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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Sam, are those the dumbell's only go up to 52.5 lbs. ? If not, what do they go up to? And how much for the dumbell's a lone? PM is best. Thanks
  2. 1-8k RX-7 FD 8-15k WRX 15-25k TT Supra 25-40k 2001 BMW M5 40k+ Spyker C6 (just because no one has one)
  3. I hit TJ MAXX and Marshall's all the time. You can get things for the house there too. Burlington Coat Factory is also a little known secret for good suits at low price's. End of season sales at Bachrach were the best, but now they are leaving columbus.
  4. ^^perfect. Nice work by you and that guy's a pimp.^^
  5. I'm a bank card magnet. If you lose yours, there is a good chance I'll find it. I've turned 3 into the same bank this year. Last time I went in with one, the girl was like where do you find them? So many people leave them at the drive through ATM. I have found them all at night and go to the perspective bank in the morning.
  6. Straps, You sound like a person who has encountered many challenges. There is a lot to be learned from this site and some of the best people you may ever meet are on here. We are understanding to people’s limited exposure to the automotive world. There are people on here who don't know shit about car’s (I might be one of them), but they don't run around saying they do so it works out. Just make it out on a weekend and introduce yourself without squealing your tires and you should be fine. Again, welcome.
  7. That dude going off the road and just picking it up and going again made laugh out loud. I got next.
  8. Good morning, Captain Vague. I can only assume that at 3:18 am this morning you were finishing your to do list and joining CR was the last thing on it. I understand the exhaustive process of registering on this site. That must be the reason for your lack of effort in your first post. All this taken into consideration, I ask you take opportunity to recover from this weak introduction. Don't be shy. "Basic trans" to me means you ride a horse. If you are sporting a horse and buggy, I applaud your uniqueness. I don't think we have any Amish members, so the more diversity the better. Please explain true horse power. Welcome.
  9. What is your full name? Might be hard to find you with out it. I can't promiss anything, but i will try to make it over to drop off some car porn to you. Good luck and like the Doc said, " you'll be fine".
  10. I have used 550's I'll let go. I know you're looking for new, but I never had a problem with them. Not even sure what they are worth. If you want them make me an offer and I'll get you taken care of.
  11. I couldn't agree more. No one deservers to have that set up more than you. You have months of hours in the details. I haven't seen the car, but i can't think of anyting damaged that you are not capible of fixing. This has to be very discouraging after all the work you have done, but don't part out. You have all the people you need to help. Just let us know when and where.
  12. Damn, don't log off CR for a minute. You will never catch up to the smack talk. Here's my ewe http://www.muttonbone.com/ Work safe
  13. ^^Mental image of you in those jeans. Ouch, that hurt.^^
  14. My apologies for my involvement of this thread getting waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off topic. Now back to our regularly schedualed beating of the noob's
  15. This post is blind shit talking with out pics. Or Stillman's verification. I have crippled an intire heard of sheep, but I'm not one to brag.
  16. A/S/L. Just kidding. I was going to ask which girl in the pic. Seriouosly though, You might want to PM a mod about posting this.
  17. Thanks Doc. I can relate to your pains of going through a build. Good luck with the build and take your time.
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