechanic. And there are people on this site that have amazing amounts of knowledge about cars and how to work on them; who are not mechanic's. However, those people have time and time again made the effort to share their knowledge and help out someone with a similar interest. I am someone who has received the aid of many people on this board. There is a friendship there, but I also know their time is valuable. I always fear wasting it, because I too value their time. As many of you know I have been putting together a full build of my RX 7, fresh motor, coilovers, and new brake components. It will be no record breaker for HP or high MPH, but it will be fun to drive every time. That is what I wanted. I want it to show its best on road courses and some auto cross. The engine has been done for over 2 months and I ran into a learning curve while working on the car at 3am alone (enough said). The suspension was completed last night and that is the inspiration for this post. One friend said he would be over after work to help with correcting my learning curve. Two other friends ended up being able to come over who had the tools/ knowledge needed to press in pillow ball bushings. This was a task I was not looking forward to doing. It was much needed and I just did not want to do it. They offered and beings that I know they have done this before, they are who would be best qualified to touch that part of my car. I accepted. The work done on the car last night was not that hard. I know that, because it didn't take them long at all. We used only hand tools and were done in a few hours. They made it look easy. I knew what they were doing, but no way would I have been able to do it so easily. While working I looked up and saw these friends sweating their ass’s off and working hard. Beer is a given as payment with some, but $2 beverages are not enough compensation for the feeling of your car being done right. These people know who they are. I will not mention their names, in fear of them becoming flooded with people wanting their help. Please know that the help that has been given on my project is appreciated more than I can express. Thank you. With all the people we have on this board and all the bickering that goes on here, there are people that will help you out when you need them. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to our automotive society the way these people have inspired me too.
  15. Mojoe

    Umm.... WOW

    It was her idea. And that's not me being fisted, it's your dad. I'm running the camera.
  16. Mojoe

    Umm.... WOW

    I'll let your mom know that.
  17. Mojoe

    Umm.... WOW

    Glad I could help everyone reach the next level of Fucked up.
  18. Wait for the end. http://www.bangedup.com/post.php?media=6447
  19. We have both said this before. Yet I don't recall ever reading a thread from you or I about getting a bogus ticket. The simple fact is, if you are going faster the the posted limit, you are speeding. The balance is there. For the most part we have all gotten away with the ones where we would have gotten in big trouble. If I get a ticket doing 80, knowing I have gone much faster on other occasions, I take it as win and pay up. It sucks, yet it's really not that bad.
  20. http://www.davesdaily.com/videoclips/464-sexy-golf.htm
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