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Everything posted by Anden

  1. Anden


    I would like to get out with ya one day. Just you ride when I can't or vise versa. Besides we need to finish at hinders.. I haven't been in there for years.
  2. Super envious of you guys, but I will catch you and hopefully surpass you. I just have to finish raising children.
  3. That's just it. Build a band living or dead members. Mike Patton Vocals Faith no More, Mr. Bungle, Tomahawk, Phantomas Odd ball guy but talented. Paul Gilbert guitar Racer X, Mr. Big, Self Phenomenal but goofy as shit. Rocky George guitar Suicidal Tendencies, Infectious Grooves, Fishbone Just a bad ass. Rob Trujillo bass Suicidal Tendencies, Infectious Grooves, Ozzy If you only know his work in metallica your missing out. Dave Carey drums Tool Could do anything the other idiots thow at him. Discuss
  4. Kids start basketball. This weekend or I would be all over it.
  5. Gutteral singing. Gotta give some love to a friend's band. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=VHqwzMZ_KUE&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DVHqwzMZ_KUE
  6. I have not listened to Snot (the band) for ages need to give them another listen.
  7. Yep need to log to see. I am sad.
  8. Do Not Want. http://dayton.craigslist.org/mcd/3431233293.html Discuss.
  9. ^^ this. Next size up was $50 than what I have but needed a truck to move. Wish I had bought bigger. You can always run a second larger tank.
  10. Edited my post above but I was running grinders and an impact. Does your air compressor run all the time? Even running a couple of nail guns seems to work the hell out of the small ones.
  11. 3 gallon isn't enough to run most air tools. Compressor won't keep up. I have a 25 gallon and it doesn't like air tools. Now its used for airing up tires. Most tools run @ 90psi. Keep in mind how much air blows through them to determine your tank size.
  12. I missed this too. And sit on a Suzuki. Well missed Columbus all together.
  13. I want a Daytona but for a commuter get any of the S3s and a set of clip ons for track days. Entirely different bike with clipons. I don't know if the Street is detuned or not. But its suposed to be a naked Daytona. PM coming you way also.
  14. Ditch boat and buy a trailer big enough for two bikes. So I can bum a ride.
  15. Delicious! Will your place let you have more than two?
  16. Anden

    Health costs?

    Is Meijer still giving some scripts for free? Anyone? This year my wife may have to take a different job so I'm not looking forward to the insurance payment and craptacular health insurance.
  17. Anden

    Road rage

    Had this happen to a friend of mine differnt circumstances though. Flooded road small truck and a bridge. Truck started moving with current so he put it in reverse. And an oncoming big truck soaked him. Head to toe. Funniest stuff ever.
  18. Oh man we would metal it up. wind our night out drinking and jamming out the Neil Young, CSNY, and Fleetwood Mac. But for the life of me can't remember how to play any of those songs anymore.
  19. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=09rHDabBQfA http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i4BNTTejNL0 http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4UTov4K6zEo Just a few.
  20. Chuck Billy, for the vein on music NinjaNick is talking about. Post up YouTube stuff later its lunch time and I only fuck off on the clock.
  21. It's not Obama's fault the answer is here: http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=TPMS6tGOACo&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DTPMS6tGOACo
  22. I know a person that works in a coal mine. He is getting laid off due to Obama as I am told. Does anyone know the real story behind this. I thought the US was a consumer of coal and couldn't keep up with the exporting of coal. So these layoffs make no sense to me.
  23. Dodge Magnum R/T 340hp people mover. 10-14k. Then use the rest of your money to get another bike. Or blow it all on same car just SRT8 version with 425hp and all wheel drive.
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