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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Glad to hear about the weight loss, Ben. GLWS
  2. I'd even look into replacing the cable through Cadillac. Those connections are known for having issues. There are tons of options with same equipment. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=cadillac+cts+ipod+cable&id=0DD68469FBF230C921785013969602EBC7646338&FORM=IQFRBA 6 weeks and you will scrap this idea and just place everything or upgrade.
  3. Still have a few seats open.
  4. I could very well be wrong, but wouldn't that be completely different signals that don't link? Getting a data signal to communicate with with frequency seems like going from High speed to dial up. I have a USB kit installed in the STi, so I can stream. I did not do the install, but was walked through how he did it. I hate wires, and I understood it pretty well. I would think what you are looking for, if it is out there, would become frustrating after a short time. At which point, you probably would go with a USB kit. On another note, simply replacing the head unit with anything current today, would have a USB for streaming. A head unit like that can be as low as around $100, and again are fairly easy to install. At which point, it would probably have bluetooth, which would fix what you want to do as well. Not much help. Just my thought on it.
  5. Not local, But I have done good business with them. http://www.rallysportdirect.com/shop/vehicle/2015-ford-fiesta-st-1-6?filter[categories][0]=54907746a0313cbf7e8b4776
  6. What's your budget? I use to score deals on nicer suits at DSW on sawmill road, then take the to be tailored to me. I've picked up $400-$500 suits there for $1xx Tickners is a great place, and you'll pay a bit to be a customer. I've never found what I like in department stores.
  7. Mojoe

    .458 SOCOM

    Unique tool for sure. Let me know if you need a place to "test fire" that cannon. Congrats.
  8. We have 5 in the class now and have room for a few more. Feel free to PM me with any questions.
  9. I love these cars. Audi had done a great job with making a sport sedan. Congrats.
  10. Post the best pic you can find on google, of how you saw other people dressed there, or how people dress when on site. I found this reference page that may help you. http://fashionnewtrends.com/mens-smart-casual-dress-code-2015/.html
  11. Sunday, September 27th, from 8am-8pm. Location is New Albany/Johnstown, about 15 minutes from Easton. PM me for exact address. We still the 12 hour NRA Basic Pistol class that will cover all that is needed for CCL in Ohio. There is extensive emphasis on marksmanship, with one on one training. We cover all that the NRA and the state of Ohio requires, and much more. This is a one day course, so you get it done and over with. Please PM me to get in the class, or for any questions. As always, if you are interested in setting up a class with your family and friends, PM me to have a private class. Couples, PLEASE do all you can to do the class together. We want you both on the same page, as shown by the discount. CR rate is $75 per person + $25 for gun rental and ammo, if needed. Couples are $125 + $25 for gun rental and ammo, per person if needed. Non CR rate is $100 per person + $25 for gun rental and ammo, if needed. Couples are $150 + $25 for gun rental and ammo, per person if needed. We commit to making sure you are trained. If you do not pass the range portion, we will retrain you, at no cost, other than gun and ammo use if needed. If you don't pass the written test, we will work with you so you can pass it, at no cost. If you just don't like how I teach and don't want to retrain, I'll give you your money back. At this time we have no intention of going to a shorter class time; less than 12 hours. We have reviewed our course material and feel that cutting information covered does not serve the student best. Also, if you were a student of my course prior to May 2013, you are invited to attend any current class, free of charge. There is new material and technique being taught. Please message me for details or with questions you may have. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/0ED2FA9F-5384-4D0A-989E-622491238066_zpsyu3zxc2y.jpg
  12. September 20th we will be conducting a pistol 1 class. This class is for the shooter who has the basics of handguns, but is looking to refine, build and possibly learn a better technique to ultimately engage a target more effectively. This is a skills building class that bring together reality and perspective of fight situations. Location is at the edge of New Albany and Johnstown. Exact address will be PM'd. This class is limited to 6 students. Price is $180 per person. This eight hour course will cover: -Timed shooting drill evaluation -Draw stroke to engage -Malfunction clearing and reloading in the fight -Transitional shooting -Weak hand and strong hand shooting -Numerous shooting drills, to include a stress shooting course and moving and shooting. -Final evaluation Equipment needed: -A semi auto handgun that you are comfortable with, and even a backup is recommended. At least 3 magazines of 10 rounds or more. If wanting to run a single stack pistol, 5 mags will be needed. NO REVOLVERS. - At least 500 rounds of ammo. No steal ammo. If a magnet sticks to it, you can't use it. Let's stick to 9mm, .40, and .45. Contact me with questions if other calibers are wanted. -A holster for your firearm. Open or concealed. Leather, plastic, or Kydex material is fine. Please contact me if you have a different variation. No cross draw or shoulder holsters. Strong side carry preferred, appendix allowed with proven competence. - At least two mag pouches. More if you are using single stack mags. -Proper ear and eye protection -Dress for the weather. We will shoot rain or shine. -Recommend to bringing a bag lunch. Fridge and microwave in classroom. -Ensure you are hydrated and ready to have fun. If you have a medical condition that is strained by exercise or elevated heart rate, please contact me to ensure the training is within the abilities of your medical condition. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/th_Draw_zps8odpjeso.jpg
  13. Did I see somewhere that 15,000 email addresses in their system were mil and gov accounts? WTF? This site is bad enough as it is, but that info just kills me.
  14. Cost of doing the rally is interesting to talk about. Registration $300-$500 Usually four nights in hotels $450ish Gas will vary, depending on what and how you drive. $300 -$500 Food $250 ish Pre rally prep $300ish Post rally maintenance $150, with no major repairs. Oil change, decal removal, and detail. It's pretty easy to have $2,000 wrapped up in a rally. Wear on parts isn't factored in the above numbers, but tires, brakes and clutch (if you have one) get a workout. My last rally finished out a set of tires and the clutch. Obviously you can spend less and do the rally, but I would say the $2,000 mark is pretty close.
  15. So, as many of you have posted in, and read about, Howard and I did a Pistol 1 ( P1 ) class this on Saturday. First, we want to say thanks to the people who could make it on such short notice of the class. And also, to those who have PM'd and posted wanting in on future classes. I'm not sure who had more fun Saturday, the instructors or the students. Everyone knows Howard and I will shoot all day, every day. But, when at the end of the day a student a pretty exhausted student, says "This is the most fun I've ever had shooting", as instructors that makes our day. Saturdays was HOT, DAMN HOT! Our risk assessment identified the demand of the course and the heat issues. Five people went through just over 40 bottles of water, not to include what the students had brought. Training under those conditions it tough enough, let alone running demanding drills over and over again. Let's just say everyone earned their shower that day. Our end of the day shooter evaluations showed noticeable improvements on shot effectiveness and decrease in time to take shots. We sunday was a private class with a husband and wife that had been students in our CCW class. They reached out to me a couple months ago wanting to learn the AR15 better. We went over the basics, made some changes in equipment, and they were dead on. This weekend, they wanted to focus on continuing the information and skills from the CCW class. The P1 class wasn't their focus right now, as they wanted more fundamentals training. We worked in some target transition shooting, mag changes, and hitting those basics over and over. And once again, it was HOT out there. After 3 hours, we wrapped it up and both shooters, again showed great improvements. Should have dates for next classes posted this week. Feel free, for those interested, to post future dates you know would work for you and we will do our best to target those dates. Thank you.
  16. Great write up, Doc. And thanks for introducing CR and myself to this rally group. Next year looks to be another 5 day out West. I'm not likely to do that. OVR may happen for me next year. Although, this years route looks great for the time of year you'll be going through Michigan. Glad is was a safe trip for all, with a good CR showing.
  17. Thanks, David. We are glad to hear you enjoyed the class. And thanks for bringing that Scorpion out, that thing was very fun to shoot.
  18. Thanks, David. Will let you know. Remind me to send you home with some brass.
  19. Thanks for all the kind words from everyone. Howard and I have really enjoyed working with everyone and we are pretty excited to offer this new course. We know this is a short notice class. We would like 2 more people in the class. That would give us a better idea on timing for drills, and expose challenges a variety of students may have. This is turn, would allow for us to mitigate those issues in future classes, if at all possible. Again, if gear is an issue for this weekend, just let use know and we can assess the situation and may be about to resolve it. Feel free to PM or call.
  20. Mojoe

    Windows 10

    10 was the last straw. 8 sucked and came installed on a laptop we bought 3 weeks ago. 10 install was already set up, I guess. Once it was updated, we lost the cursor. Did all the online troubleshooting, nothing worked. 3 hours with MS tech support, to include letting them remote in (I hate that). They could not fix it. We spent 10 days working on it, and said we were done. Had bought it on Amazon Prime, and sent it back for a full refund. Bought a Mac air that day and will likely buy another Mac for me when my laptop dies. I'm running win 7 ultimate and have no issues or interest in "upgrading".
  21. I have had several PM's about not having all the gear listed above for the class. If you are interested in this class, but may not have the gear listed above, we may have extra you can use for the class. PM me and we can see what works out.
  22. Have a couple people for this class already. Still plenty of open seats.
  23. Crossbows are the craziest want that you might not use much. I've had one for 3 years and love the damn thing. I don't shoot it much. But, that 5am coyote in the back yard, having a crossbow makes me happy I don't have to blast a wake up call to the wife with a gun. They are just too fun, and the price above is too easy to pick one up. GLWS
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