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Everything posted by Anden

  1. Was that the Days Inn on Needmore?
  2. Thanks. I bought the wifi backpac with mine, no phone app for it yet. But should be out end of July early August. Still tons of fun though. Kids have a great time with it in pool.
  3. Yes I did. It helps but, as you said the fly screen really threw me also. Looking for some editing software that I can use to fix it myself. Like I said in op need a better spot to mount camera. Would like to leave mounted on bike for the tilt factor.
  4. Well looks like BBQ for lunch now. Stuff looks good Brandt.
  5. Some videos of my first rides with GoPro. http://youtu.be/cPa7kZgXTgc http://youtu.be/ldt_IPB4C1M http://youtu.be/ueCE_Kb6hVw http://youtu.be/LC0BxzbDoi4 Any sugestions comments are welcome. I know I need to find another mounting spot. Suction cup is super shakey up as high as it is.
  6. I won't name names but, I thought there would be crying involved.
  7. You should do it. I play maybe once every two weeks. Just enough to stay rusty. But when I nail something the hair on the back of my neck stands up.
  8. Thought this was going to be about strippers. Very disappointed. But Hell if you can make it rain I will pay for your next car wash.
  9. Nice find. Feeling inspired now gotta hit the lab and practice.
  10. ^^ lights go out. Manages to find new avatar. I wonder if they point toward electricity.
  11. I hope you get power soon. My brother in law works for dp&l he just got home from work after 36 hrs. And I do believe the have called crews in from out of state. Hope they get your power on soon.
  12. Anden

    Gixxa parts

    How do the clip ons mount? What diameter forks do do they fit? May be interested.
  13. Looks like your a couple hours from me. I will see if I can free up the time. will save your number from post. I may end up free Wednesday or Thursday. By no means wait for me if someone has the cash. But this would get me geared up for a track day.
  14. 6' 2" 220# think the suit will fit.
  15. Yes a bill of sale should have a notery stamp on it. It is your protection in the event the bike is found to be stolen. And I would have it done with both of you present.
  16. There was one in Yellow Springs. Couldn't tell you the name of it or if it is still there. But they had piles of them. The last stop for goodwill/ salvation army before stuff goes to the dump is on stanely in Dayton might be a good place to check too. They sell by the pound there.
  17. This could be an E ORmony special event. "ORdn, hooking dudes up with dudes" I will be there! I want no photos though.
  18. I know you cant please all the people all the time but I would like some input. What makes a ride enjoyable to you? Is it the pace? The route its self? The people? The scenery? The destination? Just wondering, trying to put one together.
  19. That would be pretty fucking funny to see. Hell there was a woman run over participating in one of those. It was as couple of blocks from home. I think only the guy that ran her over stopped. The rest of them kept on trucking. When the police caught up to them. They claimed the didn't know it happend.
  20. Mine broke kinda need one stuck at work. 97 triple anyone? Anyone?
  21. Young? Seriously though what happend.
  22. Old yellow ford will take it all. That thing is a beast. But I'm not up there. If they are tough trucking listen for the last name young. Will be good.
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