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Everything posted by Anden

  1. Put a coil on it and light them fuckers up. My grandpa did this to his truck when cb equipment was getting stolen out of it. Found the security guard laying next to it. As for legality probably not very. But I'm willing to bet the cops would look the other way.
  2. Welcome. I will let slingingchic give drop count on first bike. Man that bike is pretty.
  3. Throw this up on britrider.com and could you pm me your address. My pay pal is fucked.
  4. Takes two episodes to set up all the shit going on. LaGeurta is onto something. Louis being a prick. Quin and the mob Quin and Batista Dexter's serial killer rehab And they have yet to get into Deb's love of geriatrics. O whoever is going to be railing her this season (Masuka).
  5. Looks good and functional. Shoulda come out with us yesterday. We had a great time.
  6. R/T with 180 degree t-stat. Only mod for now. Will be doing exhaust, header and all. Then a dyno tune.
  7. Had to do phone out of pocket and take gloves off. Not really a comparison. We can burn them up next time. Chipotle also threw my phone for a loop.
  8. Anden


  9. Get your self checked out. Minuscule amounts of some chemicals can do some very serious harm. There is a welding horror story out there. Guy is fucked up for life from inhaling a very small amount of some vapor. Will linky here later.
  10. Dibbs on bike. I will take Landon also. I will pray for you. May your wife have mercy on your soul.
  11. Anden

    iPhone 5

    One bar 3g posted this while talking on phone. No wifi. Verizon network thunderbolt phone.
  12. Dexter will pin everything on computer dude. And they know about the slide. I mean he,was an inturn. And Deb will help him. They will also hook up after dexter explains it all. R Just my 5am tired as hell thoughts on this season.
  13. I may say fuck it and join yall. I need to put some miles in.
  14. Sorry I'm out I have soccer with one of the kids.
  15. Anden

    Ohio mile

    What's the admission price I need something to do with kids and this looks wheelchair friendly also.
  16. After watching a few of these videos. I hope every ticket sticks. And the folks that got hit by a police car. You were running. Deal with it. And if you ran with your girl on the back. Your an asshole.
  17. +1 to this. When I sold my boat I had people just show up. Figured it was due to the rare last name. Or reverse phone lookup. So now o reply with junk email then call them from phone.
  18. So after a conversation with my hog raising coworker here is the scoop. Yes farmers are losing about $50 a head when slaughtered. This is due to the fact that there are tons of meat in cold storage. The other factor is corn prices being high. He seams to believe that the industry is going to play a supply and demand game. Shorting the supply to drive the price of pork up. Yet keeping stock in cold storage to keep the buying price down for them. The only people getting fucked are the farmers and the consumer. The good news is you can get a lame hog from a farmer on the cheap. Add in proccessing and your ahead of the curve.
  19. Thoughts and prayers. Speedy recovery as well.
  20. I don't see why you all are busting his chops. I'm under the impression this is his fathers bike. If I remember correctly his father was wanting a Bonnie or a Monster. Both more highway friendly than slabbing a sportbike.
  21. It's ok a pig farmer I work with just expanded. He is holding an extra 3k head of pig.
  22. Creationists are right! The flying spaghetti monster put it there.
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