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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. If it is just your carry gun, than that makes things more cut and dry. If you don't have that states required training and permit, you don't have a loaded gun, or gun on you. If your concern is how can you protect your family if you can't carry, then learning other forms of defence may be needed. I'm a fan of pepper spray. I don't like people defending themselves with a knife, because 99% of people have not training with a knife. Increase you vigilance and awareness and don't put yourself in areas where you think you may have confrontation. Being safe, with and without a gun on you, is a life of de-escalation and situational assessment. But, hands down, I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. Make decisions you can live with, and own the consequences of your actions.
  2. They can have different laws, and the same process follows if you are unsure. You can also read the state's Attorney General's site. I'm sure if the info is not there, it will have other references to assist.
  3. When I travel through states we don't have reciprocity with, I call that state's state police get the name of the officer and ask their guidance. I would also ask when on line I can reference what their states laws are. Then go to the web page and confirm the laws. Also, as an extra effort, when I travel through New York I disassemble the weapons. Depending on the weapons you have, this may or may not work. But, I'm trying to show as much effort as I can that I don't have any intent to use them where I'm not allowed to.
  4. Looks like a Spyker and a 370 had prison love.
  5. How did no one ever go take a shit on their door mat? Such a great oppertunity to communicate how much this guy sucked. Damnit!
  6. Mojoe

    Feel good story

    Thanks, Tim. Hearing that you stay in touch with your dads buddies he served with is awesome. Kudo's to you. I bet that means a lot to those guys.
  7. Mojoe

    Feel good story

    I got a text last night about 6:30, from one of my buddies from the Marines. He is the reason I moved to Columbus. Our busy lives haven't afforded us the time to stay in touch as we should have. Seems one of our other Marines was in town visiting and had hit him up. Plan was to head over to my buddies house to grill and catch up. There is no college or job that I can think of that connects people, as I have seen with my experience with my fellow Marines. We talked for hours, telling stories, remembering some hardcore dudes, and just catching up. As I drove home at close to 1am, I just kept thinking about where I would have been without the military. What I had learned from the people I was around, and how different people's lifestyles and values are. I think success is happiness. It is not a dollar sign or an annual income, or the material items out there. I think success comes later in life when you have balance and stability, and even clarity. It has been 20 years since I had seen our buddy who was in town visiting. To hear the first words of "you haven't changed a bit", is a pretty good feeling. If you have served, and have old buddies you haven't talked to in a while, reach out to them. Make a plan to meet up and catch up.
  8. Mojoe


    ^^That made me LOL Can be $1000 fine and 6 months in jail.
  9. Great idea as a new sponsor to do this. I have enjoyed seeing your Subie ventures. I will have to make my way out to see you guys. Unfortunately, I won't be able to go to this cookout.
  10. They are near by. Just talked to Les on the phone and said you referred them. I emailed my card, and he's doing an estimate now. Thanks
  11. As I said, that's what I had been doing.
  12. I had been going through Vista print, but just got jerked around with their website and customer service. My marketing department can order them for me, but the ones they get suck. Fast signs does them, but their pricing is $90 for 1000 cards. My last order on vista was $75ish for 1000 cards. I have my design. I just need good cards and someone to print them. Anyone have a name and number or website they use?
  13. http://vid.carbuzz.com/watch-this-nissan-gt-r-r35-driver-shit-the-bed-twice/?utm_source=300 Watch the video, then read below. What do you see. At first view, I thought they had been messing around and the benz was cutting over last minute, then break checked so the GTR could not. Then, once the GTR made it, it looked like the benz break checked him again. After watching a few times, I think they were both messing around before coming on cam. I think the benz was breaking late and may not have seen the moped at the light, then the GTR hits him, and the benz steered in front of the cam truck. The benz then hit the breaks because he had been hit, and the GTR hits him again.
  14. I did. You saw it as the top picture. Now it is massive.
  15. I can relate to that. You were a kid, and an adult understood a kid's mistake and saw you were remorseful. Adult to adult, I personally have a hard time being in his corner. My wife was cut off in traffic last year, and the guy slammed on his breaks. She had nowhere to go and hit him. It totaled her new car. She was so mad at herself, and it wasn’t her fault. When I got to the scene, I asked him if it was worth cutting her off. He wouldn’t even answer me. The guy knew he was wrong. I’ve been the nice guy and had to pay for it later. The phrase “no good deed goes unpunished”, sticks in my mind. Sure, it sounds like I’m a pessimist. I’ve been very fortunate in many ways. I just look at it as a realist. I didn't mean to jump in all negitive. I hope for the best out come for you.
  16. ^^ I applaud your phrasing and outlook, Doc. Well said. I seem to have some left over caveman to my approach.
  17. Some people will only learn the hard way. I quote Brian because you being the nice guy will make you a victim every time. Doing shit wrong is expensive, maybe he will learn that and you're here to help. We have a system, people don't have to like it, but you losing money and time for someone else is unacceptable. You comply with the system, laws, and rules, why are you letting him not do it?
  18. I had a post are writen up addressing qustions above, computer timed out and lost it all. Don't have time to write it all up again. Thanks everybody. I'll post when I have a day for shooting.
  19. I didn't see in here where anyone listed a go to company to do black top. has anyone worked with someone local and had a good experiance?
  20. Paul is hitting it right, something the wife may never have told him. Haha But seriously, there are so many shit guns out there and so many differences from shooter to shooter. I hate certain makes of gun for my hands and how I want them to function. Tim, get your hands on all you can and get your comfort sorted out. Know what you want the gun for, range and home deference use are good full size guns. Getting into a carry gun will need more thought for comfort on body, capacity you want, and caliber consideration. I don't have the variety in caliber that I use to, but you are welcome to come out and see what hand guns I do have and go over a few thing.
  21. As many of you know, I was looking to have some dirt brought in to shape my birm I wanted. I found a company in Westerville that was great to work with and they delivered 20 loads for me. See thread here http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=121584&highlight=trucking Sadly, I just wish it had be higher and been able to cover more area. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/D754C72E-7615-460B-8E38-D66889690035_zpsx5xcvdcy.jpg Last week I got a call from RKE trucking saying they had 30 more loads from a site near me, and asked if I wanted it. I couldn't say no. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/A02152C7-C787-4163-9629-C3F880F4D6B6_zpsmalkklbi.jpg There is a lot of grooming still needed, but I finally have enough dirt. I need to build stands for the 15 steal targets to get put up. You can see in the picture below, the channel in the birm. The back part of that gives me 100M from the back edge of the pond. It also allows for added distance when doing transition shooting for close ranges. With 12' walls and 50M of built birm thick enough to drive a dozer on, I'm good on the safety factor I wanted. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/Desrochers_zps21glzozm.jpg
  22. Mojoe

    CCW Renewal

    All I can say if call the sheriff and see what they say.
  23. Mojoe

    CCW Renewal

    Wife wife had been busy with work and we relocated to a different county than her CCW was issued. We over looked the expiration of hers and called the sheriff of our current county. They were quick to tell us it was no issue and she was not required to re-train. She made an appointment and the normal renewal process was followed with no issues. Different counties are going to have their own quirks. Just call and see how they want to do it.
  24. Defending yourself has no line for sex of the aggressor. He was dismissive, he made several attempts to create distance. He even took a hit and several shoves. Rule of three states; the attacker is going to continue or be more aggressive. He defended himself.
  25. Mojoe

    FD part deux

    Is this the one in hilliard that was for sale?
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