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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. You are going to read it however you choose, to keep your opinion of the guy and his situation. You are coming off like you are worldly, and see a big picture. When does your political campaign start? Walk to and from work tomorrow, and don't work from your home. If you did this, you may just get where many of us are coming from. Good for this guy, to get some recognition, and to know his efforts are appreciated. I would guarantee he has considered giving up. Now he is the role model in a time and an area that very much needs one. Those with privileged lifestyles will always be challenged to understand the many that struggle. But, the minute you look down on a good person, that is when you may want to see who you really are. What if your life was put on display for people to view. What would they say about you? Do you even come close to the inspiration this guy is?
  2. I don't think the doctor in your analogy would walk to work if they found themselves in a hardship. So, cancer didn't get cured. You can not compare apples to apples in your outlook on this. He is in an environment full of daily "quit", and he doesn't. If you can't respect that, then it's a pointless back and forth discussion.
  3. There was a time when I had to do a lot of walking, think Forrest Gump. There is just some things you think through when you are putting in miles and pushing your body. To know what you are physically capable of is an amazing feeling. The video didn't show him with headphones on. He just take in everyday and lives it. I'm guessing it might be the same for people who bike. It's easy for us to look at him and say he has misguided determination. But, I bet he feels alive and accomplished. He may not have the education to get a better job in a better area. For him, he may be doing just the best he can. I'm all for someone striking out on their own and learning the world and educating themselves. But, I'll never look down on someone sticking to the area they know.
  4. Detroit is the new Gotham city. Here's this "OLD MAN", as anyone would call him, and he is hardcore. So what if he chooses to stay in an area falling apart everyday. He's been there all his life. Jobs up there are hard to find, he has one, and he has his self respect. He lives his life for what he feels is right and makes him happy. You don't have to relate to it from your point of view. He breaks the stereotype, and yet some many of you say he's an idiot. That "idiot" is in far better health at his age than most in their 20's; aside from that hip issue. That "idiot" is not leeching off our tax dollars, like 90% of the people around him. That "idiot" and his value's are what we could use a lot more of in our society. many of you probably overlook how much inspiration he gives to the people around him. I guess if I woke up one day and didn't feel like going to work, and worked with this guy, I feel like a pretty big asshole. I just hope someone up there does not target him for all the money being raised.
  5. I'm more likely to believe had he not gone all over the net with this, they would have run him around a bit more. I think he covered his ass and positioned himself well. Yes, the dealer should have stepped up from the start. It does not appear they were going to. He said in the beginning he would not stop until the exact spec car was replaced. Glad it worked out.
  6. From the owner of the car: dealership told him to go through his insurance be cause it was a "deer strike". That lasted about a minute, now it's all in dealership hands from what I understood.
  7. The guy has posted this on every place he can. His WRX appears to have been being driven by a tech to go to his class at a local college. Says he will not stop until they trplace his car, not just repair it. Until then, he's driving one of their Legacy's. Situation sucks. Hope it works out for him.
  8. North east Columbus was getting snow. By the time I hit 71south by grove city, it's all rain and 34 degrees. There is no snow on the ground either. Highways are treated, but I was worried about black ice around 161/ Easton area. The temps area going to be what decides how this front affects an area.
  9. Driving to Arkansa later tonight for work. I'll update what I run into. Expecting snow rain mix. Hope it does not turn to freezing rain. You just can't drive in that shit.
  10. Considering it was 80 degrees in Oklahoma a couple days ago, and this storm is breezing from that area, I don't think we will have the temps to support making it snow. North of us may get the temps and a different story. Just guessing.
  11. I have a shovel with a duct taped handle. Bring it!
  12. Crossbows are an interesting tool. I love having one, and they are fun to shoot. Admittedly, I really don't shoot it much. It's like having a 32mm socket, you don't need it all the time, but you're glad you have one. GLWS
  13. Bump. Just had a couple people register for this class. it's four weeks away. Still plenty of room for more people.
  14. Making one extra house payment. Then with what is left, half to home improvement, other half to savings for home emergancy. IE busted pipes, roof issue, broken window....
  15. Tow strap is priceless. So sure of himself, "Well that's what you do with these straps". "No, no it's not". LOL
  16. Mechanically, many things are very similar with almost all subaru's.
  17. Not really the same thing. There have been some cross breeds of outback/ legacy's. The Forester and Outback have not crossed to my knowledge. The XT's however, have crossed into the Forester and the Outback. The XT is basically the turbo'd motor in whatever model car they put it in. It is usually somewhat limited in release, so they are fun and unique to have.
  18. 19 years old and out on my own. An Isuzu Stylus with the Lotus handling. I over paid by twice its actual value and had not idea until I tried to sell it. I was uniformed. Never again.
  19. Since the fix/ adjustment, have you had the same issue, or did that simple fix it? Sucks being a bit at fault. But, I appreciate the forwardness and exact details. That is a pretty unique situation that not many would run into. I would have to think its good info for Freedom Munitions as well. Thanks for the update.
  20. Mojoe

    Travel Agent

    ^^yup. AAA did out travel plans for our honeymoon. Good deal.
  21. I would do a phone call also. Get a name of someone reading your email and talk to them.
  22. The other factor to consider is, most trailer are loaded to max capacity or weight. Add snow to that, and they are possible over load weight anyways. My guess is most drivers care more about being caught over weight than snow/ice/deadbody/ or anything else laying on top of a trailer.
  23. I can't put one other person in the same category as Andy. That's not the case for all the others out there. Andy didn't have to speak up and give reason, but he did give us his perspective. I'm not putting the blame on one person who explains their situation. I think we can all agree that most people are just negligent to other drivers for their convenience.
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