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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Mojoe

    Weed trimmer

    Admittedly, my current one, I can easily do it one handed. However, the time has come that I need more out of my whack sessions.
  2. Mojoe

    Weed trimmer

    I can't deny, I whack a lot.
  3. Mojoe

    Weed trimmer

    Does anyone know a better deal, for same or close power, and cost? http://www.homedepot.com/p/Blue-Max-Extreme-Duty-42-6-cc-Straight-Shaft-Trimmer-and-Brush-Cutter-Combo-52623/204605454
  4. Ben and Jesse, the issue for me is time. I didn't have the time to do track days on the motorcycle and never rode on the street = sold it. Now it's hard to justify dropping at least $500 on a bike to do trail rides. I don't deny that I think it would be fun. I just can't pull the trigger on it. I have to run for my career, so 5K's and other events are things I can justify and squeeze in. Jesse, we will keep you posted on other ones we look at. We were going to the do the Pet Promise 5K, but I have an event that weekend. Let us know if you see one you want to do.
  5. Organized chaos. So, my wife wanted to do a distance running event. She has never been into running, but has been in fitness and training for several years now. She asked if I would run the Columbus quarter marathon with her, so I reported for duty. I'm not a runner either, it's boring, but I can chug along. The morning of the run, we got there plenty early, because I hate waiting in traffic and lines. It worked out great and we saw the start and finish line with no crowd. Being her first run, she registered our pace pretty slow, placing us pretty far back for the start. The staging areas were so freaking loud. The speakers were everywhere and just too damn annoying. We will bring earplugs to the next one. The people are an interesting lot. There was a whole a lot of tight clothing revealing more than I wanted to see. Some people take running so serious. One dude had to have over $1000 in all the crap he was wearing. I can only justify a good pair of shoes. On your mark, get set, GO! And we are off. I was a bit surprised by all the support and people out to see other people run. The signs were pretty funny. "you can't trust a fart at mile 9", "smile if you aren't wearing underwear", "you can do it, random stranger". The miles went by pretty easy, with bands and DJ's all along the route. My wife had been doing a little running, but never 2 miles without walking. We hit the 2 mile mark and had a small celebration. She charged on through the 4 mile marker, before wanting to walk a little. We walked about a half mile and got right back into it. The last 2 miles were a little slower. At the end she was pretty happy. It's just something she hadn't done and it turned out to be pretty fun. Just as we crossed the finish line there was a lady who finished behind us, whose nipples finished with us. That can not be unseen. I didn't know everyone gets a medal, I didn't know there was all the food at the end. I had no idea there was free beer and some other drinks. I had packed a bag with my workout recovery normal stuff. Overall, it was pretty fun. We will do other running events. There are a few 5K's we will probably do this season..
  6. Sunday, May 17th, from 8am-8pm. Location is New Albany/Johnstown, right at the line, about 15 minutes from Easton. PM me for exact address. This is still the 12 hour NRA Basic Pistol class that will cover all that is needed for CCL in Ohio. There is extensive emphasis on marksmanship, with one on one training. We cover all that the NRA and the state of Ohio requires, and much more. This is a one day course, so you get it done and over with. Please PM me to get in the class, or for any questions. As always, if you are interested in setting up a class with your family and friends, PM me to have a private class. Couples, PLEASE do all you can to do the class together. We want you both on the same page, as shown by the discount. CR rate is $75 per person + $25 for gun rental and ammo, if needed. Couples are $125 + $25 for gun rental and ammo, per person if needed. Non CR rate is $100 per person + $25 for gun rental and ammo, if needed. Couples are $150 + $25 for gun rental and ammo, per person if needed. We commit to making sure you are trained. If you do not pass the range portion, we will retrain you, at no cost, other than gun and ammo use if needed. If you don't pass the written test, we will work with you so you can pass it, at no cost. If you just don't like how I teach and don't want to retrain, I'll give you your money back. At this time we have no intention of going to a shorter class time; less than 12 hours. We have reviewed our course material and feel that cutting information covered does not serve the student best. Also, if you were a student of my course prior to May 2013, you are invited to attend any current class, free of charge. There is new material and technique being taught. Please message me for details or with questions you may have. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/0ED2FA9F-5384-4D0A-989E-622491238066_zpsyu3zxc2y.jpg
  7. Nice to see a project coming together. That thing will be fun to drive soon.
  8. Mojoe

    Good car day

    Having driven the 458, I would say he more than has me covered, by FAR. LOL. And it may be just as loud at WOT.
  9. I bid a good day to the fine gentleman in the Bently, on 62 and 161, this morning. I was in the RX-7, and he was behind me for the merge to 161. The merge was just a 3rd gear pull. He was kind enough to pull up next to me and a mutual thumbs up was exchanged. His car was a maroon/ comellian. Nice dude though. Then, on 270 between Easton and Hamilton Rd, a green Ferrari 458. He was cruising middle lane, and had no interest in playing, though I did not taunght. Fun cars out today.
  10. I'll check our schedule and post a thread with info.
  11. A capable caliber and skill. This clip, though it is Hollywood, is not unrealistic. See above. Weapons and equipment have come a very long way. But, it still comes down to math, skill and a weapon being capable. I teach basic pistol and CCW. There are plans for other classes. But, the format is not finished. For private classes, I focus on what the student wants to work on. Most of it has come down to improved accuracy with handguns. With the new range set up, there will be far more options for a variety of target engagements. However, the focus will stay at less than 100M. I don't consider what I teach to be tactical, so far. I don't like saying "Advanced XXXXXX class". I got burnt last year going to an "advanced carbine class" with a well known company. To me, it sucked. I'm not SF, or MARSOC, but they taught day one of basic training like it was the shit. I never want someone I work with to feel like that. 90% of the people out there would benefit from learning the basics in a structured way. There will be some classes in the future that focus on heart rate/stress shoot. The shooter will be moving from target to target, dealing with making a rushed shot and having some physical fatigue. We did some of this last year, and that was a big push for me to bring in all the dirt and shape the new range area. It's still very small time and private. That said, we could do a CR basic pistol class. I would want to keep it to 4-5 people, and it would probably be a 4-6 hour class. Thanks. How did I leave him out?
  12. Thanks, Eric. Let me know when works for you and we can go over what you want to work on and talk details.
  13. Just seeing this now. Already sold it.
  14. Admittedly, anything over 500M, I don't have that much experience with. I'm a bit on both side with distance shooting. I think a $300 bolt gun with good glass can hit a 1000m target. The consistency of the impact point with multiple shoots will be far more challenging to achieve though. I think more precision and consistency, with less effort and being subjected to the many variables of distance shooting, will cost more in equipment. Upgrading parts for smoothness and ability, will always perform. But, I think you can still get there, in many cases with less. I don't get into the long range talk much, simply because I myself have not been behind the trigger enough over 500M. As for "a better set up can equal better results". The basic fundamentals still have to be there. Breathing, trigger squeeze, position, sight alignment and picture. I teach starting with 3 of these as a focus, and then we build up to about 11 things coming together for each shot.
  15. This is what I wrestle in most classes. All of us guys were trained by Mel Gibson and Rambo.
  16. I held of saying that, because people create an image of contractors, and I would guess many were not thinking the student was a women. Thanks, David. I've been fortunate to work with people, like yourself, who have a desire to learn and a good ability to apply the steps.
  17. If changing oil was an olympic event, congrats on winning an event no one is competing in.
  18. Some people do things in different ways. I know I'm very good at breaking things and making a mess. If you're very good at changing your oil, that's great.
  19. People can show up with anything they like. What they want to do with it, and being able to do that with it, may be something different.
  20. Mojoe

    new daily

    Very nice! Classy and a performer too. Congrats.
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