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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Mike , I want to see those in your car. I hope they fit.
  2. Same place, 133 mph in a BMW 323i. On a bike = shriveled balls scary
  3. Agreed. Andy is the shizzle.
  4. Mojoe

    Freaky shit...

    I don't live on the web. New to me. Ben you're a dick. You got me.
  5. I'd like to see $75 for them. P1 bindings will extend at the toe for a longer boot, as for how wide they are, I would say medium. When I road these bindings I was wearing Airwalk boots size 9.5. Airwalk at that time was making about the fattest boot on the market IMO, they fit fine.
  6. P1 bindings only used 7 times. They were $300+ new. I'm flexible on the price . I will Email pics to those interested. They are black in color and almost new.
  7. Berto, I can agree with the above. But tell me this doesn’t piss you off. When I was in the Marines my unit was called to an undisclosed location to protect several thousand middle easterners. Sadaim (sp) said he was going to kill the people and families of those that he believes assisted the U.S. in the Gulf War. We evacuated many people and made them U.S. citizens. Here's the piss you off part. Many of them were educated and brought allot of money here with them. We found them housing and set them up with EVERYTHING, from towels to food and cars and jobs. Plus, they were guaranteed at $10,000.00 note from a lending institution with no personal collateral. And, if they defaulted on this loan the loan was to be forgiven for the U.S. government to pay. I’m not sure of the exact details on that though. So what if everyone was given a $10,000.00 pot to start life with? Why again do we have homeless veterans?
  8. Since I posted this I have seen only a few cops on 315. Nothing I would consider out of the ordinary. I was wondering if anyone has noticed a difference.
  9. If anyone is going, I was thinking we should try to meet up for....... ummmm talant review? Some friends and I will be there the 1st throught the 4th. If their is a particular display or product someone wants info on, I'll do my best to get it. Just let me know.
  10. Right and wrong is nothing more then perception. We have a lot of diversity on this board; on some things we have to agree to disagree. Without getting too metaphysical; their will always be some sort of balance. We are actually closer to siding with one another simply because of the discussion. By one another, I mean those in the conversation. Now we know where the other one is coming from and we may not agree with your view. However, we can not deny that they have a point.
  11. 10xworse, I saw your other thread was not taken seriously and I understand you bringing it back here. But as with your post above you are off topic STILL. No one is talking about jobs taken by immigrants or asking you to justify your families participation in society. This forum will punch you in the eye; yes. However, going into an explanation of what is not topic to defend yourself makes it difficult for people to see your side. The "Flow" if you will; is then put toward a personal agenda. This opens you up for more personal attacks simply because people wanted to stay on topic and you have frustrated them. I feel some of your views are valid. But you hit people over the head with them, rather then help them see where you are coming from. The cab driver that I had this incounter with was a white guy, late fourties. http://www.columbuspolice.org/Reports/ReportGrid.aspx The police report # is 050929291 read his reasoning.
  12. Agreed, to some extent. Though I'm not fat, but a bit lazy now, I think that in some ways it would do people good to have to do physical work. I actually kinda wish I had stayed working demo. But, when you see an easier way to get paid, how do you continue to beat yourself up?
  13. I love how no one has replied to this. I see people on here all the time looking for work and here is a hard working , kick your ass job and nobody is responding. The pay sounds good and I bet the work keeps you in shape. Wnaplay, I don't know you, but I bet you feel like a million bucks for working as hard as you do. I use to be a crew chief for a demo team, it was some of the most honest money I have ever earned. I hope you find your man on here.
  14. Renner, when you type, I read. Your explainations are detailed so that you don't have to live under the hood to understand them. Thank you. BTW this is Bimmerjoe, minus the Bimmer.
  15. If the cab driver I had a run in with was not an American, I don't know what I would have done. I am very happy their was a cop there and how it was handled. All I can say is I am reporting him to his company(probably won't do any good) and looking into going through his insurance for the damage. Again, I probably won't get anywhere, but I'lll feel better than just dropping it. Greasemonkey, other than the words you may have used. I don't think you did anything wrong. You can't come into this country and run around like a degenerate on the roads. I would love to shoot a car with a paint ball everytime I see no turn signal or other stupid shit. Then people would know, hey that guy drives like an asshole.
  16. John, sorry to hear about the Vett. Big V8; turbo'ed? I hope to see it in the spring.
  17. This was almost a kill story. I thought I was going to kill this guy. So, I'm on High street tonight, heading north around campus. I'm in the right lane and no one is going fast, there’s no odd action going on or anything like that. Just regular traffic going slow. The car in front of me puts his signal on to turn right. I checked and the left lane was wide open. So I signal left and start to turn. This Cab behind me jumps out and try's to turn out and around me. My front end is already in the lane, and my signal was on. I finish my lane change and he's on my bumper, and then shines a spot light in my mirror. I change back to the right lane and we are next to each other at the light in front of Taco Bell. I put my window down and said "what the hell are you shinning a light at me for"? He claimed I cut him off. By this time I had my light out. It's a Surefire flashlight. If you haven't heard of Surefire, it's the small Super fucking bright light that S.W.A.T. mounts on their MP5's. I used it when I was in Iraq to signal car's to get away from my convoy. Anyway, I shine the guy with it and tell him it sucks doesn’t it. That's when he decides to throw a rock or something and hits my rear quarter panel. The light had turned green and their was no one in front of me. I mash the gas to pull up and get away from the guy. I go up about 100 ft and pull over. He is stuck behind a few cars. A cop pulls up right behind me and saw me take off. This is the best I've ever seen a cop in the right place at the right time. Granted, he thought I was driving erratically. I yelled back to the cop to grab that cab "He just hit my car with something". He tells the cab to pull over. Cab driver says he didn't throw anything. Whatever he threw did leave a mark though. The cop didn't see it happen, but said I could file a report. All this time the guy is being a dick to the, now 4 cops. He was smarting of to them trying to get them to hurry. He told them if I filed a report I would have to wait there for like 3 hours till someone from his insurance company can see the damage I claim he did. The cop said “no he doesn't". "When I tell him he can leave, then he can". Then the cop takes my report and makes the guy wait. The cops were very cool and understanding. They weren't taking sides, but they didn't give me shit for taking off like I did, and my tires were getting no traction. The damage isn't bad. I probably won't mess with it. I just wanted something to take to his company and report him, if I decide to. No one saw him throw anything, so I don't really have anything on him. The guy’s just a lying asshole and lost money having to deal with this because he wanted to throw shit.
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